Urriaren 25, 2021

Konpondu MHW errore-kodea 50382-MW1

Monster Hunter World is a popular multiplayer game whose advanced action role-playing features have attracted a large audience. It was developed and published by Capcom and has gained immense popularity among its users around the world. Yet, few users encounter Failed to connect to session members. Error code: 50382-MW1 in Monster Hunter World. This MHW error code 50382-MW1 occurs on PS4, Xbox One, and Windows PC alike. This is predominantly, a connectivity-related issue and can be easily rectified by following the methods listed in this guide.

Konpondu MHW errore-kodea 50382-MW1

How to Fix MHW Error Code 50382-MW1 on Windows 10

After analyzing several reports, we can conclude that this error occurs due to the following reasons:

  • UPnP is not supported by the router – If the router does not support UPnP or it is outdated, then you may face the said problem. In this case, you are recommended to open up some ports manually.
  • Wi-Fi & Ethernet Cable connected at the same time – Few users reported that you may face Monster Hunter World error code 50382-MW1 when Wi-Fi and network cable destabilize your internet connection. This occurs on laptops more frequently.
  • Inconsistency between Capcom Servers & your Network Connection – If the Capcom servers could not coordinate with your network connection, you might need to add some additional launching parameters to stabilize it.
  • Overburdened with Ping Rate – If your network connection cannot tolerate the default Steam settings of 5000 Pings/Minute, you may face this issue.

Method 1: Resolve Network Connectivity Issues

Ensure that your internet connection is stable. When your internet connectivity is not optimum or unstable, the connection gets interrupted more frequently, leading to MHW Error Code 50382-MW1. Hence, perform basic troubleshooting as follows:

1. Run a abiadura proba (adibidez, Azkarra Ooklaren eskutik) to know your network speed. Buy a faster internet package from your network provider, if your internet speed is not optimum to run this game.

click on GO in speedtest website. Fix MHW Error Code 50382-MW1

2. Switching to an Ethernet konexioa might give you a fix for such issues. But, make sure to disable the Wi-Fi first so that there’s no conflict between the two.

Ethernet kablea

Era berean, irakurri: Konpondu Black Ops 3 ABC akatsa PS4-n

Method 2: Create Game Shortcut With -nofriendsui Parameter

If you are facing Monster Hunter World error code 50382-MW1 on Steam PC client, you can fix this error by creating a desktop shortcut and using a series of launching parameters. These new launching parameters will initiate the Steam client to employ the old Friends User Interface and TCP/UDP protocol instead of the new WebSockets. Follow the below-mentioned instructions to implement the same:

1. Launch Steam > LIBRARY > Monster Hunter: Mundua.

2. Egin klik eskuineko botoiarekin Game eta hautatu Manage > Add desktop shortcut aukera.

Now, right-click on the game and select the Manage option followed by Add desktop shortcut. Fix MHW Error Code 50382-MW1

Ohar: If you had checked the box Sortu mahaigaineko lasterbidea while installing the game, you needn’t do so now.

game install steam create desktop shortcut

3. Ondoren, egin klik eskuineko botoiarekin mahaigaineko lasterbidea for MHW and select Properties, erakusten den moduan.

egin klik Propietateak aukeran

4. Aldatu Lasterbidea tab and add the term -nofriendsui -udp in the Target field, as highlighted.

Switch to the Shortcut tab and include the term as a suffix in the Target field. Refer to the pic. Fix MHW Error Code 50382-MW1

5. Egin klik Aplikatu> Ados aldaketak gordetzeko.

6. Orain, jokoa berriro abiarazi eta egiaztatu arazoa konponduta dagoen.

Ohar: Alternately, you can add the parameter -nofriendsui -tcp as shown, to fix this issue.

right click on monster hunter desktop shortcut and select shortcut tab and add the parameter in target then click apply then, OK to save changes

Era berean, irakurri: Konpondu Steam aplikazioaren karga-errorea 3: 0000065432

Method 3: Lower Pings Value in Steam

The high pings value in Steam also contributes to MHW Error Code 50382-MW1. Here’s how to resolve this error by lowering Pings value:

1. Launch Lurrun eta klikatu Lurrun at the top left corner. Then, click on Ezarpenak.

From the top left corner of the window, go to Steam then Settings

2. Orain, aldatu hona Jokoan fitxa ezkerreko panelean.

3. Aukeratu balio txikiagoa (e.g. 500/1000) from Server Browser Pings/Minute drop-down menu, as highlighted below.

click on the down arrow symbol to view the Pings or Minute value and select the lower value of Pings or Minute. Fix MHW Error Code 50382-MW1

4. Azkenik, egin klik OK to save these changes and relaunch the game.

Era berean, irakurri: Konpondu PS4 errorea CE-34788-0

Method 4: Update Monster Hunter World

It is always essential that your game runs in its latest version to avoid any conflicts. Until your game is updated, you cannot log into servers successfully, and MHW error code 50382-MW1 will occur. We have explained the steps to update Monster Hunter World on Steam.

