Azaroaren 12, 2022

Android testu-mezuak itsatsita deskargatzean errorea konpontzeko 8 modu

Android testu-mezuak itsatsita deskargatzean errorea konpontzeko 8 modu


Fix Android Text Messages

Instant messaging is a great way to stay in touch with friends, family, and acquaintances over the phone. Whether be it text messages or MMS, they help you send your note in writing or in a video. MMS (multimedia messages) helps mobile users to send their messages over a cellular network. Although sending and receiving messages is a fast process, some people have complained about Android text messages stuck downloading.

If you are someone dealing with the same issue on your Android phone then we have brought you a perfect guide that will cover all the details on MMS messages not downloading Android issues. Along with that, we will also uncover different ways in which you can resolve text messages stuck downloading or expired problems. But before that, we will explain to you the reasons that lead to this problem. So, without further ado, let us get started with our guide on how to fix text messages saying expired or not available.

Android testu-mezuak itsatsita deskargatzean errorea konpontzeko 8 modu

How to Fix Android Text Messages Stuck Downloading

Before we move on to knowing different ways that can help Android users fix the issue of text messages or MMS messages not downloading. It is first important to know about the reasons that trigger this situation. The following reasons will help you to know better:

  • An sareko konexio ezegonkorra is the first reason that often results in your MMS messages not downloading.
  • Beste arrazoi bat izan daiteke auto-retrieve option hori da gaituta in your messenger’s settings resulting in text messages stuck downloading or expired.
  • If older messages on your phone have trabatuta, they can resist new messages from being downloaded.
  • One of the other reasons can be some problematic apps on your Android phone that happen to interfere with the downloading process of text messages or MMS messages.
  • The cache hondatua of your phone can also be a prominent reason behind this error.

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While you would like to get MMS messages on your Android device, it can become a task to do so if they keep on getting stuck. Therefore, we have gathered some proven fixes that will help you to get out of this problem easily.

Ohar: Ondorengo urratsak egiten dira Bizirik 1920 gailua.

1. metodoa: Berrabiarazi Android gailua

The first method to start with is simple yet very effective. It involves restarting your Android device which makes sure to refresh the system and resolving any minor errors that may be getting in the way of getting the messages downloaded on your phone. Even though it is a simple process, some Android users may find it a difficult task. If so, you can check our guide on How to Restart or Reboot Your Android Phone? and move further with it.

Restart your Android Device

2. metodoa: Sare-konexioa konpondu

The next method in line involves checking your internet connection. If you happen to encounter MMS messages not downloading Android issue, then you must ensure that your network connectivity is strong and reliable. MMS requires sendoa proper internet connectivity batera career support. Make sure your device is connected to a Wi-Fi connection or mobile internet network. To check if your Wi-Fi or data is working fine, launch the browser and search for something in it. You can also check our guide on How to Boost Internet Speed on Your Android Phone if the internet seems to be a problem for your device.

Check your Netword Connection

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3. metodoa: garbitu cachea eta datuak

Clearing cache and data from your Android phone is the next solution for text messages saying expired or not available problems. Every device has cache files stored and these files keep on getting increasing with time and tend to occupy a lot of memory.

This could also be one of the reasons why you are not able to receive any more messages on your phone. So, the best thing to do in this case is to garbitu cachea eta datuak of your Android device. You can do so with the help of our guide on How to Clear Cache on Android Phone (And Why Is It Important). This guide will not only help you in clearing cache but will also inform you about its significance.

Clear Cache and Data. 8 Ways to Fix Android Text Messages Stuck Downloading

Method 4: Disable Auto-Retrieve Setting

As you know that one of the prominent reasons that can result in MMS not being able to get downloaded on your phone is the enabled auto-retrieve setting. If so, you must disable this setting from the settings of your phone.

