Otsailaren 26, 2022

Fix Windows Update 0x8007000d Error

Fix Windows Update 0x8007000d Error

It is advised to regularly update your Windows PC to safeguard it from cyber-attacks. But sometimes when you try to update your Windows 10 computer, you get prompted with Windows update 0x8007000d error. 0x8007000d Windows update error stops the update process and often occurs due to damaged files, corrupt programs etc. Few users encounter that upgrading to Windows 11 cause setup cannot continue due to a corrupted installation file error. Nevertheless, you are lucky to have found this article. This guide will help you understand how to fix 0x8007000d Windows 10 errors. Keep reading the article for solutions.

Fix Windows Update 0x8007000d Error

How to Fix Windows Update 0x8007000d Error

You may encounter several error codes while updating your PC. Apart from Windows 7, it happens on Windows 10 PC too. Many users have reported that they cannot install KB3124200, KB4586853, KB4592438 versions of Windows 10 specifically. Here are some reasons that cause 0x8007000d Windows update error. Analyze the reason behind your problem so you can quickly resolve it by picking the right method.

  • Missing or damaged files in PC.
  • Hondatutako programak.
  • Birusa edo malware attack in PC.
  • Incomplete or Outdated Windows Update Components in PC.
  • Bestelakoa background programs interfere with the updating process.
  • antivirus program interference and Interneteko konexio ezegonkorra baita.

In this section, we have compiled a list of effective troubleshooting methods that will help you fix 0x8007000d or setup cannot continue due to a corrupted installation file error. Follow the methods in the same order to attain perfect results.

1. metodoa: garbitu diskoko espazioa

Windows PC might not install updates if your computer does not have enough space. Removing large junk files can free up your PC memory and fix general issues. It can be done by cleaning disk space which deletes all temporary files, installation logs, cache, etc. It might fix setup cannot continue due to a corrupted installation prompt Error. You can begin clearing up your disk by following the below-mentioned steps.

1. Eduki sakatuta Windows + I teklak elkarrekin irekitzeko Windows ezarpenak.

2. Orain, egin klik gainean Sistema behean agertzen den bezala.

Windows setting page. System highlighted. Fix Windows 10 Update 0x8007000d Error

3. Ezkerreko panelean, egin klik Biltegiratzea tab and in the right pane, select the Konfiguratu Storage Sense edo exekutatu orain link as highlighted.

Storage tab. Fix Windows 10 Update 0x8007000d Error

4. In the next window, scroll down to Askatu espazioa orain atala eta aukeratu Orain garbitu aukera erakusten den moduan.

Configure Storage Sense or run it now window. Fix Windows 10 Update 0x8007000d Error

Now with all unnecessary files removed, try updating the Windows and check if the issue is fixed.

Ohar: This method can be removed from this article. I didn’t find it anywhere pertaining to the issue.

2. metodoa: Exekutatu Malware Scan

Many times errors like setup cannot continue due to a corrupted installation file are caused by Viruses and Malware. Check that your PC is periodically scanned to avoid getting attacked by them. Here are the steps to run an antivirus scan on your PC.

1. Sakatu Windows + I teklak elkarrekin irekitzeko Ezarpenak.

2. Egin klik Eguneratzea eta segurtasuna, erakusten den moduan.

Windows Settings screen will pop up. Select Update and Security. Fix Windows 10 Update 0x8007000d Error

3. Egin klik Windows segurtasuna ezkerreko panelean.

4. Ondoren, hautatu Birusa eta mehatxuen babesa aukera azpian Babes guneak.

Windows security option in the left pane. Virus and threat protection selected in the right pane.

5. Egin klik Eskaneatu aukerak, erakusten den moduan.

Scan Options highlighted. Fix Windows 10 Update 0x8007000d Error

6. Aukeratu Azkar eskaneatzea or Eskaneatu osoa option as per your preference and click on Eskaneatu orain.

Scan options available.

7A. After the scan is completed. All the threats will be enlisted. Click on Hasi Ekintzak pean Egungo mehatxuak to remove or repair threats.

Window that appears if threats are found. Fix Windows 10 Update 0x8007000d Error

7B. If you do not have any threats on your system, Ez dago egungo mehatxurik will be shown as highlighted below.