1. Launch Lurrun. In the LIBURUTEGIA fitxan, hautatu Monster Hunter World game, as earlier.

2. Ondoren, egin klik eskuineko botoiarekin Joko eta aukeratu Ezaugarriak ... aukera.

Properties of a game in Library section of the Steam PC Client

3. Aldatu hona EGUNERATZEAK aukera ezkerreko panelean.

4. Under EGUNERAZIO AUTOMATIKOAK goitibeherako menua, hautatu Mantendu beti joko hau eguneratuta option, highlighted below.

steam automatically update game

Era berean, irakurri: Steam bezeroa konpontzeko 5 modu

Method 5: Verify Integrity Of Game Files on Steam

This method is a simple fix to all problems associated with Steam games and has worked for most users. In this process, the files in your system will be compared with the files in the Steam server. And the difference found will be rectified by the repair or replacement of files. We suggest you make use of this amazing feature on Steam. Hence, to verify the integrity of game files, read our guide on How to Verify the Integrity of Game Files on Steam.

Method 6: Change DNS Server Address

You can fix MHW error code 50382-MW1 by changing the DNS server settings, as follows:

1. Sakatu Windows + R keys aldi berean abiarazteko Korrika egin elkarrizketa-koadroa.

2. Enter the command: ncpa.cpl eta sakatu OK.

After entering the following command in the Run text box: ncpa.cpl, click the OK button.

3. In the Sareko konexioak leihoa, egin klik eskuineko botoiarekin sare konexioa eta klikatu Properties.

Now, right-click on your network connection and click on Properties | Fix MHW Error Code 50382-MW1

4. In the Wi-Fi propietateak leihoan, hautatu Internet protokoloaren 4. bertsioa (TCP / IPv4) eta klikatu Propietateak.

Click on Internet Protocol Version 4 and click on Properties.

5. Aukeratu Erabili honako DNS zerbitzari helbideak aukera.

6. Then, enter the below-mentioned values:

Nahiago DNS zerbitzaria:
DNS zerbitzari ordezkoa:

Select the icon ‘Use the following DNS server addresses.’ | Fix MHW Error Code 50382-MW1

7. Next, check the box Berretsi ezarpenak irteeran eta klikatu OK aldaketa hauek gordetzeko.

This should fix Monster Hunter World error code 50382-MW1. If not, try the next fix.

Era berean, irakurri: Nola konpondu DNS zerbitzariak ez erantzuten errorea

Method 7: Port Forwarding

Monster Hunter World is configured to use Plug and Play unibertsala or UPnP feature. But, if the router blocks your game ports, you will face the mentioned problem. Hence, follow the given port forwarding techniques to solve the same.

1. Sakatu Windows tekla eta mota cmd. Egin klik Exekutatu administratzaileari abiarazteko Command gonbitetik.

You are advised to launch Command Prompt as an administrator

2. Now, type the command ipconfig / all eta hit Sartu.

Now, type the command to view ip configuration. Fix MHW Error Code 50382-MW1

3. Note down the values of Gateway lehenetsiaAzpisareko maskaraMAC, eta DNSa.

Type ipconfig, scroll down and find the default gateway

4. Abiarazi edozein web nabigatzailean eta idatzi zure IP helbidea ireki Bideratzailearen ezarpenak.

5. Idatzi zure Saioa hasteko kredentzialak.

Ohar: Port Forwarding & DHCP settings will vary according to the router manufacturer & model.

6. Joan nabigatzera Enable Manual Assignment pean Basic Config, eta klik Bai botoia.

7. Hemen, en DHCP ezarpenak, sartu zure Mac address, IP address, eta DNS servers. Ondoren, egin klik gainean Save.

8. Ondoren, egin klik Portuen Birbidalketa or Virtual Server option, and type the following range of ports to open under start   amaiera eremuak:

TCP: 27015-27030, 27036-27037
UDP: 4380, 27000-27031, 27036 

Portuak birbidaltzeko bideratzailea

9. Orain, idatzi IP helbide estatikoa you have created in your system and ensure that the Gaitu Aukera hau hautatuta dago.

