April 26, 2022

How to Get Among Us on Linux

You too, Brutus, in the modern era… What way does the contrast of the famous dialogue which features the treachery committed by a friend sound like? What if the most popular game in the COVID period is based on this dialogue? It is none other than the famous Among Us game, in which a player of the squad is an imposter. If you wish to get the game on an Operating system other than the native Windows, such as Linux, fear not, this article would discuss Among Us Linux download. The sections of this article would lead you to the Linux Among Us installation process. In short, the article is based on the steps required to install Among Us on Linux.

How to Get Among Us on Linux

How to Get Among Us on Linux

As said earlier, Among Us is a game in which one of the players is an imposter. The other players have to find the imposter and win as a whole or be troubled by the imposter. As the name suggests, the imposter is among us, in this case, us refers to the players in the squad. A few more info regarding this game is listed below:

  • It was developed and released by the company Innersloth, an American game studio.
  • The game is a paid service and you can install it right away on Mac and Windows, as it is a Windows native game.

You can install the game Among Us easily using the official website or the Play Store on Windows or Mac, but to install the game Among Us on Linux PC, you need to workaround. The method to install the game requires you to install the Steam app as a pre-requisite. This section will discuss the method to install the Steam app on your Linux PC.

Step I: Install Steam

Firstly you need to download and install Steam app on your Linux OS. There are two basic ways to download and install Steam app. They are given below:

Option 1: Through Ubuntu Software Store

This is the easiest method to download and install the Steam app on your PC. You can install the Steam app using the application store with a few simple steps. The Application store is present in most Linux distributors, so you can find the app with ease. To install the Steam app using the Application store, follow the steps mentioned below.

1. Open the Ubuntu Software app.

open Ubuntu Software Store

2. Search for the Steam app on the search bar in the Application store.

search for Steam in Ubuntu Software Store. How to Get Among Us on Linux

3. Click on the Install button of the Steam Installer app to install the app on your Linux PC.

click on Install button in Steam Ubuntu Software Store

4. You can find the Steam application from the Activities tab.

Also Read: How to Open Steam Console

Option 2: Through Linux Terminal

The second option is to get the Steam app using a command based on the Linux Distributor on your PC. You can do this by using the Linux Client in the Terminal on your Linux PC.

1. Ubuntu or Linux Mint or PopOS

To get the Steam app on the most popular Linux Distributor which is, Ubuntu is discussed in this section.

1. Open the Linux Terminal on your PC by pressing the Ctrl + Alt + T keys simultaneously.

2. First, you need to enable the multiverse repository on your PC using the command below in the Terminal.

sudo add-apt-repository multiverse

sudo add apt repository multiverse command in linux terminal. How to Get Among Us on Linux

3. In the Terminal window, run the following command to install steam on your PC.

sudo apt install steam

sudo apt install steam command in linux terminal

4. In the confirmation message, enter Y to confirm the installation of the Steam app on your PC.

5. To launch the Steam app, type steam in the Terminal window and press the Enter key to execute the command.

steam command in linux terminal

The Steam app will launch after the necessary updates are done on your Linux PC.

Note: The steps mentioned in the above section are considered for Ubuntu and are similar for Linux Distributors like Linux Mint or PopOS.

2. Debian

If you are using Debian as the Linux distributor, you need to follow the steps in this section.

1. Open the Linux Terminal on your PC by pressing the keys Ctrl+ Alt+ T at the same time.

2. In the Terminal window, enter the following command to enable the non-free software repositories manually and install the Steam deb package.

wget https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steam.deb

wget steamcdn steam installer client command in linux terminal. How to Get Among Us on Linux

3. To install the Steam app from this package, run the command in the Terminal window.

sudo dpkg -i steam.deb

sudo dpkg i steam.deb command in linux terminal

4. In the confirmation message, enter Y to confirm the installation of the Steam app on your PC.

5. To launch the Steam app, type steam in the Terminal window and press the Enter key to execute the command.

steam command in linux terminal

The Steam app will launch after the necessary updates are done on your Linux PC.

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3. Arch Linux or Manjaro

To install the steam app on your Arch Linux PC, you need to get the app from the Multilib repository. You can get the Steam app from the Multilib software repository by enabling the Steam software in your Pacman configuration file.

1. Open the Linux Terminal on the PC by hitting the Ctrl + Alt + T keys simultaneously.

2. Type in the command mentioned below in the Terminal to enable Steam software in the Pacman configuration file.

sudo apt install steam

sudo apt install steam command in linux terminal. How to Get Among Us on Linux

3. In the confirmation message, enter Y to confirm the installation of the Steam app on your PC.

4. To launch the Steam app, type steam in the Terminal window and press the Enter key to execute the command.

steam command in linux terminal

The Steam app will launch after the necessary updates are done on your Linux PC.