Window that appears if no threats are found.

Windows Defender Firewall will fix all the virus and malware related issues.

Era berean, irakurri: Konpondu Windows Update Error 0x800704c7

3. metodoa: Exekutatu Windows Update Troubleshooter

You can also run the Windows Update Troubleshooter. It is a built-in feature made to fix all update errors. It will repair Windows Update-related temporary files and services and reset Windows Update components. Here are the instructions to run Windows Update troubleshooter.

1. Prentsa Windows + I teklak aldi berean abiarazteko Ezarpenak.

2. Egin klik gainean Eguneratzea eta segurtasuna fitxa, erakusten den moduan.

Eguneratzea eta segurtasuna

3. Joan Konpondu menua ezkerreko panelean.

4. Aukeratu Windows Update arazoak konpontzeko eta egin klik gainean Exekutatu arazoen konponketa azpian nabarmendutako botoia.

click on Troubleshoot from the Update and Security settings and select Windows Update troubleshooter and click on Run the troubleshooter. Fix Windows 10 Update 0x8007000d Error

5. Wait for the troubleshooter to detect and fix the problem. Once the process is complete, berrabiarazi zure ordenagailua.

Ohar: Ere egin dezakezu exekutatu Programaren bateragarritasun arazoak konpontzeko listed under Find and fix other problems. This will find and fix problems related with compatibility of older programs on the version of Windows.

Likewise, run the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter listed under Find and fix other problems

4. metodoa: Fitxategi hondatuak konpondu

If Windows update 0x8007000d is showing up then it might be because of corrupt files on your computer. You can use features like SFC (System File Checker) and DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management) to scan and remove the harmful corrupt files. Here is how you can use them:

1. Sakatu Windows teklaidatzi, idatzi Command gonbitetik eta klikatu Exekutatu administratzaileari.

Ireki Hasi menua, idatzi Komando-gonbita eta egin klik Exekutatu administratzaile gisa eskuineko panelean.

2. Egin klik Bai in the Erabiltzaile-izen gonbita.

3. Mota sfc / scannow eta prentsa Sartu gakoa Korrika egin Sistema-fitxategia egiaztatzailea eskaneatu.

Type the below command line and hit Enter to execute it. Fix Windows 10 Update 0x8007000d Error

Ohar: Sistemaren azterketa bat hasiko da eta minutu pare bat beharko du amaitzeko. Bitartean, beste jarduera batzuk egiten jarraitu dezakezu, baina kontutan izan leihoa ustekabean ez ixtea.

Eskaneatu ondoren, mezu hauetako bat erakutsiko du:

  • Windows Baliabideen Babesak ez du osotasun urraketarik aurkitu.
  • Windows Resource Protection ezin izan da eskatutako eragiketa egin.
  • Windows Resource Protection-ek fitxategi hondatuak aurkitu ditu eta behar bezala konpondu ditu.
  • Windows Resource Protection-ek fitxategi hondatuak aurkitu ditu, baina ezin izan ditu horietako batzuk konpondu.

4. Eskaneatzea amaitutakoan, berrabiarazi zure ordenagailua.

5. Berriz ere, abiarazi Komando-gonbitea administratzaile gisa eta exekutatu emandako aginduak bata bestearen atzetik:

dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /scanhealth
dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup

Ohar: Interneteko konexio bat izan behar duzu DISM komandoak behar bezala exekutatzeko.

scan health command in Command Prompt. Fix Windows 10 Update 0x8007000d Error

Era berean, irakurri: Nola konpondu Windows Update Error 80072ee2

5. metodoa: Erabili komando-gonbita

You can also fix 0x8007000d Windows error by using Command Prompt. It is an effective troubleshooting method, you can resolve the error with the given codes.

1. Launch Command gonbitetik administratzaile gisa.

2. Type the command the following commands banan-banan and hit sartu.

SC config wuauserv start = auto
SC konfigurazio bitak start = auto
SC konfiguratu cryptsvc start = auto
SC config trustinstaller start = auto

Command Prompt window.

