Octubre 27, 2021

Què és Google Chrome Elevation Service

Google Chrome is one of the most widely used web browsers in the world. It stands unique among all web browsers because of its wide range of extensions and tabs embedded in it. Many tools in Google can be used for recovery purposes, for smooth internet experience while ensuring the safety and security of users. What is Google Chrome Elevation Service? Whenever you download and install Google Chrome on your PC, the recovery component, exclusively available for Chrome and Chrome builds, is also installed. Its primary task is to ensure a smooth installation process of Chrome and to repair the components if any issue occurs. Read below to learn more about it, Why & How to disable Google Chrome Elevation Service to speed up your PC.

Què és Google Chrome Elevation Service

What is Google Chrome Elevation Service? 

You will solely require Google Chrome Elevation Service during Chrome recovery.

  • Aquesta eina és licensed by Google Chrome.
  • Es pot utilitzar per repair or rebuild Chrome Updater.
  • The tool detects and tells the user for how many days Google was not updated

This service is included in the Chrome Application folder, com es mostra.

This service is included in Chrome Application folder.

Why Disable Google Chrome Elevation Service?

Google Chrome Elevation Service keeps a track of Chrome updates and monitors Chrome for changes and updates.

  • Mostly, this process runs in the background continuously and makes your system very slow.
  • Moreover, it adds additional services as startup processes. Thus, the overall speed of your system might decrease.

How to Speed Up Your PC w.r.t Google Chrome

However, there are various methods through which you can disable Chrome tasks, disable Chrome extensions and disable Google Chrome Elevation service to speed up your PC, as explained in the next section. You may also read Chrome update management strategies.

Method 1: Close Tabs & Disable Extensions

When you have too many tabs open, the browser & computer speed will be very slow. In this case, your system will not operate normally.

1A. Hence, close all the unnecessary tabs by clicking on the (cross) icona X next to the tab.

1B. Alternately, click on the (cross) X icona, shown highlighted to exit chrome and restart your PC.

Close all the tabs in the Chrome browser by clicking on the Exit icon present at the top right corner.

If you have closed all the tabs and still face the same issue, then disable all the extensions using the given steps:

1. Llançament de la Google Chrome navegador i feu clic a icona de tres punts des de la cantonada superior dreta.

Launch Google Chrome and click on the three dotted icon from the top right corner. What is Google Chrome Elevation Service

2. Aquí, seleccioneu Més eines.

Here, click on More tools option.

3. Ara feu clic a Extensions com es mostra a continuació.

Now, click on Extensions. What is Google Chrome Elevation Service

4. Finalment, desactiveu l'opció Extensió (per exemple Gramaticalment per a Chrome) and others. Then, relaunch Chrome and check it sped up.

Finally, turn off the extension you wanted to disable to speed up your pc

Llegiu també Com arreglar Chrome continua bloquejant

Method 2: Find & Remove Harmful Software

Few incompatible & harmful programs in your device will make your PC slow. This could be easily fixed by removing them completely as follows:

1. obert Google Chrome i feu clic al botó de tres punts icon to open the menu.

Launch Google Chrome and click on the three dotted icon from the top right corner. What is Google Chrome Elevation Service

2. Ara, seleccioneu Configuració opció.

Now, select the Settings option | What is Google Chrome Elevation Service

3. Fer clic a Avançat> Restablir i netejar, tal com es destaca a continuació.

Here, click on the Advanced setting in the left pane and select the Reset and clean up option. What is Google Chrome Elevation Service

4. Aquí, seleccioneu el Netejar l'ordinador opció.

Now, select the Clean up computer option

5. Fer clic a Cercar button to enable Chrome to find the harmful software on your computer.

Aquí, feu clic a l'opció Cerca per habilitar Chrome per trobar el programari nociu a l'ordinador i eliminar-lo.

6. Espereu que finalitzi el procés i Remove els programes nocius detectats per Google Chrome.

Mètode 3: tanca les aplicacions en segon pla

There may be plenty of applications that run in the background, including Google Chrome Elevation Service. This will increase the CPU and memory usage, thereby affecting the performance of the system. Here’s how to end unnecessary tasks and speed up your PC:

1. Llançament Cap de tasques prement Tecles Ctrl + Maj + Esc simultàniament.

2. A la Processos tab, search and select Google Chrome tasks corrent al fons.

Nota: Feu clic amb el botó dret a Google Chrome i seleccionar Expandir to list all processes, as shown.

Google Chrome Expand Tasks

3. Fer clic a Finalitza la tasca as depicted below. Repeat the same for all tasks.

End Chrome Task

4. Finalitza la tasca for other processes as well such as Google Crash Handler, tal com s'il·lustra a continuació.

Google Crash Handler End Task

Llegiu també Solucioneu el problema de descàrrega de bloqueig de Chrome

Method 4: Disable Google Chrome Elevation Service

Here’s how to disable Google Chrome Elevation Service and speed up your Windows 10 PC:

1. Premeu Windows + R claus junts per obrir Correr Caixa de diàleg.

2. Escriviu services.msc in the Run dialog box and hit Enter.

Type services.msc in the Run dialog box and hit enter.

3. A la Serveis window, go to GoogleChromeElevationService i feu clic amb el botó dret a sobre.

4 A continuació, feu clic a Propietats, tal com es mostra.

right click on Google chrome elevation service and select properties to disable it to speed up your pc

5. Click the drop-down menu next to Tipus d'inici i seleccionar Discapacitat.

Next, click on Properties. Here, click on the drop down menu next to Startup type | What is Google Chrome Elevation Service. What is Google Chrome Elevation Service

6. Finalment, feu clic a Aplicar > OK to save this change.


We hope you learnt Què és Google Chrome Elevation Service and were able to fix computer lagging issue caused by it. Let us know which method worked for you to speed up your PC. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.