30. Juli 2022

So erstellen Sie ein anonymes Instagram-Konto

Instagram is one of the top social media platforms used all over the globe. Several users spend lots of their time scrolling and watching reels on Instagram, but some of us are also concerned about the safety of our private uploaded data, such as posts, pictures, and stories. The solution to your problem is using an anonymous Instagram account or a fake Instagram account. Many users use these fake accounts to protect their privacy. Also, if you want to know how to grow anonymous Instagram account, stay tuned till the end! We are bringing you a helpful guide that will teach you how to make and use Instagram burner account.

So erstellen Sie ein anonymes Instagram-Konto

So erstellen Sie ein anonymes Instagram-Konto

You can make an anonymous account by switching to a private account or creating a fake account on Instagram. Keep reading further to find the steps explaining the same in detail with useful illustrations for better understanding.

What Does Anonymous Mean on Instagram?

Anonymous stands for a person or thing whose name is not known or made public. Similar to an anonymous Instagram account, accounts linked to no personal data, such as email and mobile number, are known as anonymous accounts. These accounts don’t have any information related to their owner, and a burner number or fake email is used to make these accounts.

Is It Possible to Have an Anonymous Instagram Account?

Ja, it is possible to have an anonymous Instagram account. Many users who are concerned about their data security make an anonymous Instagram account. There are many ways to make an anonymous Instagram account, as you will learn them further in this article.

Can You View Anonymous Instagram Account?

Nein. Anonymous accounts are mostly private, which means the account owner’s data such as name, email, or profile picture are not displayed publicly. You can view the username of an anonymous Instagram account which is also primarily fake. So, it is impossible to get any information about an anonymous Instagram account.

Can You View Insta Story Anonymously?

Möglicherweise ja, you can view the Insta story anonymously without letting the user know it. The ways to anonymously view someone’s story are listed below:

InstaStories site homepage | How to Make Anonymous Instagram Account

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Can You Have an Anonymous Instagram Account?

Ja, you can create and own an anonymous Instagram account.

How to Make Anonymous Instagram Account?

If you are someone who uses Instagram and is also concerned about data security, then using an anonymous Instagram account is the best option. Some of the methods to make an anonymous Instagram account are listed below:

Method 1: Turn On Private Account Mode

Instagram has a feature of switching your account private. If your account is private, only your followers can see all the posts, stories, and updates you upload on your Instagram account. This method doesn’t hassle making an anonymous account and shows your uploaded data to the users you approve. To make your Instagram account private, follow these instructions:

1. Öffnen Instagram auf Ihrem Gerät und tippen Sie auf Profilsymbol in der unteren rechten Ecke des Bildschirms.

Tippen Sie unten rechts auf dem Bildschirm auf Ihr Profilbild

2. Tippen Sie dann auf Hamburger-Symbol von der oberen rechten Ecke.

tap on the three horizontal lines at the top right corner

3. Tippen Sie auf Einstellungen .

Choose the Settings option | How to Make Anonymous Instagram Account

4. Tippen Sie dann auf Datenschutz .

Tippen Sie auf die Option Datenschutz

5. Einschalten der Schalter für die Privater Account .

Turn on the toggle for the option Private account

6. Tippen Sie dann auf Wechseln Sie zu Privat Option zur Bestätigung.

Tippen Sie zur Bestätigung auf die Option „Zu privat wechseln“.

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Method 2: Create Fake Instagram Account

Fake Instagram accounts are also Finsta and are commonly used by any user to use Instagram without thinking about data privacy securely. The steps to create a fake or anonymous Instagram account are:

1. Starte den Instagram App auf deinem Gerät.

2. Tippen Sie auf profile icon > Hamburger-Symbol.

Go to your profile and tap on the three-dashed icon | How to Make Anonymous Instagram Account

3. Tippen Sie auf Einstellungen .

Tippen Sie auf Einstellungen

4. Wischen Sie nach unten und tippen Sie auf Konten hinzufügen oder wechseln.

Swipe down and tap on Add or switch accounts

5. Tippen Sie auf Konto hinzufügen, wie gezeigt.

Tap on Add account

6. Tippen Sie auf Neuen Account erstellen.

7. Geben Sie ein Benutzername und tippe auf Weiter.

Enter a Username and tap on Next

8. Then, enter a Passwort und tippe auf Weiter.

Enter a Password and tap on Next | How to Make Anonymous Instagram Account

9. Tippen Sie auf Add new phone or email.

Tap on Add new phone or email

10. Geben Sie nun Ihre ein Telefon or E-Mail und tippe auf Weiter.

Note: Benutze einen dummy email address and phone number for your contact information. Else, your information from your previous account will be restored by Instagram.

enter your Phone and Email ID and tap on Next

11. Folge dem Eingabeaufforderungen auf dem Bildschirm to complete creating your account successfully.

After creating a fake account, ensure you don’t connect this account with any other social media or your phone’s contact list. This will prevent users with your Facebook account and mobile number from finding you on Instagram.

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How to Grow an Anonymous Instagram Account?

It is necessary for anonymous Instagram accounts to have some followers so that accounts become less suspicious. Some points that need to be kept in mind to grow anonymous Instagram account organically are:

  • Post more, and according to Instagram’s algorithm, posts that appear to be from friends or family appear on top of the feed and upload high-quality content.
  • Poste regelmäßig reels, stories, and posts to keep your followers engaged.

This is how you can grow an anonymous Instagram account.

What is a Secret Instagram Account Called?

A secret Instagram account is also known as a gefälschter Instagram-Account, which is briefly known as finsta.

Can You Use a Fake Name on Instagram?

Ja, you can use a fake username on Instagram because Instagram doesn’t run any checks on your username. Also, Instagram has a feature for changing usernames.

Can a Fake Instagram Account be Traced?

Ja. Fake accounts usually are registered through dummy emails and mobile numbers. With lots of tools and technology available, it is difficult but possible to trace a fake Instagram account. To learn more about it, read our guide on How to Find Out Who Made a Fake Instagram Account.

Fake account asking you to visit different accounts or irrelevant pages

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How Do You Make an Instagram Burner Account?

An Instagram burner account is the same as the fake Instagram account, Finsta, and an anonymous Instagram account. The steps to make Instagram burner accounts are:

1. Öffnen Sie die Instagram App.

2. Tippen Sie auf profile icon > hamburger icon > Settings.

3. Wischen Sie nach unten und tippen Sie auf Konten hinzufügen oder wechseln.

Swipe down and tap on Add or switch accounts | Instagram burner account

4. Tippen Sie auf Konto hinzufügen > Neuen Account erstellen.

5. Geben Sie ein desired username and password und tippe auf Weiter.

6. Tippen Sie auf Add new phone or email.

Tap on Add new phone or email | How to Make Anonymous Instagram Account | Instagram burner account

7. Geben Sie nun Ihre ein dummy phone and Email ID.

8. Folge dem Eingabeaufforderungen auf dem Bildschirm to create an Instagram burner account.


We hope this guide was helpful and that you were able to understand how an anonymous Instagram account works and how to make a fake Instagram account. Also, if you have any queries or suggestions, feel free to share them with us. Also, let us know what you want to learn next in the comments section below.