3. Once the commands are executed, Berrabiarazi ordenagailua

Method 6: Enable Windows Update Service

To fix 0x8007000d error, check if Windows Update services are running. They manage the distribution of updates released by Microsoft. Here is how to do it.

Option I: Through Services

Follow these steps to start Windows update services through Services program.

1. Sakatu Windows tekla eta idatzi Zerbitzuak eta klikatu Exekutatu administratzaileari.

Search for Services. Click Run as administrator. Fix Windows 10 Update 0x8007000d Error

2. Joan behera eta hautatu Windows Update zerbitzua.

3. Egin klik eskuineko botoiaz gainean Properties beheko irudian azaltzen den bezala.

Ohar: You can also double-click on Windows Update Zerbitzuak irekitzeko Properties leihoa.

Services window.

4. Ezar ezazu Abiarazte mota to Automatikoa, behean agertzen den bezala.

Now, set the Startup type to Automatic

5. Egin klik Aplikatu> Ados aldaketak gordetzeko. 

Era berean, irakurri: Nola konpondu sarbidea ukatuta dago Windows 10

Option II: Through Local Group Policy Editor

When the Windows update components are disabled in your PC, you will face problems like setup cannot continue due to a corrupted installation file prompt accompanied by Windows update 0x8007000d error. Firstly check if you have enabled Windows Update components, if not you can enable it by following the below-mentioned steps.

1. Sakatu Windows tekla eta idatzi gpedit.msc as shown. Then, hit Sartu.

Exekutatu elkarrizketa-koadroa

2. Orain, egin klik bikoitza gainean Ordenagailuaren konfigurazioa> Administrazio txantiloiak irudikatu bezala.

Local Group Policy Editor window. Fix Windows 10 Update 0x8007000d Error

3. Egin klik bikoitza gainean Sistema and in the right pane, scroll down and double-click on Zehaztu aukerako osagaien instalazioa eta osagaien konponketa doikuntzak irudikatu bezala.

System folder is open and Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair is highlighted.

4. In the next pop-up window, Select Gaituta irudikatu bezala.

Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair pop up window. Fix Windows 10 Update 0x8007000d Error

5. Azkenik, egin klik Aplikatu> Ados aldaketak gordetzeko.

Era berean, irakurri: Konpondu ordenagailua ez da berriro sinkronizatu denbora-daturik ez zegoelako erabilgarri

7. metodoa: berrabiarazi Windows Update Zerbitzua

Sometimes, you could fix setup cannot continue due to a corrupted installation file error by manually restarting the Windows Update Service. Follow the below instructions to implement the same.

1. Abiarazi ezazu Korrika egin dialog box by hitting Windows + R teklak elkarrekin.

2. Mota services.msc eta sakatu OK abiarazteko Zerbitzuak leihoa.

Type services.msc In Run dialog box.

3. Scroll down the screen and eskuin-klik on Windows Update.

Ohar: If the current status is not carrera, you can skip the below step.

4. Hemen, egin klik Gelditu if the current status displays carrera.

Windows update selected in Services window.

5. You will receive a prompt, Windows ordenagailu lokalean honako zerbitzu hau gelditzen saiatzen ari da... Wait for the prompt to be completed. It will take around 3 to 5 seconds.

Windows is attempting to stop the following service on Local Computer prompt. Fix Windows 10 Update 0x8007000d Error

6. ireki fitxategi Explorer klik eginez Windows + E teklak together. Now, navigate to the following path.


7. Select all the files and folders by pressing Control+ A keys together and eskuin-klik on the empty space.

8. Aukeratu Ezabatu option to remove all the files and folders from the DataStore location.

Datastore folder view.

9. Now, navigate to the path, C:WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload, Ezabatu all the files in the Downloads location as mentioned in the previous step.

Download folder in SoftwareDistribution. Fix Windows 10 Update 0x8007000d Error

10. Itzuli Zerbitzuak leihoa eta eskuin-klik on Windows Update.

11. Aukeratu start option as depicted in the below picture.

Windows update selected in Services window. Fix Windows 10 Update 0x8007000d Error

12. You will receive a prompt, Windows ordenagailu lokalean honako zerbitzu hau abiarazten saiatzen ari da... Wait for 3 to 5 seconds and close the Services window.

