Detsember 4, 2021

Graafika tööriista installimine Windows 11-sse

DirectX Graphics Tools is not installed by default in Windows 11. But, it can be added via operating system Optional features. Today, we bring to you a helpful guide that will teach you how to install or uninstall Graphics Tool in Windows 11, as need be. A few noteworthy features of this tool include:

  • It is essential for performing graphics diagnostics and other related functions.
  • Seda saab ka kasutada create Direct3D debug devices.
  • Moreover, it can be used to develop DirectX games & applications.
  • In addition to 3D-related functions, this technology also allows you to track real-time GPU consumption and when & which apps or games employ Direct3D technology. 

Graafika tööriista installimine Windows 11-sse

How to Install In-built DirectX Graphics Tool in Windows 11

Follow the given steps to install Graphics Tool on Windows 11 PC:

1. Klõpsake nupul Otsi ikooni ja tüüp Seaded, siis kliki avatud, nagu näidatud.

Start menu search results for Settings. How to Install Graphics Tool in Windows 11

2. Kliki Apps vasakul paanil.

3. Seejärel klõpsake nuppu vabatahtlik Omadused, nagu allpool näidatud.

Apps section in the Settings app

4. Seejärel klõpsake nuppu vaade Omadused.

Optional Features section in the Settings app. How to Install Graphics Tool in Windows 11

5. Tüüp graphics tools in the search bar provided in the Lisage valikuline funktsioon aken.

6. Märkige ruut märgitud Graphics Tools ja kliki järgmine, nagu allpool näidatud.

Add optional feature dialog box

7. Nüüd klõpsake nuppu paigaldama nuppu.

Add optional feature dialog box. How to Install Graphics Tool in Windows 11

8. Let the Graphics Tools be paigaldatud. You can see the progress under Viimased tegevused sektsiooni.

Viimased tegevused

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How to Use DirectX Graphics Tools on Windows 11

Microsoft hosts a dedicated page on DirectX Programming. Here are the steps to use Windows 11 Graphics Diagnostic Tools:

1. press Windows + R-klahvid üheaegselt avada jooks Dialoogikast.

2. Tüüp dxdiag ja kliki OK käivitada DirectX Diagnostic Tool aken.

Run dialog box. How to use Windows 11 Graphics Tool

3. You may notice a green progress bar at the bottom left corner, shown highlighted. This means that the diagnostic process is active. Wait for the process to be completed.

DirectX-i diagnostikatööriist

4. When the diagnosis is complete, the green progress bar will disappear. Click on Save All Information… nuppu, nagu allpool näidatud.

DirectX Diagnostic tool. use Windows 11 Graphics Tool

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How to Uninstall DirectX Graphics Tools

To uninstall Windows 11 Graphics Tools, follow the steps mentioned below:

1. Käivita Seaded nagu näidatud.

2. Minema Apps > Lisavarustus, nagu kujutatud.

Optional Features option in Apps section of Settings app

3. Scroll down the list of Installitud funktsioonid või otsida Graphics Tools in the search bar provided to locate it.

4. Klõpsa downward-pointing arrow aasta Graphics Tools tile and click on Uninstall, nagu näidatud.

Uninstall Windows 11 Graphics Tools

5. Once the uninstallation process is finished, you will see Desinstallitud tag under Viimased tegevused sektsiooni.

Recent Actions. How to Install Graphics Tool in Windows 11


We hope you found this article helpful about how to install, use or uninstall DirectX Graphics Tool in Windows 11. Drop your suggestions and queries in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you. Stay tuned for more such info!