Jaanuar 4, 2023

How to Fix Magic Mouse Not Connecting on Windows 10

Magic mouse is a product of Apple that was released in 2009. It was a special release as it first introduced the multi-touch functionality in a PC mouse. It is compatible with any iOS device, but you might face some issues when using it with Windows OS. The most common of these issues is Magic Mouse not connecting on Windows 10. This can be due to various reasons that may not even be associated with the device itself. In this article, we will guide you on how to fix Magic Mouse not working on Windows 10 and how to pair Magic Mouse to Windows 10.

How to Fix Magic Mouse Not Connecting on Windows 10

How to Fix Magic Mouse Not Connecting on Windows 10

There might be varying reasons why you are facing this issue, that includes an outdated Bluetooth driver or Operating System, pahavara või viirused, etc which might have caused your Magic Mouse not working. Follow the given methods to solve this issue which is aligned from basic to advanced:

1. meetod: põhilised tõrkeotsingu meetodid

Enne keerukate lahenduste juurde asumist vaatame esmalt põhilisi tõrkeotsingu meetodeid:

1A. Switch OFF and ON Magic Mouse

The first thing when facing this issue is switching off the Magic Mouse. Wait a few seconds and then switch it back on. It is a tried and tested method for solving major issues irrespective of the Operating System used.

1B. Turn OFF and ON Bluetooth Service

In a similar way, you can also try switching off and on Bluetooth service to fix Magic Mouse not connecting on Windows 10 issue. This can be done by following the below-given steps:

1. Tüüp Bluetooth ja muud seadmed aasta Windowsi otsingukast ja kliki avatud.

Klõpsake nuppu Ava Bluetooth ja muud seadmed

2. välja lülitama lüliti jaoks Bluetooth valik.

3. Siis sisse lülitama lüliti jaoks Bluetooth jälle variant. Nüüd oodake mõni sekund, kuni Magic Mouse ühendub.

Lülitage Bluetooth-teenused sisse

1C. Re-Add Magic Mouse to Bluetooth Devices

Teine põhiline tõrkeotsingu meetod on kõrvaldama ja siis add again the Magic Mouse. Sometimes it so happens that a PC is not able to recognize a device the first time you try. Therefore, one should definitely try to re-add Magic mouse to your Windows 10 PC.

Lisage Magic Mouse uuesti Bluetooth-seadmetesse

Loe edasi: Kuidas lähtestada Magic Mouse

Method 2: Install & Use AppleWirelessMouse64 Driver Software

AppleWirelessMouse64 is the official driver for using the Magic Mouse on Windows 10/11 PC. Installing this driver will potentially fix how to pair Magic Mouse to Windows 10. It is available for 64-bit versions of Windows PC.

Installige AppleWirelessMouse64

3. meetod: seostage probleem minevikusündmustega

Going through the Events tab in device properties can help you decipher the potential cause. This can further help to fix Magic Mouse 2 not connecting on Windows 10 by researching the particular event after which the Magic Mouse stopped functioning.

1. press Windows klahv otsida Device Manager ja vajutage sisene võti.

press windows key and search device manager | How to Fix Magic Mouse Not Connecting on Windows 10

2. Topeltklõpsake nuppu Hiired ja muud näidisseadmed.

Double click on Mice and other pointing devices.

3. Now, right-click on the mouse and choose Kinnisvara menüüst.

paremklõpsake hiirt ja valige menüüst Atribuudid

4. Lõpuks klõpsake nuppu Sündmused ülaosas olevat vahekaarti, et probleemist paremini aru saada.

click on the Events tab at the top | How to Fix Magic Mouse Not Connecting on Windows 10

Loe edasi: How to Fix Mac Bluetooth Not Working

4. meetod: värskendage Bluetoothi ​​draiverit

An outdated or incompatible Bluetooth driver may compromise Magic Mouse connection with Bluetooth service of your PC or laptop. Accordingly, you will face Magic Mouse not connecting on Windows 10 error. Therefore, it is advised that you update your Bluetooth driver before going further with any method to fix Magic Mouse not working on Windows 10. Follow the below-given steps to do the same:

1. press Windows + X klahvid avamiseks samal ajal Toite menüü. Klõpsake Device Manager.

