15 آذار، 2022

إصلاح الخطأ 98 تم رفض إنهاء الرسائل القصيرة

إصلاح الخطأ 98 تم رفض إنهاء الرسائل القصيرة


Error 98 SMS

Android is a widely used Operating System with millions of users across 190 countries. Its features and abundance of applications have resulted in its domination of the mobile market. Android users are fully aware of texting. We all have sent messages to our friends and family via SMS. But sometimes, you may face Error 98 SMS Termination Denied when sending SMS via Android mobile. If you are also dealing with the same problem, you are at the right place. We bring to you a perfect guide that will help you fix SMS error 98.

إصلاح الخطأ 98 تم رفض إنهاء الرسائل القصيرة

How to Fix Error 98 SMS Termination Denied

Here is a list of the most common reasons that may cause SMS error 98 in your Android device.

  • مشكلة الشبكة.
  • Glitch causing SIM detection problems.
  • Outdated or incompatible Android
  • SIM inserted incorrectly.
  • Receiver number is incorrect or discontinued.
  • Presence of bugs and malicious content.
  • Corrupt message logs.

Firstly, identify the potential reason for Error 98 SMS Termination Denied and then follow the troubleshooting methods accordingly. It will save you time and fix your issue quickly.

ملحوظة: Since smartphones don’t have the same Settings options, the steps demonstrated here to fix SMS error 98 may differ according to the mobile and version you use. Users are advised to follow the instructions as per their mobile phone settings. In this guide, ون بلس 9R يؤخذ كمثال.

انظر أيضا:

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الطريقة الثانية: إعادة تشغيل الهاتف

If you think you are facing SMS Termination Denied error due to any temporary glitches or bugs in your device then simply restart your device and check if fixes the issue. Follow the guide to Restart or Reboot Your Android Phone.

الطريقة الثانية: أعد إدخال بطاقة SIM

Your SIM card may not be inserted properly on your phone causing multiple carrier-related issues. If you recently removed/changed your SIM card and faced the discussed error, reinsert it as instructed below.

1. بدوره اضافي your device and remove بطاقة SIM from its slot. Handle it carefully.

Sim Card slot in phone. How to Fix Error 98 SMS Termination Denied

ملحوظة: Never blow air into SIM card slots as it introduces moisture and can damage them easily.

2A. If your mobile has فتح فتحة بطاقة SIM, use a dry earbud, microfiber cloth and smooth fabric to clean its dust and dirt.

2B. If your mobile has فتحة بطاقة SIM جوفاء, use compressed air to clean it.

3. أعد إدخال SIM card and make sure it sits firmly in its slot.

اقرأ أيضا: 8 أفضل تطبيقات تنظيف الهاتف لنظام Android

Method 3: Use Correct Number

If you have typed an incorrect receiver number, your message will not reach the opposite carrier network leading to SMS error 98. Always make sure that the number of your receiver is correct and working.

ملحوظة: Don’t try to send SMS to a رقم الهاتف الثابت, you may face the discussed error.

1. Make sure your receiver number is ليس توقف from the carrier network. Sending messages to a discontinued network will lead to SMS error 98.

2. Confirm that your number is working and has no pending dues or bills.

3. Verify phone number of your receiver by using online validation tools.

ملحوظة: As an example, we are using TextMagic verification tool.

Phone number validation tool webpage

3A. In the online phone number verification tool page, type the receiver phone number في ال رقم الهاتف (إلزامي) الميدان.

3B. Select الدولة from the drop-down menu and check the CAPTCHA مربع.

3C. Tap Validate Number الخيار كما هو موضح.

Validate Number option

3D. Wait for verification and the result to be displayed on the screen. If it is not a valid number, it means your receiver number is out of service.

Result of verification of a valid number. How to Fix Error 98 SMS Termination Denied

Method 4: Top Up SIM Balance

If your phone does not have enough balance to send text messages, you may face SMS Termination Denied error.

Here are some numbers to check the current balance of commonly used carrier networks.

1. To check the ايرتل main balance information dial * 123 #

Airter balance check number in dial pad

2. Dial the given number as per your SIM manufacturer given below.

  • في حالة  BSNL main balance information dial * 123 # OR * 124 1 * #
  • في حالة فكرة main balance information dial * 141 # OR * 199 #
  • في حالة فودافون main balance information dial * 141 # OR * 199 #
  • في حالة جنينيو main balance information dial 1299.

Jio balance information number in dial pad

If you don’t have enough balance, recharge your sim and try sending messages again.

اقرأ أيضا: 90+ Hidden Android secret codes

Method 5: Reduce Message Length

Nowadays, many carrier networks split your lengthy messages. If your message crosses the maximum character limit and your carrier does not split them into multiple texts, you will receive Error 98 SMS Termination Denied.

1. Make sure your messages are within الأحرف 160. If your message exceeds this limit, split and send them as multiple messages.

