1 août 2022

Correction d'une erreur BitTorrent à laquelle le processus ne peut pas accéder

BitTorrent is one of the most popular peer-to-peer file-sharing tools. First launched in 2001, BitTorrent rose to popularity in the late 2010s. In recent times, many users have found BitTorrent error the process cannot access issues while attempting to download files from the tool. This error can cause interruptions in downloads of the files through BitTorrent. If you are also wondering why do I get a the process cannot access file in BitTorrent? The reasons can be varied for this. Read this article to fix this issue.

Correction d'une erreur BitTorrent à laquelle le processus ne peut pas accéder

How to Fix BitTorrent Error the Process Cannot Access in Windows 10

Il peut y avoir plusieurs raisons pour BitTorrent error while downloading files. Some of the possible reasons are mentioned below:

  • Errors due to interfering applications
  • Errors due to Microsoft Defender
  • Errors due to the download folder
  • Errors due to antivirus program
  • Errors due to the location of the download file
  • Errors in BitTorrent client

The following guide will provide you with methods to fix BitTorrent errors.

Méthode 1 : redémarrer le PC

The basic troubleshooting for any issues would be restarting your device. This would easily fix any temporary glitches. Follow the below steps.

1. appuie sur le Touche Windows et cliquez sur le Puissance option.

Click on power option

2 Sélectionner Recommencer.

Select restart. Fix BitTorrent Error the Process Cannot Access in Windows 10

Method 2: Restart BitTorrent

If the BitTorrent client is attempting to write on a file that is already opened in another application, it may cause process cannot access errors. This issue can be resolved by restarting the BitTorrent client. Following are the steps for restarting the BitTorrent client.

1. Frappez le Touches Ctrl + Maj + Echap simultanément pour ouvrir le Gestionnaire des tâches.

2. In the Processes tab, right-click on the BitTorrent processus.

3. Ensuite, sélectionnez le Tâche finale option.

end task bittorrent

4. Maintenant, open the BitTorrent app nouveau.

Lisez aussi: Correction de l'erreur Le processus ne peut pas accéder au fichier sous Windows 10

Method 3: Close Interfering Processes

When the current folder of the torrent is open in a file indexing tool, it may cause problems while downloading the file. If a third-party application is attempting to write data on the same file as BitTorrent, the BitTorrent error the process cannot access can occur. To avoid this, you may want to close all such interfering applications on your PC. If manually closing the apps does not work. You can follow these simple steps to end the background tasks. Read our guide on How to End Task in Windows 10 and implement the same.

End Task in Windows 10

Method 4: Add Exclusion in Windows Defender

To resolve BitTorrent error the process cannot access problem, you can also try to whitelist the download folder from the Windows defender. To whitelist the download folder, you need to add an exclusion for the particular folder. You can perform this by following these simple steps.

1. presse Touches Windows + I simultanément pour ouvrir Paramètres.

2. Cliquez sur Mise à jour et sécurité réglage.

click on update and security

3. Dans le volet de gauche, cliquez sur sécurité windows.

click on windows security. Fix BitTorrent Error the Process Cannot Access in Windows 10

4. Cliquez sur Protection contre les virus et les menaces.

click on virus and threat protection

5. En dessous de Paramètres de protection contre les virus et les menaces, cliquez sur Gérer les paramètres.

under virus amd threat protection settings click on manage settings. Fix BitTorrent Error the Process Cannot Access in Windows 10

6. Faites défiler jusqu'à la Exclusions section et cliquez sur Ajouter ou supprimer des exclusions.

click on add or remove exclusions

7. Maintenant, cliquez sur Ajouter une exclusion et sélectionnez Dossier

click on add an exclusion and select folder. Fix BitTorrent Error the Process Cannot Access in Windows 10

8. Sélectionnez l' dossier où tu veux download le fichier.

Lisez aussi: Correction de l'erreur d'E/S Qbittorrent dans Windows 10

Méthode 5 : ajouter une exclusion dans le programme antivirus (le cas échéant)

If your antivirus is causing errors in downloading files, you can try adding an exclusion in Antivirus Program to resolve this BitTorrent error the process cannot access issue.