Press Windows + X at same time to open Power menu. Click on Device Manager

2. Kliki Bluetooth et näidata kõiki seni arvuti/sülearvutiga ühendatud hiiri.

3. Paremklõpsake ikooni hiir mis põhjustab probleeme ja seejärel klõpsake nuppu Värskenda draiverit.

Klõpsake nuppu Värskenda draiverit

5. meetod: installige Bluetoothi ​​draiver uuesti

In case the Bluetooth driver of your PC is already the latest compatible version then you should try uninstalling and then reinstall compatible Bluetooth driver. Follow the below-given steps to do the same:

1. sisse Device Manager, topeltklõpsake ikooni Bluetooth valik.

2. Paremklõpsake ikooni hiir causing trouble and click on Seadme desinstallimine.

Klõpsake nuppu Desinstalli seade

3. Pärast paigaldamist lae alla ja paigaldama the,en uusim draiver Windows 10 ja Windows 11 jaoks. In case the aforementioned driver does not work for you then download the driver from the official website of the Bluetooth adapter.

Intel bluetooth driver | How to Fix Magic Mouse Not Connecting on Windows 10

6. meetod: käivitage viirusetõrjekontroll

Viruses are a fundamental cause of Magic Mouse not connecting on Windows 10. Therefore, you may save a lot of time by quickly checking for infections before using any additional methods. Third-party antivirus scanners make this task simple to do. Additionally, if one is not accessible, you can utilize the built-in virus scanner by following the instructions below:

1. press Windows + X samal ajal avada Toite menüü ja kliki Seaded.

Vajutage Windows + X ja klõpsake nuppu Seaded

2. Kliki Värskendamine ja turvalisus.

Klõpsake nuppu Värskendus ja turvalisus

3. Kliki Windows Security vasakpoolselt paanilt ja valige Viiruste ja ohtude kaitse valik.

Click on Security & Update

4. Kliki Kiire skaneerimine.

Click on Quick Scan. | How to Fix Magic Mouse Not Connecting on Windows 10

Loe edasi: Fix Alps SetMouseMonitor Error in Windows 10

7. meetod: värskendage Windowsi operatsioonisüsteemi

Magic Mouse not connecting on Windows 10 may sometimes be fixed by updating your Windows 10 to the most recent version of the Operating System. Follow our guide on How to Download and Install Windows 10 Latest Update to do the same.

Värskendage Windowsi

8. meetod: võtke ühendust Apple'i toega

In case you are not able to solve this issue with the given methods then contacting Apple Support is the best option available. As Apple'i tugi deals with these kinds of issues on daily basis, therefore they are able to suggest better solutions as per the exact model and manufacturing year of the product.

Mac support website

Loe edasi: kuidas keelata hiire kiirendus Windows 10-s

How to Pair Magic Mouse to Windows 10?

Wondering how to pair Magic Mouse to Windows 10? In order to pair Magic Mouse to Windows 10, you first have to make sure that Bluetooth on other devices is switched off so that you don’t have to waste time while your mouse is unintentionally trying to get paired with other devices.

1. Turn over Magic Mouse kohta tagasi ja esiteks välja lülitada ja siis sisse lülitada it to see the green light blinking.

2. Tüüp Bluetooth ja muud seadmed aasta Windowsi otsingukast. Klõpsake avatud.

Klõpsake nuppu Ava Bluetooth ja muud seadmed

2. sisse lülitama lüliti jaoks Bluetooth ja kliki Lisa Bluetooth või muu seade.

Toggle on Bluetooth and then click on Add Bluetooth or other device | How to Fix Magic Mouse Not Connecting on Windows 10

3. Valige oma Magic Mouse alates devices listed ja järgige ekraanil kuvatavad juhised protsessi lõpuleviimiseks.

märkused: In case a numbriline kood is required while pairing, enter four times zero (0000).


Loodame, et ülaltoodud artikkel how to fix Magic Mouse not connecting on Windows 10 was helpful, and you were able to fix the issue. Let us know which one of the above methods worked for you in resolving this issue. Feel free to reach out to us with your queries and suggestions via the comments section below. Also, let us know what you want to learn about next.