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21. Februar 2022

Fehler bei der Verifizierung fehlgeschlagen beim Herstellen einer Verbindung zum Apple-ID-Server behoben

Fehler bei der Verifizierung fehlgeschlagen beim Herstellen einer Verbindung zum Apple-ID-Server behoben

Have you ever attempted to download a game or listen to music on your phone only to be greeted with an error notice that reads, verification failed error connecting to apple id server? When iOS throws you an error, it’s an unusual occurrence. The majority of them are straightforward and straightforward to handle. The error notification verification failed error connecting to the apple id server is an exception to this norm, which has baffled many customers over the years. Let’s examine what the most effective solutions are.

Fehler bei der Verifizierung fehlgeschlagen beim Herstellen einer Verbindung zum Apple-ID-Server behoben

How To Fix Verification Failed Error Connecting to Apple ID Server

Many people are having issues logging into iCloud and restoring from backups after upgrading to iOS 9. The problem isn’t a lost or wrong password or username. The login credentials are also flawless. When users attempt to sign in to iCloud, they see this error. Although verification failed error connecting to Apple ID server tries to be self-explanatory, there are a few possibilities.

  • When attempting to access iCloud, iTunes, or the App Store, several macOS and iOS users appear to be experiencing login issues.
  • As a result of this issue of verification failed error connecting to Apple ID server, some customers assume their Apple ID login or password is incorrect.
  • Please bear in mind that there’s a strong probability that your Apple ID is in fine working order. This issue might be caused by several factors, including a fehlerhafte Verbindung.
  • While the issue might be tied to your Apple ID, it could also be caused by a WiFi connection, date and time settings, VPN interference, or an operating system error. Here are all of your options for dealing with it.

Don’t worry, if you have a problem connecting to the Apple ID server, this article will teach you what to do. If you see an Apple ID verification failed error message, you have nine alternatives for troubleshooting. First & Foremost, check where all your Apple ID is being used & log out of all other devices.. First & Foremost, check where all your Apple ID is being used & log out of all other devices.. Let’s get this party started.

Why Does The Error Connecting to the Apple ID Server Occur?

This has happened to a few iPhone owners from time to time. When users try to log in to iTunes and the Apple Store from their iPhone settings, they get an error notice that says verification failed error connecting to apple id server This warning is inconvenient, and it may cause you to assume that your Apple ID is compromised. This warning is frequently seen by readers following restoration or an iOS update.

For the majority of the time, this difficulty is caused by difficulties unrelated to your Apple ID. Here’s how you may attempt to resolve the issue of verification failed error connecting to the Apple ID server.


If you can’t sign in to your Apple ID, the first thing you should do is make sure the problem isn’t caused by anything completely out of your control, such as Apple servers being down:

1. Besuche den Apple-Unterstützung Systemstatus Seite um mehr zu erfahren.

apple suport system status page

2. Verify that all of the services you require (such as the App Store and iCloud) are green. If a recent issue with a service has occurred, Apple normally provides a clickable link where you may learn more about it.

Method 1: Force Restart

If nothing else works, try restarting your iDevice from the beginning. Try the instructions below if you’re not familiar with the Forced Restart technique:

  • iPhone 6S/6S Plus, iPod Touches, and iPads with iOS 7.0 or higher: Hold down the Power and Home buttons together until the Apple logo displays.
  • iPhone 7 / 7 Plus: Press and hold the Volume Down and Power keys simultaneously on an iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus. Hold down both buttons for at least 10 seconds until the Apple logo appears on the screen.
  • iPhone X, iPhone 8, and iPhone 8 Plus and later: The volume up button is quickly pressed and depressed. Then press and hold Volume Down for a few seconds. Press and hold the Power button until you see the Apple logo on the screen.

Check to see if your device has returned to normal once you’ve completed this step.

Methode 2: Verwenden Sie eine Wi-Fi-Verbindung

When attempting to log into your iCloud account, make sure you’re connected to the internet through Wi-Fi. According to multiple consumers, switching from 3G/4G data to Wi-Fi addressed the verification failed error connecting to the Apple ID server issue. Make sure your VPN is also turned off.

