Martxoaren 16, 2022

Konpondu Microsoft Store aplikazioak ez instalatzen

Microsoft Store is from where you can install apps and games on your Windows PC. But sometimes you can’t download from Microsoft store due to many reasons. Other similar errors include Microsoft Store not installing apps or Microsoft Store won’t install apps, Microsoft Store not downloading apps or can’t download apps from Microsoft store and Microsoft Store not installing games. Sometimes you cannot download from Microsoft store but we have the methods to fix this issue. We bring to you a perfect guide that will help you fix Microsoft Store not downloading anything issue.

Konpondu Microsoft Store aplikazioak ez instalatzen

How to Fix Microsoft Store Not Installing Apps

Here are some possible reasons which can cause this issue.

  • Faulty internet connection
  • Cache hondatua
  • Lack of storage space
  • Sistema eragile zaharkitua

We have compiled a list of methods that will help you fix can’t download apps from Microsoft store issue. Follow the methods in the same order to attain the best results.

Arazoak konpontzeko oinarrizko aholkuak

These are some of the basic ways you can fix this issue. Try these before other methods and they must just fix the problem

1. Sakatu Windows tekla eta idatzi cmd. Egin klik Exekutatu administratzaileari.

Search cmd in search menu. How to Fix Microsoft Store not Installing Apps

2. Mota Ping in command window and press Sartu gakoa.

Command to check in internet connection

3. Wait for a few seconds and check for Packets: Sent = X, Received = X, Lost = X line. Here X will vary according to your connection.

  • If value of Galdu is zero i.e. Lost = 0 it means your connection is working fine.
  • If value of Galdu is positive or negative then you connection is having issues. In that case, try berrabiarazten your, switching to an Ethernet konexioa edo kontaktua Interneteko zerbitzu hornitzailea arazoari aurre egiteko.

Era berean, irakurri: Konpondu Windows 10 aplikazioak ez funtzionatzen

1. metodoa: berrabiarazi Microsoft Store

If you are still cannot download from Microsoft store, try manually closing Microsoft Store application and restart it as instructed below.

1. Prentsa Ktrl + Shift + Esc teklak elkarrekin irekitzeko Zeregin kudeatzailea aukera.

2. Under Prozesuak fitxa, egin klik gainean Microsoft-denda jarraitu Amaitu zeregina botoia.

Microsoft Store under Processes tab

3. Berriro ireki Microsoft denda.

Method 2: Disable Metered Connection

A metered connection is used to prevent unnecessary data consumption by apps and programs by setting a data limit. If your network is configured as a metered connection, it may cause Microsoft Store won’t install apps issue. You can turn OFF metered connection as instructed below.

1. Egin klik eskuineko botoiaz gainean Wi-fi or Ethernet ikonoa pantailaren beheko eskuineko izkinan eta hautatu Ireki Sare eta Internet ezarpenak.

Open Network Internet settings option

2. Egin klik Properties option in the right panel.

Properties option. How to Fix Microsoft Store not Installing Apps

3. Scroll down the screen and toggle OFF Konexio metered gisa ezarri aukera azpian Konexio neurtua.

Metered connection option

Joan atzera Microsoft-denda and try installing any app or game. 

Era berean, irakurri: Nola konpondu Microsoft Store Slow Download Arazoa?

3. metodoa: Exekutatu Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter

If you still notice Microsoft Store not installing games then you can use the inbuilt troubleshooting tool to identify and fix the issue. Follow the steps below.

1. Mota Arazoen ezarpenak in Windows search bar. Click on Ireki.

Type Troubleshoot settings in search menu

2. Egin klik Arazo berriak behean azaltzen den moduan.

Additional troubleshooters option

3. Aukeratu Windows Store Apps > Run the troubleshooter.

Run the troubleshooter option

4. After the troubleshooting process, if the tool has identified any problems, click on Aplikatu konponketa hau.

5. Follow the given instructions in successive prompts and berrabiarazi zure ordenagailua.

4. metodoa: Garbitu Windows Store Cachea

If you still can’t download from Microsoft store then it might be because of corrupt cache files is interfering in the process. To delete Microsoft Store cache, follow these steps.

