31 de Octubre de 2019

Cómo instalar Internet Explorer en Windows 10

How to install Internet Explorer on Windows 10: Aunque Microsoft Edge is the default browser that is pre-installed on Windows 10 but many users still prefer to use Internet Explorer over other web browsers.  As a user, you cannot uninstall Internet Explorer because it’s a Windows feature. But there are ways to turn on and off IE on Windows 10. If Internet Explorer is turned off in the Windows feature then you won’t be able to use IE on your system. IE will essentially be hidden until you again turn on Internet Explorer.  In this article, you will learn about how to install/uninstall Internet Explorer in Windows 10.

Cómo instalar Internet Explorer en Windows 10

Internet Explorer is Missing on Windows 10?

Users are reporting that they are not being able to open Internet Explorer on their Windows 10 PC. Another case is when users are doing a clean installation of Windows 10 they are unable to find Internet Explorer. In reality, Internet Explorer is turned off in Windows feature, although you can’t uninstall Internet Explorer, but you can turn it off or on.

Cómo instalar Internet Explorer en Windows 10

Asegúrate de crear un punto de restauración en caso de que algo salga mal.

Method 1: Pin the IE to your Taskbar in Windows 10

This Internet Explorer will most likely be installed on your system, so you have to search it and then pin it to your taskbar so that it becomes easily available. To do this the steps are –

1.Press Tecla de Windows + S to bring up the search then type “Internet Explorer".

Press Windows Key + S to bring up the search then type Internet Explorer

2.You will see that Internet Explorer will come in the top result of the search list.

3.Right-click on IE and choose the option “Pin a la barra de tareas.

Right-click on IE and choose the option Pin to taskbar

4.Now, you will see the Internet Explorer icon on your taskbar using which you can easily access IE anytime you want.

Method 2: Find Internet Explorer using Windows Accessories

Another way to find & pin Internet Explorer on Desktop is by using Windows 10 Settings:

1.Go to the Start button then click on “todas las Aplicaciones“. Or you can click on Apps under the Cortana search.

Go to the Start button then click on All Apps

Click on Apps under the Cortana search

2.From there, you have to scroll down until you find the “Accesorios de Windows"Carpeta.

Find Windows Accessories folder under All Apps

3.Click on it and you will find Internet Explorer in the list.

5.Right-click on Internet Explorer & choose the option “Pin a la barra de tareas.

Right-click on Internet Explorer & choose the option Pin to taskbar

Method 3: Turn On/Off Internet Explorer

In this step, we will learn how you can Turn On or Off Internet Explorer on your PC. To do this the steps are –

1.Type control en la Búsqueda de Windows y luego haga clic en Panel de Control del resultado de la búsqueda.

Abra el Panel de control buscándolo en la búsqueda de Windows.

2.Haga clic en "Desinstalar un programa” under Control Panel.

desinstalar un programa

3.From the left-hand menu click on “Activar o desactivar la función de Windows".

Haga clic en Activar o desactivar las funciones de Windows

4.You will see a new pop up window will open (which is Windows Feature Window).

5.In the list, checkmark the box next to the Internet Explorer. This will turn ON the Internet Explorer on your system.

In the list, checkmark the box next to the Internet Explorer

6.One done, click OK to save changes.

Nota: It will take some time for Windows to apply the changes.

It will take some time for Windows to apply the changes

7.Reinicie su PC para guardar los cambios.

Once the PC restart, you will notice that Internet Explorer is easily accessible through Windows search.

Method 4: Install or Uninstall Internet Explorer on Windows 10

1.Presione la tecla Windows + I para abrir Configuración y luego haga clic en Aplicaciones. 

Abra Configuración de Windows y luego haga clic en Aplicaciones

2.En el menú del lado izquierdo, haga clic en Aplicaciones y funciones.

3.Now under Apps & features, click on “Administrar características opcionales"O"Características opcionales".

haga clic en administrar funciones opcionales en aplicaciones y funciones

4.Scroll down the list and look for Internet Explorer.

5.Once you find it, you can either Uninstall Internet Explorer (if IE is installed) or instalarlo (if IE is uninstalled) on your system.

Install or Uninstall Internet Explorer using Windows 10 Settings

6.Ahora haga clic Instalar o desinstalar button depending upon the status of IE on your system.

Click on Internet Explorer 11 and & then click on the Install button

7.Una vez terminado, reinicie su PC para guardar los cambios.

Method 5: Use PowerShell to Install or Uninstall Internet Explorer 

Another way to Install or Uninstall Internet Explorer on Windows 10 is via PowerShell. To do this the steps you need to follow are –

1.Click the Start and search the term “PowerShell".

2.Right-click the PowerShell application, and open it as “Ejecutar como administrador" modo.

powershell haga clic derecho en ejecutar como administrador

3.Type the following command depending on your choice:

To Uninstall Internet Explorer: 
Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature –FeatureName "Internet-Explorer-Optional-amd64" -Online

To Install Internet Explorer: 
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature –FeatureName "Internet-Explorer-Optional-amd64" -All –Online

Disable Internet Explorer 11 using PowerShell

4.Once you type any one of the above commands and hit Enter, it will then prompt you to restart your system. You have to tipo Y y presiona Enter.

5.Your system will reboot to apply changes.


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