If you’re still having issues, go to your menu bar and toggle the WiFi on and off. You can also turn on and off the switch on the back panel to restart the router. Then, to see how fast your Wi-Fi is, do the following:

1. Besuche den Speedtest Website .

2. Klicken Sie auf die Go button to see how fast you can go.

Klicken Sie auf der Speedtest-Website auf GO

3. Examine the internet speed. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) if the values are much lower than those stated in your contract.

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Method 3: Reconnect to Wi-Fi

Try this procedure if the last one failed to address your problem. Forget your wifi connection for a while and then log back in.

1. To connect to Wi-Fi, go to Einstellungen .

go to your phone Settings. Fix Verification Failed Error Connecting to Apple ID Server

2 Gehe zu Wi-Fi im Menü Einstellungen.

Go to WiFi

3. Tippen Sie auf die Info button next to your Wi-Fi network.

Tap the info button. Fix Verification Failed Error Connecting to Apple ID Server

4. Tippen Sie auf Vergiss dieses Netzwerk.

Tippen Sie auf „Dieses Netzwerk vergessen“.

5. When prompted to confirm your activity, choose to Vergessen.

choose Forget. Fix Verification Failed Error Connecting to Apple ID Server

6. Drehen Sie Ihre Wi-Fi off, wait a few seconds, and then turn it back on.

Turn your WiFi off

7. Wenn Wi-Fi-Netzwerke appear, select the same one.

When the WiFi networks appear. Fix Verification Failed Error Connecting to Apple ID Server

8. Melden Sie sich mit Ihrem an Wi-Fi-Anmeldeinformationen if one is necessary.

Log in with your Wi Fi credentials

9. Zurückkommen zu iCloud and attempt signing in again after you’ve completed these instructions.

Methode 4: VPN ausschalten

Today, more individuals are using virtual private networks (VPNs) to secure their privacy than ever before, which is a good thing. However, when trying to update your Apple ID settings or change your Apple ID password, your VPN may accidentally interfere. Turn off your VPN and try again if this happens.

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Methode 5: Netzwerkeinstellungen zurücksetzen

If you can’t log into your Apple services because your smartphone won’t connect to the internet, it’s time to do a Network Settings Reset. You’ll have to rejoin any Wi-Fi network you’ve previously joined after clearing your Cellular settings.

Hinweis: This process does not erase any data from your phone’s memory. Only your Wi-Fi credentials and network settings will be deleted.

1. Go to your phone Einstellungen .

go to your phone Settings. Fix Verification Failed Error Connecting to Apple ID Server

2. Tippen Sie nun auf Allgemeines.

Tippen Sie auf Allgemein

3 Wählen iPhone übertragen oder zurücksetzen am Ende der Seite.

Select the Reset section at the bottom of the page. Fix Verification Failed Error Connecting to Apple ID Server

4. Zapfhahn Zurücksetzen.

Tippen Sie auf Zurücksetzen

5. Zapfhahn Zurücksetzen Netzwerkeinstellungen on the pop-up dialogue box to confirm your decision.

Tap on Reset Network Settings. Fix Verification Failed Error Connecting to Apple ID Server

6. Wenn Sie dazu aufgefordert werden, geben Sie Ihre ein Pass-Code.

enter your passcode. Fix Verification Failed Error Connecting to Apple ID Server

Methode 6: Uhrzeit und Datum aktualisieren

This issue might appear on your iPhone after an iOS update in some cases. This problem occurs on older iPhone devices from time to time. The device system’s date and time settings get out of sync for whatever reason. There might be an issue if your date and time differ from what the Apple ID server believes they should be. In your iPhone settings, make sure Set Date Time Automatically is enabled to fix verification failed error connecting to Apple ID server.

1. To change the date and time settings, go to your phone Einstellungen .

go to your phone Settings. Fix Verification Failed Error Connecting to Apple ID Server

2. Tippen Sie auf General now.

Tap on General. Fix Verification Failed Error Connecting to Apple ID Server

3. Tippen Sie auf Datum & Zeit.

Tippen Sie auf Datum und Uhrzeit

4. Switch the TV on. Toggle and double-check that you’re in the richtige Zeitzone automatisch.

Toggle and double check that you're in the right time zone automatically. Fix Verification Failed Error Connecting to Apple ID Server

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Methode 7: Sign Out from iTunes & App Store

Since you’re seeing an error connecting to the apple id server, and we already know that Apple servers are up and running, you may try signing out of your Apple ID and then signing back in to see if it fixes any issues.