1. ireki Korrika egin dialog box by clicking Windows +R keys aldi berean.

2. Mota wsreset.exe eta prentsa Sartu.

Run dialog box. How to Fix Microsoft Store not Installing Apps

Method 5: Restart Windows Update Services

Many users have suggested that Microsoft Store won’t install apps issue can be fixed by restarting the Windows Update Services which manages updates released by Microsoft. Here is how you can do it.

1. Abiarazi ezazu Korrika egin elkarrizketa-koadroa.

2. Mota services.msc eta prentsa Sartu gakoa abiarazteko Zerbitzuak leihoa.

Exekutatu elkarrizketa-koadroa

3. Scroll down the screen and right-click on Windows Update.

Ohar: If the current status is ez carrera, beheko urratsa salta dezakezu.

4. Egin klik Gelditu uneko egoera bistaratzen bada carrera.

Window update option. How to Fix Microsoft Store not Installing Apps

5. You will receive a prompt; Windows ordenagailu lokalean honako zerbitzu hau gelditzen saiatzen ari da... Itxaron gonbita osatu arte. 3 eta 5 segundo inguru beharko ditu.

Service control prompt

6. Orain, sakatu Windows + E gakoak elkarrekin martxan jartzeko fitxategi Explorer eta nabigatu


7. Hautatu fitxategi eta karpeta guztiak sakatuz Ktrl + A teklak. Then, right-click > Ezabatu behean azaltzen den moduan.

Ezabatu aukera

8. Nabigatu hurrengora bidea Ezabatu all data fro here similarly.

C: WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload

Delete option. How to Fix Microsoft Store not Installing Apps

9. Go back to Zerbitzuak leihoa eta egin klik eskuineko botoiarekin Windows Update. Aukeratu start aukera.

Windows update option

10. Itxaron prozesua amaitu arte.

Service control prompt

Era berean, irakurri: Always Show Scrollbars in Windows 10 Store Apps

6. metodoa: Aldatu DNS helbidea

Switching to Google DNS addresses has helped many users when they cannot download from Microsoft store. DNS server fetches IP address of the requested website so it can be displayed. You can change your DNS address and also switch to Google DNS by following our guide on 3 Ways to change DNS settings on Windows 10. After changing your DNS address, check if are able to download from Microsoft store.

7. metodoa: Aldatu Erregistroko gakoak

There is a feature named Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object in your Registry editor. If you enable it for any specific folder, all the permissions of the parent folder will be transferred to all of its subfolders. It may resolve the issue and you can do it by following the steps below.

1. Go to search menu and type Erregistroko editorea eta klikatu Exekutatu administratzaileari.

Registry editor in search menu

2. Now, in the Windows Registry Editor, navigate to the following path.


Folder path to Profiles

3. Egin klik eskuineko botoiaz gainean Profilak karpeta eta egin klik Baimenak ...

4. Urtean Permissions for Profiles leihoa, egin klik Aurreratua.

Permissions for Profiles window. How to Fix Microsoft Store not Installing Apps

5. Markatu markatutako laukia Ordeztu ume-objektuaren baimen-sarrera objektu honetatik hereda daitezkeen baimen-sarrerarekin.

Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object option

6. Egin klik Aplikatu> Ados Berrabiarazi ordenagailua.

Era berean, irakurri: Fix Windows Store Cache May Be Damaged Error

8. metodoa: berrezarri Windows Update osagaiak

Corrupt files in Windows update component can cause several errors related to Microsoft Store. Problems with updating cache may also lead to Microsoft Store not downloading apps. Resetting Windows Update Components will restart essential Windows services like BITS, MSI Installer, Cryptographic and Windows Update Services. You can do the same by following our guide on How to Reset Windows Update Components on Windows 10

Ohar: Bestela, erabil dezakezu konponketa automatikoko tresna to reset the Windows Update Components.