Remarque: Nous avons montré les étapes pour Avast Antivirus Gratuit par exemple.

1. Ouvert avast Antivirus et cliquez sur le Menu option dans le coin supérieur droit.

Cliquez sur l'option Menu

2. Dans la liste déroulante, sélectionnez Paramètres.

sélectionnez Paramètres

3. dans le Général onglet, aller à Applications bloquées et autorisées.

4. Sous le Liste des applications autorisées section, cliquez sur AUTORISER L'APPLICATION.

Under the List of allowed apps and click on ALLOW APP. Fix BitTorrent Error the Process Cannot Access in Windows 10

5. Maintenant, cliquez sur ADD, corresponding to the BitTorrent path, to add it to the whitelist.

Remarque: Nous avons montré App Installer étant ajouté comme exclusion ci-dessous.

click on ADD

Méthode 6 : désactiver le pare-feu Windows Defender (non recommandé)

Microsoft Defender, using Real-time Protection, scans all the downloading files for possible malware or any such threats to your PC. Sometimes, a BitTorrent download can be interrupted by the Microsoft Defender. To resolve this issue, you can try to turn off the Real-time Protection on your system. Read our How to Disable Windows 10 Firewall guide to disable the Windows Defender firewall on your PC safely.

Désactiver le pare-feu Windows

Une fois le problème résolu, veillez à réactiver le pare-feu Windows. Un appareil sans suite de sécurité est toujours sujet aux attaques de logiciels malveillants.

Méthode 7 : désactiver temporairement l’antivirus (le cas échéant)

If you are using a third-party antivirus, the antivirus may be causing BitTorrent error the process cannot access. One of the measures to avoid this issue is to disable the antivirus program from your PC. You can follow these simple steps to uninstall an antivirus program from your computer safely. Read our guide on How to Disable Antivirus Temporarily on Windows 10 and implement the same.

Désactiver temporairement l'antivirus

Once you have downloaded the file, re-enable the antivirus program. A system without a security suite would be vulnerable to virus attacks.

Remarque: You can also uninstall the antivirus program, but it is not recommended.

Lisez aussi: 15 meilleures alternatives uTorrent disponibles

Method 8: Redownload File Outside Cloud Folders (If Applicable)

If you are still confused about why I get a the process cannot access file error upon attempting a download from BitTorrent, you may want to check where your files are being downloaded. If your download folder is located in a Cloud folder such as OneDrive, Google Drive, or Dropbox, then you may want to change that. You can avoid this error by saving the download outside the Cloud folder, preferably on C: drive. You must reload the torrent file and remove the current download to execute this. You can follow these steps to remove the current download from BitTorrent.

1. appuie sur le Touche Windows, Le type BitTorrent, puis cliquez sur Ouvert.

open bittorrent

2. Right-click on the current downloading fichier torrent.

3. Cliquez ensuite sur le Remove And option.

Select Remove And

4. Ici, sélectionnez Delete .torrent + Data.

choose Delete .torrent plus Data. Fix BitTorrent Error the Process Cannot Access in Windows 10

5. Cliquez sur Oui dans l'invite de confirmation.

6. Maintenant, double-cliquez sur le filet that has to be downloaded and choose a emplacement différent, apart from any cloud storage location.

Foire aux questions (FAQ)

Q1. Why can’t I download files from BitTorrent?

Ans. There can be many reasons for BitTorrent not downloading files, such as an application interférente and issues due to Windows Defender.

Q2. Can I save BitTorrent downloads on Cloud folders?

Rép. Oui, BitTorrent provides you tools to save your downloads directly to Cloud folders.

Q3. How to remove files from BitTorrent?

Ans. Sélectionnez le fichier et appuyez sur la Clé de suppression to delete the file. You can also remove the file from Recycle Bin.


Nous espérons que ce guide vous a été utile et que vous avez pu résoudre ce problème. BitTorrent error the process cannot access issue on your computer. Comment down and let us know which method worked for you. Also, if you have questions, queries, or suggestions, feel free to share them with us.