1. Even if you’re having trouble logging in to iCloud, öffne das Einstellungen App.

go to your phone Settings

2. Tippen Sie auf Profile options.

Gehen Sie zu Ihren Profiloptionen im iPhone, um auf die Apple-ID und die iCloud-Einstellungen zuzugreifen

3. Swipe to the bottom and tap on the Abmelden .

tap on sign out option in Apple ID profile menu iphone

4. Geben Sie Ihr Passcode and sign out your Apple ID.

5. Gehe jetzt zu iCloud and sign in once again.

Method 8: Change Your Apple ID Password

The message that there was an error connecting to the Apple ID server may be related to authentication. If you haven’t updated your Apple ID password in a long time, it could not be strong enough to fulfill Apple’s requirements. That may be what’s causing the issue with verification. Fortunately, you can alter it from any device that has access to the internet. To reset your Apple ID password, follow these steps:

1. Gehen Sie zum apple ID Seite. Tippen Sie auf Anmelden.

Tap on Sign In

2. Melden Sie sich mit Ihrem an apple ID.

Melden Sie sich mit Ihrer Apple ID an

3. Tippen Sie auf Passwort.

Tap on password. Fix Verification Failed Error Connecting to Apple ID Server

4. Wähle ein Neues Kennwort und geben Sie Ihr ein Aktuelles Passwort. You’ll have to input the new password twice to make sure it’s correct.

Choose a new password and enter your current password

5. You’ll need to Aktualisierung it on all of your Devices once the page accepts it.

Your iCloud account should now be accessible from any Apple device.

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Method 9: Use Verification Code

It’s conceivable that the issue connecting to the Apple ID server is due to a momentary glitch. Your iPhone may not always synchronize correctly with the Apple server. This problem may be caused by the iPhone’s inability to correctly sync with your Apple ID. As a result, we’ll use a verification code to validate our login in this phase.

1. On any other iPhone, sign in with your apple ID.

2. Navigieren Sie zu Einstellungen .

go to your phone Settings. Fix Verification Failed Error Connecting to Apple ID Server

3. Tippen Sie auf Ihre Profil.

Tap on your Profile

4. Tippen Sie dann auf Passwort und Sicherheit.

tap on Password Security. Fix Verification Failed Error Connecting to Apple ID Server

5. Tippen Sie anschließend auf Bestätigungscode erhalten under Password and Security.

tap on Get Verification Code

6. To fully resolve the issue, enter this bestätigungs-code into the iPhone that is displaying the error.

7. Also, remove any VPNs, OpenDNS, oder Cisco Regenschirm that you may have installed on your device since they may prohibit you from connecting to Apple Servers.

Methode 10: Software-Update durchführen

Check to see if your gadget is up to current. If this is not the case, you may simply upgrade your iOS software to the latest version. Here’s how to perform software update to fix verification failed error connecting to Apple ID server.

1. Gehen Sie zum Einstellungen Menü.

go to your phone Settings. Fix Verification Failed Error Connecting to Apple ID Server

2 Wählen Allgemeines.

Tippen Sie auf Allgemein

3. Gehen Sie auf Ihrem iPhone zu Software-Update.

go to Software Update

4. If an update is available, install it by following the Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm.

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Methode 11: Wenden Sie sich an den Apple Support

Wenn alles andere fehlschlägt, Apple-Unterstützungt is always there to help. You may contact an Apple specialist by phone, email, or chat if you follow the support link and click or press on the device you’re using. You may also walk into an Apple Store and ask for help if you live close enough.

Apple Support webpage

Häufig gestellte Fragen (FAQs)

Q1. Why is it that my Apple ID verification keeps failing?

Ans: Apple ID Verification Failed problems can also be caused by a problem with your phone’s time and location settings. This problem arises when your iPhone date, time, or location differs from the Apple server. As a result, double-check that the date and time on your device are correct.

Q2. What does it signify if there was a connection issue with the server?

Ans: That is exactly what it implies. The reasons for your computer’s inability to interact with the server/computer in issue are numerous and difficult to estimate without debugging. Your internet connection may be down. If you’re on a network, part of the hardware may be broken.


We hope you find this information useful and were able to resolve verification failed error connecting to Apple ID server issue. Please let us know which method worked best for you. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments area.