1. Abiarazi ezazu Mezuak app on your Android mobile phone.

Launch Messages

2. Orain, sakatu hiru puntuko ikonoa goialdean.

Tap on the three dot icon. 8 Ways to Fix Android Text Messages Stuck Downloading

3. Ondoren, sakatu Ezarpenak aukeretatik.

Punteatu Ezarpenak

4. Orain, ireki Auto download MMS aukera.

Open Auto download MMS

5. Azkenik, hautatu Always auto download aukera bertan.

Select Always auto download. 8 Ways to Fix Android Text Messages Stuck Downloading

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Method 5: Delete Old Messages

It is also possible that you face text messages stuck downloading or expired issue if space in your Messages application is full. If so, your device will not be able to receive new messages. So, make sure to delete all old messages to receive new ones.

1. Abiarazi ezazu Mezuak application on your mobile.

Launch Messages

2. Now, scroll down to the bottom in the Mezuak atala.

3. Ondoren, sakatu Editatu aukera goialdean.

Tap on Edit

4. Orain, hautatu mezu zaharrak ezabatu nahi duzula

5. Ondoren, ukitu Ezabatu.

Tap on Delete. 8 Ways to Fix Android Text Messages Stuck Downloading

Method 6: Uninstall Problematic Apps

The next method that you can opt for is to uninstall the interfering apps that tend to stop the downloading process of an MMS or a text message on your mobile phone. Some of the third-party apps can be a real culprit, so make sure you uninstall them to receive your messages without any hindrance. You can learn a great deal about it from our guide on How to Uninstall or Delete Apps on your Android Phone.

Uninstall Problematic Apps

Era berean, irakurri: Konpondu errorea zerbitzariaren RPC-tik informazioa berreskuratzean

7. metodoa: berrezarri APN ezarpenak

Resetting APN settings is the next solution to fix Android text messages stuck downloading issue. APN stands for Access Point Names and MMS retrieval is a part of APN settings. So, you must reset these settings to receive your messages without any interference.

1. Abiarazi ezazu Ezarpenak app on your Android mobile phone.

Launch Settings. 8 Ways to Fix Android Text Messages Stuck Downloading

2. Orain, sakatu Sare mugikorra irekitzeko.

Tap on Mobile network

3. Ondoren, hautatu 1 SIM (if you have 2 SIM then choose the preferred one).

Select SIM 1

4. Then, at the bottom tap on the Access point name (APN).

Tap on Access point name. 8 Ways to Fix Android Text Messages Stuck Downloading

5. Azkenik, hautatu Berrezarri lehenetsira eta jarraitu pantailako argibideei prozesua amaitzeko.

Hautatu Berrezarri lehenespenera

8. metodoa: fabrika berrezarri gailua

If you have not been able to still receive your MMS and text messages on your Android, then you must try factory resetting your phone. Although this method is the last resort, it is extremely effective. From freezing to slow working, factory reset will help you make your device new. To do so, you can check our elaborative guide on How to Reset Your Android Phone.

Fabrika berrezartzea

Era berean, irakurri: Konpondu Analisi-errorea $ sarreran Android-en

Galdera arruntak (ohiko galderak)

Q1. Why are my text messages stuck on my Android device?

Ans. Sometimes your text messages can get stuck on your Android device due to messaging app’s cachea sortzea. A berrezartze softwarea clearing your device cache can help you get rid of this issue.

Q2. How can I get my MMS messages to download on my phone?

Ans. It is extremely easy to download MMS messages on your Android phone. All you have to do is to enable the Always auto download option from the settings of the messages app.

Q3. How can I stop my text messages from being stuck?

Ans. To stop your text messages from getting stuck, you can try telefonoa berrabiarazten or checking for any eguneratzeak zain.

Q4. What is the difference between SMS and MMS?

Ans. An SMS is a testu mezua that can be sent with no file attached to it whereas, an MMS is a multimedia message that includes attachments like a bideoa, argazkia, emotikonoak, Edo bat webgunearen esteka.

Q5. Why is MMS not working on my Android?

Ans. In case the MMS feature is not working on your mobile phone, it can be due to an issue with the Mezuak aplikazioa. You can try to resolve this issue by clearing the data of the messaging app.

Gomendatzen da:

Gure gida izatea espero duguAndroid text messages stuck downloading was thoroughly helpful in clearing all your doubts and different ways in which you can fix it. For any other queries or suggestions, that you might have, please leave your comments below.

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