9. metodoa: berrezarri Microsoft Store

Resetting Microsoft Store is an extreme option and will remove your log-in details, settings, and preferences from your computer but it can work if you cannot download from Microsoft Store. Follow these steps.

1. Sakatu Windows teklaidatzi, idatzi Microsoft-denda eta aukeratu Aplikazioen ezarpenak aukera.

App settings option

2. Joan behera Ezarpenak screen and click on Berrezarri botoia nabarmendutako moduan.

Ohar: Your app data will be deleted while resetting Microsoft Store.

Berrezarri aukera

3. Egin klik Berrezarri berrespen-mezuan.

Reset prompt. How to Fix Microsoft Store not Installing Apps

4. After the process is finished, berrabiarazi ordenagailua.

Era berean, irakurri: Konpondu Windows denda ez kargatzen Windows 10-n

10. metodoa: berriro erregistratu Microsoft Store

After resetting if you still can’t download from Microsoft store, re-registering the app may fix the issue. Follow as instructed below.

1. Sakatu Windows teklaidatzi, idatzi Windows PowerShell eta klikatu Exekutatu administratzaileari.

PowerShell in search menu

2. Now, paste the following command line in Windows PowerShell and press Sartu gakoa.

PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Mugarik gabe -Command "& {$manifest = (Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.WindowsStore).InstallLocation + 'AppxManifest.xml' ; Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $manifest}

Command to re-register Microsoft Store

3. Wait for the command to be executed and try opening Microsoft Store again.

11. metodoa: berriro instalatu Microsoft Store

If other options haven’t worked for you then try reinstalling Microsoft Store. It can’t be done using Control Panel or Settings but you can use PowerShell commands to reinstall Microsoft Store as discussed below.

1. Launch Windows PowerShell with admin rights as instructed above.

2. Mota get-appxpackage –allusers agindu eta jo Sartu gakoa.

Command to get package information. How to Fix Microsoft Store not Installing Apps

3. Bilatu Microsoft.WindowsStore eta joan PackageFullName kopiatu the line next to it. In this case it is:


PackageFullName line highlighted

4. Go to a new line in PowerShell window and type kendu-appxpackage ondoren tarte bat eta kopiatu duzun lerroa in the above step. In this case it will be:

remove-appxpackage Microsoft.WindowsStore_22202.1402.2.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe

Ohar: The command may vary a little according to the version of your Windows PC.

Command to delete Microsoft Store

5. It will delete Microsoft Store. Berrabiarazi ordenagailua.

6. To install it again open Windows PowerShell as an administrator and type the following command.

Add-AppxPackage -register "C:Program FilesWindowsAppsMicrosoft.WindowsStore_11804.1001.8.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbweAppxManifest.xml" -DisableDevelopmentMode

Command to Reinstall Microsoft Store. How to Fix Microsoft Store not Installing Apps

Era berean, irakurri: Nola berrezarri Microsoft kontuaren pasahitza

12. metodoa: Sortu erabiltzaile-profil berria

Sometimes your user profile can get corrupted and it may lead Microsoft Store not downloading anything. You can create a new profile to fix the problem. Follow our guide below to Create a Local User Account on Windows 10

13. metodoa: Egin abio garbia

If the issue persists then you can perform a clean boot of your computer. It will start Windows with only the necessary drivers & programs and is used to troubleshoot your Windows problems. You can follow our guide to Perform Clean boot in Windows 10. Check if Microsoft store is downloading apps and games now.

14. metodoa: Egin sistema berrezartzeko

If none of the methods worked for you then this is your last option. Only do it when it is completely necessary. System restore restores your computer to its previous version and can help run an app like it was before. It might fix Microsoft store error and you can do it by following our guide on How to use System Restore on Windows 10. Now you should be able to download apps and games from Microsoft Store.

Gomendatzen da:

Espero dugu gida hau lagungarria izan dela eta konpondu izana can’t download from Microsoft Store issue by fixing Microsoft Store Not Working issue on Windows 10 by fixing Microsoft Store Not Working issue on Windows 10. Let us know which method worked for you the best. If you have any queries or suggestions then feel free to drop them in the comments section.