Gener 2, 2022

Com configurar les alarmes a Windows 10

With each passing day, computer technology is developing and activities more advanced than yesterday can be performed today. While this list of activities keeps expanding, it is easy to forget that your PC is also capable of performing a plethora of mundane tasks. One such task is setting an alarm or reminder. Many Windows users […]

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Gener 2, 2022

Com xifrar una carpeta a Windows 10

How to Encrypt a Folder Windows 10

Over the past several years, data security has become a very important aspect of everyone’s digital life. Be it their personal information on social networking sites or other online platforms or offline data on their computers and mobile devices, all of it is prone to theft. Thus, it is important to protect your data by […]

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Gener 1, 2022

Com actualitzar la biblioteca Kodi

Kodi, previously XBMC, is a free and open-source media center that lets users access a broad variety of media content by installing add-ons. All major operating devices, including Mac OS, Windows PC, Android, Linux, Amazon Fire Stick, Chromecast, and others, are supported. Kodi allows you to upload your movie library, watch live TV from within […]

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Gener 1, 2022

Com desinstal·lar programes que no es desinstal·laran a Windows 10

Intenteu eliminar un programa, però aquest programa no es desinstal·larà al vostre PC amb Windows 10. Això passa per diversos motius, alguns dels quals no estan relacionats amb el programa sinó amb el vostre sistema. Afortunadament, podeu solucionar la majoria dels problemes de desinstal·lació seguint procediments senzills. Aleshores podreu suprimir els vostres programes com vosaltres […]

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Desembre 31, 2021

Com arreglar Discord es manté congelat

Com arreglar Discord es manté congelat

Discord has amassed a sizeable user base since its launch in 2015, with the company expecting to have 300 million registered accounts by June 2020. The popularity of this app may be explained by its simplicity of use while conversing by text and voice, building personal channels, and so on. While application freezes do occur […]

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Desembre 30, 2021

Com utilitzar Push to Talk a Discord

If you have ever played multiplayer games on Discord with friends, you know how fast things can spiral out of control. Background noise is picked up by some headsets, making communication difficult for the team. This also happens when people use their external or internal microphone. If you keep your microphone on all the time, […]

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