Note: The steps mentioned in the above section are considered for Arch Linux and are similar for Linux Distributors like Manjaro.

4. Flatpak

To download and install the Steam app on the Flatpak Linux PC, you can follow the steps mentioned in this section.

1. Open the Linux Terminal on the PC by hitting the Ctrl + Alt + T keys together.

2. As a first step, enable the Flatpak runtime on your PC using the command given below.

sudo apt install flatpak

sudo apt install flatpak command in linux terminal

3. Next, enable the Flatpak remote add function or Flathub app store using the command below:

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

flatpak remote add if not exists flathub command in linux terminal. How to Get Among Us on Linux

4. To install Steam on your PC, run the command in the Terminal.

flatpak install flathub com.valvesoftware.Steam

flatpak install flathub valvesoftware steam command in linux terminal

5. In the confirmation message, enter Y to confirm the installation of the Steam app on your PC.

6. To launch the Steam app, type steam on the Terminal window and press the Enter key to execute the command.

The Steam app will launch after the necessary updates are done on your Linux PC.

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5. Fedora Linux or OpenSUSE

If you are having a Fedora Linux PC, it may be a little tedious for you to download and install the Steam app on your PC. Follow the steps mentioned below to get the app on your PC.

1. Open the Linux Terminal on the PC by pressing the Ctrl + Alt + T keys together.

2. Install third-party free software using the command in the Terminal.

sudo dnf install https://mirrors.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

sudo dnf install fedora noarch.rpm command in linux terminal. How to Get Among Us on Linux

3. To install the Steam app on your Fedora Linux PC, run the following command given below:

sudo dnf install steam

sudo dnf install steam command in linux terminal

4. In the confirmation message, enter Y to confirm the installation of the Steam app on your PC.

5. To launch the Steam app, type steam in the Terminal window and press the Enter key to execute the command.

The Steam app will launch after the necessary updates are done on your Linux PC.

Note: The steps mentioned in the above section are considered for Fedora Linux and are similar for Linux Distributors like OpenSUSE.

Also Read: Fix Steam Content File Locked Error

Step II: Enable Steam Play Settings

To download and install Among Us on Steam, you need to enable an important function on the Steam app. It is the Steam Play functionality that lets you install the games with ease.

1. Open the Terminal window by pressing the Ctrl+ Alt+ T keys simultaneously.

2. In the Terminal, type steam and press the Enter key to launch the app on your PC.

3. The Steam app will get launched after it has checked for the updates on your PC.

Note: You can also check for the app in the Start menu and double-click on it to launch the app.

updating Steam in linux. How to Get Among Us on Linux

4. Create a new account or log in using your existing credentials on the Steam app.

5. On the Steam app, click on the Steam tab in the top-left corner of the app.

6. Select the Settings option in the menu displayed to launch the Settings window.

click on steam and select settings option

7. Click on the Steam Play tab in the left pane of the Settings window and check the Enable steam Play for supported titles option.

8. Also, check the Enable Steam Play for all other titles option in the Advanced section and click on the OK button to save the changes.

enable steam play for supported and other titles. How to Get Among Us on Linux

Also Read: How to Backup Steam Games

Step III: Install Among Us on Steam

Now that you have installed the Steam app and also enabled the Steam Play functionality on the app, you can download and install the Among Us on Linux PC with a few simple steps.

1. Launch the Steam app.

2. Click on the STORE tab in the top-left corner of the Steam app.

click STORE tab in Steam linux app

3. Search for Among Us from the search bar.

search for among us

4. Click on the Add to Cart button next to the Buy Among Us to purchase the game.

add to cart button

5. Then, click on Purchase for myself option.

purchase for myself

6. Choose a payment method in the PAYMENT METHOD section and click on the Continue button to complete the payment for the app.

payment info

7. Navigate to the LIBRARY tab in the Steam app, right-click on the Among Us tab in the GAMES section, and select the option Properties… in the menu.

8. Select the GENERAL tab in the left pane of the Among Us Properties window, type the following command in the LAUNCH OPTIONS section, and click on the OK button to save the changes.


9. Navigate to the LIBRARY tab in the Steam app and select the Among Us tab in the GAMES section.

10. Click on the INSTALL button on the app to install the Among Us game on your PC.

11. After the game is installed, click on the PLAY button on the game to play the game on your Linux PC.


The article describes the methods to download and install Among Us on Linux PC. Methods to terms like Among Us Linux download or Linux Among Us were answered in the article. Please let us know your suggestions and do post your queries in the comments section.