Windows is attempting to start the following service on Local Computer prompt

Method 8: Delete Software Distribution Files in Safe Mode

If the problem is not solved by manually deleting the components of the Software Distribution Folder or if you have faced any errors while removing the files, follow the below-mentioned steps. These instructions will boot your PC in recovery mode so you can delete it without any problems.

1. Sakatu Windows tekla eta idatzi Berreskuratzeko aukerak as shown. Open the best results.

Recovery options search.

2. Urtean Ezarpenak leiho, egin klik Berrabiarazi orain aukera azpian Abiarazte aurreratua erakusten den moduan.

Settings window of Recovery option. Fix Windows 10 Update 0x8007000d Error

3. Egin klik Konpondu in the Aukera bat hautatu leihoa.

Choose an option window

4. Egin klik Aukera aurreratuak erakusten den moduan.

Troubleshoot window in Advance Startup.

5. Egin klik Startup Settings nabarmendu bezala.

Startup Settings under Advanced options. Fix Windows 10 Update 0x8007000d Error

6. In the Startup Settings leihoa, egin klik Berrabiarazterik.

7. When your PC restarts, you will see the below screen. Here, hit the F5 key on your keyboard to Gaitu modu segurua sarearekin aukera.

Enable Safe Mode with Networking is highlighted in the options available after restart from Startup Settings.

8. Eduki sakatuta Windows + E teklak elkarrekin irekitzeko fitxategi Explorer. Navigate to the following location.

C: WindowsSoftwareDistribution

9. Select all the files in the Software Distribution folder and Ezabatu Them.

Software Distribution folder. Fix Windows 10 Update 0x8007000d Error

10. Ondoren, Berrabiarazi ordenagailua and try updating the Windows Update.

Era berean, irakurri: iaStorA.sys BSOD errorea konpontzeko 7 modu Windows 10-n

Method 9: Reset Update Components

To resolve all update-related issues, there is another effective troubleshooting method, resetting Windows Update components. It repairs BITS, Cryptographic, MSI Installer, Windows Update services, and updates folders like SoftwareDistribution and Catroot2. Here are some instructions to reset Windows Update components.

1. Follow steps 1 from 4A.

2. Type the command the following commands banan-banan and hit sartu.

net stop wuauerv
net stop cryptSvc
sare stop bits
net stop msiserver
ren C: WindowsSoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old 
ren C:WindowsSystem32catroot2 Catroot2.old 
net start wuauserv
net start cryptSvc
Hasierako bitarteko sareak 
net start msiserver

Command Prompt window.

Wait for the commands to be executed and check if error 0x8007000d Windows 10 is fixed.

Method 10: Disable Antivirus (Temporarily)

Sometimes, an over-aggressive antivirus suite will interfere with the update process causing 0x8007000d Windows 10 update error 0xc1900204 or setup cannot continue due to a corrupted installation error. Hence, if you are using a third-party antivirus software, then disable it temporarily and check if you have fixed the issue. It is important that you enable it again after you have resolved your issue for protection against viruses.

Ohar: Different Antivirus programs will have different settings for this method. As an example we are using Avast Free Antivirus.

1. nabigatu antivirus icon in the Taskbar and eskuin-klik gainean.

Icons on taskbar.

2. Aukeratu Avast ezkutuen kontrola option and you can temporarily disable Avast using the below options:

  • Desgaitu 10 minutuz
  • Desgaitu ordubetez
  • Desgaitu ordenagailua berrabiarazi arte
  • Desgaitu betirako

Avast shields control option. Fix Windows 10 Update 0x8007000d Error

3. Choose the option according to your convenience and confirm the prompt displayed on the screen.

Avast shields control different options available.

4. In the main window you will see the note All your shields are turned off denoting that you have disabled the antivirus. To activate it again, click on PIZTU.

All your shields are turned off in the main window.

11. metodoa: Berrezarri ordenagailua

If none of the above methods work for you, then this is the last resort. You can reset your PC to finally fix this error. Here is how to do it.

