28 April, 2022

Cara Menghapus Cache di Facebook

Cara Menghapus Cache di Facebook


Clear Cache on Facebook

The Facebook app saves files for later reference as you use it. It has its own browser with a cache, much like any other browser. The information is saved in the app cache, saving you time when doing certain tasks. Because Facebook doesn’t set a limit on the size of its browser cache, it may get fairly large, making the app slow. If you’re concerned about storage or having issues with the Facebook app, you may wish to erase the cache. Today we’ll show you how to clear cache on Facebook in various devices like Android and iOS.

Cara Menghapus Cache di Facebook

Cara Menghapus Cache di Facebook

Facebook is a ubiquitous social network that follows you throughout the Internet. Its share widgets have become such an integral part of the Internet that it’s difficult to locate a page without them. Facebook widgets aren’t merely seen on websites. Both iOS and macOS support it natively, so there is no difference between your smartphones and PCs. Continue reading to clear Facebook cache Android, iPhone, and web browsers.

Metode 1: Di Android

Here are the steps to clear Facebook cache on Android devices.

Catatan: Since smartphones don’t have the same Settings options, and they vary from manufacturer to manufacturer hence, ensure the correct settings before changing any. The said steps were performed on OnePlus Nord.

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Option 1: Through App

Your personal account data, photographs, or posts will not be deleted if you clear your Facebook cache. Here’s how to clear Facebook cache Android:

1. Buka Facebook Aplikasi di ponsel Anda

Open the Facebook app on your phone. How to Clear Cache on Facebook

2. Ketuk pada hamburger icon.

Tap on the hamburger icon

3. Swipe to the bottom of the page and tap on Pengaturan & Privasi.

tap on Settings and Privacy. How to Clear Cache on Facebook

4. Ketuk Settings.

Ketuk pada Pengaturan

5. Geser ke bawah dan ketuk Browser pilihan di bawah izin.

Swipe down and tap on the Browser option under Permissions. How to Clear Cache on Facebook

6. Ketuk pada Hapus tombol di sebelahnya Mencari data.

Tap on the Clear button next to Browsing Data

Option 2: Through Settings

To clear cache on Facebook through Android device settings, follow the given steps below:

1. Pergi ke Settings Di telepon Anda

Go to Settings. How to Clear Cache on Facebook

2. Ketuk Aplikasi & notifikasi.

Ketuk Aplikasi dan notifikasi

3. Geser ke bawah dan ketuk Facebook.

Swipe down and tap on Facebook

4. Ketuk Penyimpanan & cache.

Tap on Storage and cache

5. Ketuk Hapus cache.

Tap on Clear cache. How to Clear Cache on Facebook

Baca Juga: Cara Mematikan Notifikasi Facebook di Chrome

Metode 2: Di iOS

Follow these steps to clear Facebook cache in iOS.

Option 1: Through App

To begin, delete the cache in your Facebook browser. Only the data Facebook has stored from websites you visited using the in-app web browser will be cleared. Here’s how to clear cache on Facebook

1. Buka Facebook aplikasi.

2. In the bottom-right corner, tap on the hamburger icon.

tap the hamburger icon

3. At the bottom, tap on Pengaturan & Privasi.

tap on Settings and Privacy

4. Ketuk Settings.

Tap on Settings. How to Clear Cache on Facebook

5. Swipe down and tap on the option Browser di bagian bawah halaman

tap on Browser

6. Ketuk Hapus sebelah Mencari data.

Tap on Clear next to Browsing Data

Option 2: Through Settings

Clearing app cache on iPhone can be done only by offloading the app from the device. If you use to clear the cache on your iPhone through settings, follow the below steps to clear cache on Facebook through iOS settings.

1. Buka Settings di iPhone Anda.

Open Settings on your iPhone. How to Clear Cache on Facebook

2. Ketuk Umum.

Ketuk Umum di pengaturan Iphone

3. Sekarang, ketuk Penyimpanan iPhone.

Tap on iPhone Storage. How to Clear Cache on Facebook

4. Geser ke bawah dan ketuk Facebook.

Swipe down and tap on Facebook in iPhone general settings

5. Ketuk Bongkar Aplikasi.

Catatan: Offloading will retain the documents and settings on your device. You can also choose Hapus Aplikasi.

Tap on Offload App in Facebook iPhone Settings

6. Sekarang, ketuk App Store.

7. Search and install the Facebook .

Baca Juga: Perbaiki Kesalahan Lampiran Facebook Tidak Tersedia

Method 3: On Web Browser

You cannot specifically clear the Facebook cache on web browsers. Instead, you can clear the cache of the browser. The steps to clear cache vary on different web browsers. Below are the steps on how to clear cache on Facebook on Google Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.

Option 1: On Google Chrome

Read our guide on How to Clear Cache & Cookies in Google Chrome and clear the browsing data.

Pastikan kotak Cookie dan data situs lainnya serta kotak Gambar dan file dalam cache dicentang

Option 2: Mozilla Firefox

The steps to clear browsing data of Mozilla Firefox is given below:

1. tekan Tombol Windows, Jenis Firefox dan tekan Masukkan kunci.

Press the Windows key. Type Firefox and launch it

2. Sekarang, klik pada menu ikon di sudut kanan atas layar.

Sekarang, klik ikon Menu di sudut kanan atas layar

3. Di sini, pilih Settings pilihan dari daftar drop-down.

select the Settings option. How to Clear Cache on Facebook

4. Sekarang arahkan ke Privasi & Keamanan section in the left pane and scroll down the right screen to the Cookie dan Data Situs menu.

5. Klik pada Hapus data… .

gulir ke bawah layar kanan ke menu Cookies dan Data Situs

6. Di sini, hapus centang Cookie dan Data Situs box and check the Konten Web Tembolok kotak.

Catatan: Clearing Cookies and Site Data will clear all cookies and site data stored by Firefox. This will sign you out of websites and remove offline web content. On the other hand, clearing Cached Web Content will not affect your logins.

uncheck the Cookies and Site Data box and check the Cached Web Content box

7. Terakhir, klik Hapus tombol untuk menghapus cookie cache Firefox.

click on the Clear button

Baca Juga: Perbaiki Firefox SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP di Windows 10

Option 3: On Microsoft Edge

Here are the steps to clear Microsoft Edge browser data.

1. tekan Windows kunci, Jenis Tepi dan tekan Masukkan kunci.

open microsoft edge

2. Klik pada ikon tiga titik near your profile image.

Click on the three dotted icon near your profile image. How to Clear Cache on Facebook

3. Selanjutnya, klik Settings.

Click Settings. How to Clear Cache on Facebook

4. Sekarang arahkan ke Privasi, pencarian, dan layanan pilihan di panel kiri.

privacy search and services. How to Clear Cache on Facebook

5. Kemudian, gulir ke bawah dan klik Pilih yang harus dibersihkan pilihan di bawah Menghapus data pencarian.

Catatan: Anda dapat langsung menavigasi halaman untuk menghapus riwayat penelusuran di Edge dengan mengetik tepi: // pengaturan / clearBrowserData di bilah pencarian.

scroll down the right screen and click on Choose what to clear option under Clear browsing data

6. Di jendela berikutnya, pilih kotak sesuai dengan preferensi Anda Browsing history, Cookies and other site data, dan Cache gambar dan file, dan klik Bersihkan sekarang seperti yang disorot di bawah ini.

clear browsing data. How to Clear Cache on Facebook


We hope you found this information useful and that you have learned bagaimana clear cache on Facebook. Please let us know which technique was the most beneficial for you. Please use the form below if you have any queries or comments. Also, let us know what you want to learn next.

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