10. Azkenik, egin klik Save or Aplikatu Aldaketak gordetzeko botoia.

11. Ondoren, Restart your router and PC. Check if the issue is resolved now.

Method 8: Update/Rollback Network Drivers

Option 1: Update Network Driver

If the current drivers in your system are incompatible/outdated, then you will face MHW error code 50382-MW1. Therefore, you are advised to update your drivers to prevent the said problem.

1. Egin klik gainean Windows bilaketa-barra eta idatzi Gailu kudeatzailea. Contador Sartu gakoa abiarazteko.

Type Device Manager in the Windows 10 search menu | Fix MHW Error Code 50382-MW1

2. Egin klik bikoitza gainean Network moldagailu.

3. Orain, egin klik eskuineko botoiarekin sareko kontrolatzailea (adibidez, Intel(R) Banda Bikoitzeko Haririk gabeko-AC 3168) eta egin klik Eguneratu gidaria, irudikatu bezala.

You will see the Network adapters on the main panel. Fix MHW Error Code 50382-MW1

4. Hemen, egin klik Bilatu automatikoki gidariak options to download and install a driver automatically.

Orain, sakatu Bilatu automatikoki kontrolatzaileen aukerak kontrolatzaile bat automatikoki aurkitzeko eta instalatzeko

5A. The drivers will update to the latest version, if they are not updated.

5B. If they are already updated, you will get Zure gailurako kontrolatzaile onenak instalatuta daude dagoeneko mezua, erakusten den moduan.

Dagoeneko eguneratutako fase batean badaude, pantailan hurrengo mezua agertzen da: Zure gailurako kontrolatzaile onenak instalatuta daude dagoeneko

6. Egin klik Itxi to exit the window, restart your PC, and check if you have fixed MHW error code 50382-MW1 in your Windows 10 desktop/laptop.

Option 2: Rollback Drivers

If your system had been working correctly and began to malfunction after an update, rolling back the network drivers might help. The rollback of the driver will delete the current driver updates installed in the system and replace it with its previous version. This process should eliminate any bugs in the drivers and potentially fix the said problem.

1. nabigatu Device Manager > Network adapters goian aipatu bezala.

2. Egin klik eskuineko botoiaz gainean sareko kontrolatzailea (adibidez, Intel(R) Banda Bikoitzeko Haririk gabeko-AC 3168) eta egin klik gainean Properties, irudikatu bezala.

Double-click on the Network adapters from the panel on the left and expand it

3. Aldatu Driver fitxa eta hautatu Itzuli atzera kontrolatzailea, erakusten den moduan.

Ohar: If the option to Roll Back Driver is greyed out in your system, it indicates that it does not have any updated driver files.

Aldatu Gidaria fitxara eta hautatu Atzera itzuli kontrolatzailea

4. Egin klik OK to apply this change.

5. Azkenik, egin klik Bai in the confirmation prompt and berrabiarazi your system to make the rollback effective.

Era berean, irakurri: Network Adapter Driver Issues, What to do?

Method 9: Reinstall Network Drivers

If updating drivers does not give you a fix, you can reinstall them, as follows:

1. Abiarazi ezazu Device Manager > Network adapters atalean agindu bezala 8 metodoa.

2. Egin klik eskuineko botoiaz gainean Intel(R) Banda Bikoitzeko Haririk gabeko-AC 3168 eta hautatu Desinstalatu gailua, ilustratu bezala.

Now, right-click on the driver and select Uninstall device |Fix MHW Error Code 50382-MW1

3. In the warning prompt, check the box marked Gailuaren softwarea ezabatu gailu honetarako eta sakatu Desinstalatu.

Now, a warning prompt will be displayed on the screen. Check the box Delete the driver software for this device. Fix MHW Error Code 50382-MW1

4. Find and download the driver from the official Intel website corresponding to your Windows version.

Intel network adapter download

5. Behin deskargatuta, egin klik bikoitza deskargatutako fitxategia eta jarraitu emandako argibideei instalatzeko.

Gomendatzen da:

Ahal izana espero dugu konpondu MHW Error Code 50382-MW1 on Windows 10. Let us know which method worked for you. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.