Abril 20, 2018

Corregiu l'error de l'script de OneDrive a Windows 10

Fix OneDrive Script Error on Windows 10: OneDrive is a Microsoft’s service for hosting files in the cloud which is free for all the Microsoft Account owners. With OneDrive you could simply sync and share all of you files easily. With the introduction of Windows 10, Microsoft integrated the OneDirve app within Windows but as with other apps of Windows, OneDrive is far from perfect. One of the most common errors of OneDrive on Windows 10 is Scrip Error which looks something like this:

Corregiu l'error de l'script de OneDrive a Windows 10

The main cause of this error is problem-related to JavaScript or VBScript code of an application, corrupted scripting engine, Active scripting blocked etc. So without wasting any time let’s see How to Fix OneDrive Script Error on Windows 10 with the help of below-listed troubleshooting guide.

Corregiu l'error de l'script de OneDrive a Windows 10

Assegureu-vos de crear un punt de restauració per si alguna cosa va malament.

Method 1: Enable Active Scripting

1.Open Internet Explorer and then press the Alt key per obrir el menú.

2.From IE menu select Tools then click on Internet Options.

From Internet Explorer menu select Tools then click on Internet options

3.Canvia a Pestanya Seguretat i feu clic a sobre Custom level button in the bottom.

click Custom level under Security level for this zone

4.Now under Security Settings locate ActiveX controls and plug-ins.

5.Make sure the following settings are set to enabled:

Allow ActiveX Filtering
Download Signed ActiveX Control
Run ActiveX and plug-ins
Script ActiveX controls marcats com a segurs per a scripts

Enable ActiveX controls and plug-ins

6.Similarly, make sure the following settings are set to Prompt:

Download unsigned ActiveX Control
Inicialitzeu i escriviu controls ActiveX que no estan marcats com a segurs per a l'escriptura

7.Click OK then click Apply followed by OK.

8.Restart the browser and see if you are able to Fix OneDrive Error 0x8007016a & Script error on Windows 10.

Method 2: Clear Internet Explorer Cache

1.Premeu la tecla Windows + R i després escriviu "inetcpl.cpl” (sense cometes) i premeu Intro per obrir Propietats d'Internet.

inetcpl.cpl per obrir propietats d'Internet

2.Ara sota Historial de navegació a la pestanya General, fer clic a Suprimeix

feu clic a Suprimeix a l'historial de navegació a Propietats d'Internet

3.Next, make sure the following are checked:

  • Fitxers temporals d'Internet i fitxers web
  • Cookies i dades del lloc web
  • història
  • Historial de descàrregues
  • Dades del formulari
  • Contrasenyes
  • Tracking Protection, ActiveX Filtering, and Do NotTrack

make sure you select everything in Delete Browsing History and then click Delete

4.A continuació, feu clic Esborrar i espereu que IE suprimeixi els fitxers temporals.

5.Relaunch your Internet Explorer and see if you are able to Fix OneDrive Script Error on Windows 10.

Method 3: Reset Internet Explorer

1.Premeu la tecla Windows + R i després escriviu inetcpl.cpl and hit enter to open Internet Properties.

2.Navega fins a Avançat feu clic a Botó de reset in the bottom under Reset Internet Explorer settings.

reset internet explorer settings

3.In the next window that comes up make sure to select the option “Delete personal settings option."

Reset Internet Explorer Settings

4.Then click Reset and wait for the process to finish.

5.Reboot your PC to save changes and again try to veure if you’re able to Fix OneDrive Script Error on Windows 10.

If you are still unable to fix the issue then follow this:

1.Close Internet Explorer then again re-open it.

2.Click on the gear icon then click Internet Options.

From Internet Explorer menu select Tools then click on Internet options

3.Canvia a Pestanya avançada després feu clic a Restore advanced settings.

Click on Restore advanced settings button at the bottom of Internet Properties window

4.Follow the on-screen instructions to restore Internet Explorer’s advanced settings.

5.Reinicieu el vostre PC per desar els canvis.

Method 4: Make sure Windows is upto date

1.Premeu la tecla Windows + I i després seleccioneu Actualització i seguretat.

Actualització i seguretat

2.A continuació, feu clic Buscar actualitzacions i assegureu-vos d'instal·lar les actualitzacions pendents.

feu clic a buscar actualitzacions a Windows Update

3.Un cop instal·lades les actualitzacions, reinicieu el vostre PC.


Això és el que tens amb èxit Corregiu l'error de l'script de OneDrive a Windows 10 but if you still have any queries regarding guide then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.