1. Navigate to Windows Ezarpenak eta hautatu Eguneratzea eta segurtasuna.

2. Aukeratu berreskuratzea aukera ezkerreko paneletik eta egin klik Lehen urratsak eskuineko panelean.

Recovery option window. Fix Windows 10 Update 0x8007000d Error

3. Now, choose an option from Berrezarri ordenagailu hau leihoa.

  • Gorde nire fitxategiak option will remove apps and settings but will keep your personal files.
  • Kendu dena option will remove all your personal files, apps, and settings.

Reset this PC window.

4. Azkenik, jarraitu pantailako argibideei berrezartzeko prozesua osatzeko.

If you are unable to fix Windows update 0x8007000d error, here are a few alternatives to update your Windows 10 PC.

Era berean, irakurri: Nola ezabatu Win konfigurazio fitxategiak Windows 10-n

Method 12: Use Windows 10 Update Assistant

You can try an alternative way of updating Windows 10 PC if you have any troubles with previous versions. Firstly, uninstall any possible recent updates and use Windows 10 Update Assistant as instructed below to fix 0x8007000d Windows 10 error.

1. Eduki sakatuta Windows + R teklak elkarrekin irekitzeko Korrika egin elkarrizketa-koadroa.

2. Orain, idatzi appwiz.cpl as shown and hit Sartu.

Run Dialog box. Fix Windows 10 Update 0x8007000d Error

3. Egin klik Ikusi instalatutako eguneratzeak in the left pane as shown here.

Programs and features window.

4. Now, select the most recent problematic update and click on Desinstalatu aukera behean erakusten den moduan.

Programs and features window with Uninstall a program option selected. Fix Windows 10 Update 0x8007000d Error

5. Confirm the prompt, if any. Now, press and hold Windows + E teklak elkarrekin irekitzeko fitxategi Explorer. Navigate to the following path.


6. Delete all the files and folders in the path. Select all the files and click on the Ezabatu ikonoa erakusten den moduan.

Files inside download folder. Fix Windows 10 Update 0x8007000d Error

7. Bisitatu Windows 10 Update download page. Egin klik gainean Eguneratu orain aukera erakusten den moduan.

Windows 10 November 2021 Update webpage view.

8. The update may slow down in between 60-85 % of the process. Wait until the update process is successful and Berrabiarazi ordenagailua.

9. Sakatu Windows+I gakoak elkarrekin irekitzeko Ezarpenak zure sisteman.

10. Aukeratu Eguneratzea eta segurtasuna.

sakatu Eguneratzea eta segurtasuna.

11. Aukeratu Egiaztatu eguneraketak from the right panel. Make sure you are prompted with Eguneratuta zaude message as depicted.

If the Windows version is already up-to-date, then it will show You’re up to date message. Fix Windows Update 0x8007000d Error

Ohar: Erabiltzen baduzu Errealitate nahastua software on your PC, please uninstall it. This software interferes with the Windows Update process and causes Windows update 0x8007000d error.

Era berean, irakurri: Konpondu 0x80004002: Windows 10-n ez dago horrelako interfazerik onartzen

Method 13: Download the Updates Manually

If you have confirmed that there are no corrupt files, malicious programs in your PC and all essential services are running and still the error is not resolved then you can manually download the updates as instructed below. Before doing this, you have to identify the KB zenbakia of your PC that is popping up with 0x8007000d Windows 10 error.

1. Sakatu Windows+I gakoak elkarrekin irekitzeko Ezarpenak zure sisteman.

2. Orain, hautatu Eguneratzea eta segurtasuna.

Update and Security highlighted in Settings window. Fix Windows 10 Update 0x8007000d Error


3. Egin klik gainean Ikusi eguneratzeen historia aukera azpian nabarmentzen den moduan.

Windows Update window.

4. In the list, note down the KB zenbakia of the update that has failed to install due to the error message.

KB number. Fix Windows 10 Update 0x8007000d Error

5. Idatzi KB zenbakia in the Microsoft Update katalogoa bilaketa-barra.

Microsoft Update Catalog search bar homepage

6. Find the update that is compatible with your system and click on GEHITU to download and install the update manually.

Gomendatzen da:

We hope that this guide was helpful and you have fixed Windows 10 update 0x8007000d error. Let us know which method worked the best for you. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.