Juny 16, 2018

How to Open Command Prompt at Boot in Windows 10

How to Open Command Prompt at Boot in Windows 10

How to Open Command Prompt at Boot in Windows 10: Command Prompt is one of the essential features of Windows, which is used for typing computer commands and is a command-line interpreter on Windows. Command Prompt is also known as cmd.exe or cmd which interacts with the user through a command-line interface. Well, it’s a powerful tool which users can use to do almost anything they can do with the GUI but instead with commands.

How to Open Command Prompt at Boot in Windows 10

Now Command Prompt is also important because when Windows fails to start, the cmd is used for maintenance & recovery. But again if Windows fails to start then how you are going to access Command Prompt? Well, in this guide you will exactly see how to start Command Prompt at boot in Windows 10. There are mainly two methods where the first one involves the Windows installation disk to access Command Prompt whereas the other one uses Advanced Startup Options. Anyway without wasting any time let’s see How to Open Command Prompt at Boot in Windows 10 with the help of the below-listed tutorial.

How to Open Command Prompt at Boot in Windows 10

Method 1: Open Command Prompt at Boot Using Windows Installation Media

1.Insert the Windows 10 installation disc or recovery media into CD/DVD Drive.

Nota: If you don’t have an installation disc then make a bootable USB disk.

2.Enter BIOS then make sure to set the first boot priority as CD/DVD ROM or USB.

3.Exit saving changes from the BIOS which will restart your PC.

4. Quan se us demani que premeu qualsevol tecla per arrencar des d'un CD o DVD, premeu qualsevol tecla per continuar.

Premeu qualsevol tecla per arrencar des de CD o DVD

5.Now on Windows Setup Screen (where it asks you to select Language, time and currency format, etc) press the Shift + F10 keys on your keyboard to open Command Prompt.

Seleccioneu el vostre idioma a la instal·lació de Windows 10

Method 2: Open Command Prompt at Boot in Windows 10

1.Insert the Windows 10 bootable installation DVD or Recovery Disc i reinicieu el vostre PC.

2. Quan se us demani que premeu qualsevol tecla per arrencar des d'un CD o DVD, premeu qualsevol tecla per continuar.

Premeu qualsevol tecla per arrencar des de CD o DVD

3.Seleccioneu les vostres preferències d'idioma i feu clic a Següent. Feu clic a Repara l’ordinador a la part inferior esquerra.

Repara l'ordinador

4.A la pantalla de triar una opció, feu clic Resolució de problemes.

Trieu una opció al menú d'arrencada avançat de Windows 10

5.A la pantalla de resolució de problemes, feu clic a Opció avançada.

seleccioneu l'opció avançada a la pantalla de resolució de problemes

6.Finally, on the Advanced options screen, click Indicador de comandes.

Sol·licitud d'ordres des d'opcions avançades

Method 3: Open Command Prompt at Boot Using Advanced Startup Options

1.Assegureu-vos que manteniu premut el botó d'encesa for few seconds while Windows is booting in order to interrupt it. Just make sure it doesn’t get past the boot screen or else you need to again start the process.

2.Follow this 3 consecutive times as when Windows 10 fails to boot consecutively three times, the fourth time it enters Automatic Repair mode by default.

3.When the PC starts 4th time it will prepare Automatic Repair and will give you the option to either Restart or Advanced options.

4.Click Advanced options and you would again be taken to Choose an option screen.

Trieu una opció al menú d'arrencada avançat de Windows 10

5.Again follow this hierarchy Resolució de problemes -> Opcions avançades

6.From Advanced options screen click on Indicador de comandes.

Sol·licitud d'ordres des d'opcions avançades

Method 4: Open Command Prompt at Boot in Windows 10 Using Settings

If you’re able to access Windows then you could start your PC into Advanced Startup Options.

1.Press Windows Key + I then click on Actualització i seguretat.

Actualització i seguretat

2.Des del menú de l'esquerra, feu clic a Recuperació.

3.Ara sota Posada en marxa avançada fer clic a Reiniciar ara.

Feu clic a Reinicia ara a Inici avançat a Recuperació

4.Once the PC restart, it will automatically boot to Opcions d'inici avançades.

5.Ara feu clic Resolució de problemes> Opcions avançades and from Advanced Options screen click on Indicador de comandes.

Sol·licitud d'ordres des d'opcions avançades


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