July 28, 2018

3 Ways to Change Cursor Thickness in Windows 10

Whenever you’re typing something in Windows 10 whether it is in notepad, word or in the web browser, your mouse cursor turns into a thin blinking line. The line is so thin that you can easily lose track of it and therefore, you might want to increase the width of the blinking line (cursor). The default cursor thickness in Windows 10 is around 1-2 pixels which is very low. In short, you need to change the blinking cursor thickness in order to avoid losing sight of it while working.

3 Ways to Change Cursor Thickness in Windows 10

Now there are different ways via which you can easily change Cursor Thickness in Windows 10 and today we are going to discuss all of them here. Just note here that the changes made to cursor thickness would not work for third-party application such as visual studio, notepad++ etc. So without wasting any time let’s see How to Change Cursor Thickness in Windows 10 with the help of the below-listed tutorial.

3 Ways to Change Cursor Thickness in Windows 10

Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.

Method 1: Change Cursor Thickness in Windows 10 Settings

1. Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on Ease of Access icon.

Locate and click on Ease of Access | 3 Ways to Change Cursor Thickness in Windows 10

2. From the left-hand side menu click on “Cursor & pointer size“.

3. Now under Change cursor thickness drag the slider towards the right to increase (1-20) the cursor thickness.

Under Cursor thickness drag the slider towards the right to increase cursor thickness

Note: The preview will be shown of the cursor thickness in the box below the heading “Cursor thickness“.

4. If you want to decrease the thickness of the cursor then drag the slider towards the left-hand side.

Under Cursor thickness drag the slider towards left to decrease cursor thickness

5. Once finished, close settings and reboot your PC to save changes.

Method 2: Change Cursor Thickness in Control Panel

1. Press Windows Key + R then type control and hit Enter to open Control Panel.

control pannel

2. Inside Control Panel click on “Ease of Access” link.

Inside Control Panel click on Ease of Access link | 3 Ways to Change Cursor Thickness in Windows 10

3. Under “Explore all settings” click on “Make the computer easier to see“.

Under Explore all settings click on Make the computer easier to see

4. Now scroll down to “Make things on the screen easier to see” section and then from the “Set the thickness of the blinking cursor” drop-down select the cursor thickness (1-20) you want.

From Set the thickness of the blinking cursor drop-down select the cursor thickness

5. Once finished, click Apply followed by OK.

Change Cursor Thickness in Control Panel

6. Restart your PC to save changes.

Method 3: Change Cursor Thickness in Registry Editor

1. Press Windows Key + R then type regedit and hit Enter.

Run command regedit

2. Navigate to the following registry key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop

3. Select Desktop then in the right window pane double click on CaretWidth DWORD.

Select Desktop then in the right window pane double click on CaretWidth DWORD.

4. Under Base select Decimal then in the value data field type in a number between 1 – 20 for the cursor thickness you want, and click OK.

Under value data field type in a number between 1 - 20 for the cursor thickness you want

5.Close everything then reboot your PC.

How to Change Cursor Blink Rate in Windows 10

1. Press Windows Key + Q to bring up the search then type keyboard and then click Keyboard from the search result.

Type keyboard in Windows Search & then click Keyboard from the search result

2. Under Cursor blink rate adjust the slider for the blink rate you want.

Under Cursor blink rate adjust the slider for the blink rate you want | 3 Ways to Change Cursor Thickness in Windows 10

3. Once done, click Apply followed by OK.


That’s it you have successfully learned How to Change Cursor Thickness in Windows 10 but if you still have any questions regarding this tutorial then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.