13. 2022. XNUMX.

Kako koristiti tajne emotikone Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams has gained popularity among professionals as a communication tool. Many companies have switched to this app to maintain their productivity especially since the rise of the pandemic. Just like any other communication app, it too supports emojis and reactions. There are various different emoticons available in the Microsoft Teams app. Apart from the […]

Nastaviti čitanje
13. 2022. XNUMX.

Kako izbrisati Microsoftov račun

Have you recently stopped using Microsoft and started using another system? Or have you created a new Microsoft account? Whichever reason you have for deleting your account, Microsoft has made it easy for you to do so.  In this article, we will discuss how you can delete your Microsoft account, what Microsoft will need from […]

Nastaviti čitanje
12. 2022. XNUMX.

6 savjeta i trikova za postavke mirovanja sustava Windows 10

Windows 10 nudi razne prilagodljive opcije postavki mirovanja, tako da vaše računalo spava točno onako kako želite. Na primjer, možete postaviti svoje računalo na spavanje nakon što istekne unaprijed definirano vremensko razdoblje. Možete čak učiniti da vaše računalo zaspi kada zatvorite poklopac prijenosnog računala. U ovom ćemo vodiču pogledati […]

Nastaviti čitanje
12. 2022. XNUMX.

How to Fix StartupCheckLibrary.dll Missing Error

Every time you reboot or turn on your computer, a bunch of different processes, services and files work in tandem to ensure that the booting process transpires as intended. If any of these processes or files were to be rendered corrupt or missing, issues are sure to arise. Several reports have surfaced after users updated […]

Nastaviti čitanje
12. 2022. XNUMX.

How to Reassign Mouse Buttons on Windows 10

It is not easy to reassign keyboard keys, but it can be done by using third-party software. Usually, a mouse has two buttons & one scroll. These three may not require reassigning or remapping. A mouse with six or more buttons can be customized for an easy work process & smooth flow. This article on […]

Nastaviti čitanje
11. 2022. XNUMX.

8 aplikacija za omogućavanje kartica u File Exploreru na Windows 10

Jedna od najfrustrirajućih stvari kod Windows File Explorera je to što ne možete imati različite mape otvorene u zasebnim karticama. To je sjajno sveobuhvatno rješenje za uštedu vremena i rasterećenje vaše radne površine, ali Windows je kroz povijest bio protiv te promjene. Microsoft je 2019. dodao značajku upravljanja karticama "Sets" u Windows 10, ali su […]

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