2. Ask your مقدم الخدمة and whether they split longer texts into multiple smaller ones or not.

الطريقة 6: تحديث Android

If you are using an outdated Android mobile, you will face many errors along with SMS error 98. It is advised that you update your Android mobile by following our guide on How to Manually Update Android to the Latest Version

الطريقة السادسة: تشغيل فحص مكافحة الفيروسات

Any malicious or incompatible files in your Android mobile may lead to SMS error 98. Uninstall any application or APK downloaded from an external source. Check if the error is resolved. You can also use any antivirus app from our guide of 10 Best Free Antivirus Software for Android to detect and remove corrupted or malicious files. After installing it, follow the steps below.

1. انتقل إلى اللعب مخزن على هاتف Android الخاص بك.

Play Store app. How to Fix Error 98 SMS Termination Denied

2. Search for any برامج الحماية من الفيروسات in the search field as shown.

3. صنبور تثبيت .

4. انتظر حتى يكتمل التثبيت، ثم انقر فوق ساعات العمل to launch app.

تطبيق Avast Antivirus

ملحوظة: The steps to scan your Android device may vary depending upon the app you use. Here, Avast Antivirus - مسح وإزالة الفيروسات ، منظف is taken as an example. Follow the steps according to your app.

5. Follow the on-screen instructions and choose either حماية متقدمة (يحتاج الاشتراك) أو الحماية الاساسية (free). We will go with basic protection as an example.

Basic protection option highlighted. How to Fix Error 98 SMS Termination Denied

6. صنبور ابدأ المسح.

Start scan option

7. السماح access prompts, if any pop-up.

ملحوظة: In this app, if you deny access permissions, only apps and settings will be scanned which may leave corrupt files unscanned.

Access prompt. How to Fix Error 98 SMS Termination Denied

8. Wait for the scan to complete and once done, حل the risks found by following on-screen instructions.

After scan screen with results

This method should remove corrupt files or threats from your Android phone and fix Error 98 SMS Termination Denied error.

اقرأ أيضا: How to Remove SIM Card from Samsung S8+

Method 8: Delete All Messages and Call History

If you have no space to store your messages and your call history is full, new messages will not be displayed which may cause SMS error 98. In that case, you can delete all messages and call history as instructed below.

1. فتح الرسائل app on your phone and select any random text message.

Messages app. How to Fix Error 98 SMS Termination Denied

2A. Now, in the top right corner of the screen, you may see a tiny box to select من جميع الرسائل.

2B. If an option to select all messages does not pop up on the screen, you will have to manually select them.

3. صنبور القمامة icon present at the top right corner of the screen to delete all messages. This will remove all messages from your phone.

Trash icon highlighted

4. افتح ال الهاتف: app واضغط على ثلاث نقاط أعلى يمين الشاشة.

Three dotted icon highlighted

5. صنبور سجل المكالمات الخيار.

Call history option. How to Fix Error 98 SMS Termination Denied

6. Again, tap ثلاث نقاط أيقونة في الزاوية اليمنى العليا.

Three dotted icon highlighted. How to Fix Error 98 SMS Termination Denied

7. صنبور محو سجل المكالمات الخيار.

Clear call history option

Now you have removed all the messages and call history, check if it resolves the issue.

Method 9: Clear Cache of Messages App

Removing messages does not remove temporary cache and storage data in messaging app which is used to make it load faster. Any corrupt cache within the Messages app may lead to Error 98 SMS Termination Denied. You can remove cache by following the steps below:

1. انتقل إلى الإعدادات in your Android phone by tapping on معدات أيقونة كما هو مبين.

Setting option. How to Fix Error 98 SMS Termination Denied

2. صنبور التطبيقات والإشعارات.

Apps and Notifications option

3. صنبور انظر جميع التطبيقات.

ملحوظة: يمكنك أيضا النقر الرسائل directly if the RECENTLY OPENED APPS option pop-up on your device.

Messages app in RECENTLY OPENED APPS section

4. Scroll down the screen and tap الرسائل.

Messages app. How to Fix Error 98 SMS Termination Denied

5. صنبور التخزين وذاكرة التخزين المؤقت الخيار.

Storage and cache option

6. صنبور القمامة icon within تخزين واضح و مسح ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت خيارات.

Clear storage and Clear cache options

ملحوظة: You can follow the same steps to delete storage and cache data of the الهاتف: app too. It may fix Error 98 SMS Termination Denied.

اقرأ أيضا: 14 طريقة لإصلاح مشكلة عدم عمل 4G على نظام Android

Method 10: Factory Reset Android

If none of the above methods works then you have to try a factory reset of your Android phone. Only use this method if it is necessary and you have no other option. You can factory reset your phone by following our guide below.

ملحوظة: Factory resetting your mobile will erase all of your data and restore it to its factory settings. Therefore, you are advised to back up all necessary data before following the procedure. Read our guide to Back Up Your Android Phone Data. Then, after backing up your data, follow our guide on How To Hard Reset Any Android Device

الطريقة الثالثة عشرة: الاتصال بمزود الخدمة

If you are still facing the issue then contact your Carrier or Network Service Provider to analyze the root cause of the problem. Follow the instructions provided by the support team and the issue will be resolved.


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