Febrero 13, 2022

El mejor ratón Bluetooth para iPad (2022)

El mejor ratón Bluetooth para iPad (2022)

Apple ha introducido soporte para ratones hace relativamente poco tiempo, ¡pero siempre es mejor tarde que nunca! Y hoy estamos aquí para ver los mejores ratones para iPad para finalmente disfrutar de una función que siempre quisimos y necesitábamos. Puede conectar casi cualquier mouse bluetooth a su iPad si está ejecutando el último sistema operativo. Este […]

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Febrero 13, 2022

Cómo solucionar el error "Se requiere autenticación de Google Play" en Android

Play Store’s “Authentication is required” error sometimes appears out of nowhere and prevents you from getting your favorite apps or games from the Store. If you’re experiencing this issue, you’ll have to find the underlying problem and fix that to download content from the Store. Luckily, getting around this issue is easy. You have several […]

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Febrero 12, 2022

Cómo abrir la consola Steam

Valve Corporation introduced Steam, a digital distribution platform for video games, in September 2003. Without question, it is the best PC gaming platform available today. Steam is the most popular gaming client for Windows and has a sizeable fan following throughout the world. It was first created to enable automated game updates but later expanded […]

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Febrero 12, 2022

Reparar ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE en Google Chrome

Reparar respuesta Err vacía en Google Chrome

Nowadays, Google Chrome is the most popular web browser. Yet, you may face some errors when you try to connect to any site. ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE Chrome is one of the most frustrating errors when your web page does not respond to your request. You will not receive any data or results for your search criteria. This […]

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Febrero 12, 2022

Fix Zoom no puede detectar una cámara

Zoom is used by millions of users around the globe and it is well known for its online video meetings. Instead of trusting other video conferencing applications, Zoom is best suited for work collaborations with your friends, family members, and office colleagues. Yet Zoom may fail to detect sometimes and Zoom is unable to detect […]

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