29 Marzo 2022

7 modi rapidi per svuotare il cestino su Android


If you are looking for free space on your android device. Consider emptying the trash to get some free space. In the case of PC, recycle bin is there where the deleted files go after being deleted but in the case of android, because of having low storage we have nothing as such. So, how to empty the trash on android. Continue reading the article to know about where is the trash can on my android and how to empty trash.

Come svuotare il cestino su Android

7 Quick Ways to Empty Trash to Free up Storage Space su Android

Low Storage issues can be caused due to unwanted trash stored on your device. So, to increase your device storage, you need to clear those unwanted cache files. In this article, we have shown how to empty trash on Android tablet.

Nota: Since Smartphones do not have the same settings option, and they vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, hence ensure the correct settings before changing any. The following methods are from Samsung GalaxyM21 device.

Metodo 1: cancellare i dati memorizzati nella cache

Clearing cached data will free up space on our android but before proceeding on how to do that. You would want to know what is cached files. Cached files are the temporary files that the app uses in the background to make your usage faster. However, it does take up space. Follow the steps below to clear cached data.

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1. Aperto Impostazioni profilo sul dispositivo.

Open Settings. How to Empty Trash on Android

2. Scorri verso il basso e apri Apps.

open Apps

3. In the apps you will see the list of downloaded apps.

In the apps you will see the list of downloaded apps. How to Empty Trash on Android

4. Select the app for which you want to clear the cache.

Select the app for which you want to clear the cache. How to Empty Trash on Android tablet

5. In the App info select Archiviazione.

In the App info select the Storage

6. In the storage menu select Cancella cache. This will help clear the cache for that app.

In the storage menu select Clear cache. How to Empty Trash on Android tablet

Method 2: Delete Downloaded Files

Most of us download files and forget to delete them after using them. They take up a lot of space in the internal memory. Deleting those files will help us free space. Follow the steps below to delete downloaded files and empty trash on Android tablet.

1. Aperto I miei file.

Apri i miei file.

2. Toccare Scarica.

Tap on Downloads. How to Empty Trash on Android tablet

3. Select the files you want to delete.

Seleziona i file che desideri eliminare

4. Toccare Elimina. This will help delete the downloaded files.

Tocca Elimina.

Leggi anche: Come liberare memoria interna sul telefono Android

Metodo 3: svuota la cache di Chrome

Google Chrome on our android device stores the maximum amount of trash files. Chrome is the default browser on most android devices and stores the cache file whenever you visit any site. The reason for storing these cache files is because if you plan to visit the same site again the cache files will help the site to load faster. Follow the steps below to empty trash on Android tablet by clearing the cache in Google Chrome:

1. Aperto Chrome sul tuo dispositivo Android.

Open Chrome on your android device

2. Seleziona il icona a tre punti in alto a destra.

Select the three-dot icon in the top right. How to Empty Trash on Android tablet

3. Selezionare Impostazioni profilo.

Seleziona Impostazioni.

4. In the settings menu, tap on Impostazioni del sito.

In the settings menu, tap on Site settings

5. Scorri verso il basso e tocca Dati archiviati.

Scroll down and tap on Data stored. How to Empty Trash on Android

6. Selezionare Cancella tutti i dati.

Select Clear all data.

7. A pop message will appear asking you to confirm. Select Cancellare.

Seleziona Cancella.

Method 4: Uninstall Unused Apps

There are several apps on your device which you hardly use. Uninstalling them will help you free up space in your android. Follow the steps below to uninstall unused apps:

1. Apri il Impostazioni profilo dalla barra delle notifiche.

Open Settings. How to Empty Trash on Android

2. Toccare Apps.

Tap on Apps. How to Empty Trash on Android tablet

3. Seleziona l'app che desideri rimuovere.

Select the app you want to remove.

4. Toccare Disinstallare.

Tap on Uninstall. How to Empty Trash on Android

5. A pop-up message will appear asking you to confirm. Select OK.

Selezionare OK.

Leggi anche: Come eliminare i download su Android

Method 5: Delete Duplicate Google Photos

Google Photos is an application developed by Google for Android users. At times when you delete a photo from it, the photo does not get permanently deleted rather a backup is created in the trash from where you can restore it. Deleting those deleted photos from the trash will help you free up space. Follow the steps below to delete those photos and empty trash on Android tablet:

1. Aperto Google Foto.

Apri Google Foto.

2. Seleziona il Bidone opzione.

Select Bin.

3. Seleziona il icona a tre punti in alto a destra.

Select the three-dot icon in the top right.

4. Toccare il Cestino vuoto opzione.

Tap on Empty bin. How to Empty Trash on Android

Method 6: Delete Duplicate Emails from Gmail

Just like Google Photos Gmail also does not permanently delete any file rather a backup is created in the bin. Deleting those duplicate emails from the trash will help you restore space. Follow the steps below on how to delete duplicate emails:

1. Aperto Gmail.

Apri Gmail.

2. Toccare il icona di hamburger nella parte superiore sinistra dello schermo.

Tap on the hamburger icon on the top left of the screen.

3. Selezionare Bidone.

Select Bin. How to Empty Trash on Android tablet

4. Select the mail that you want to remove permanently.

Select the mail that you want to remove permanently.

5. Toccare Empty Bin now.

Tap on Empty Bin now. How to Empty Trash on Android tablet

6. A pop-up screen will appear. Confirm the pop-up by taping on Vuoto opzione.

A pop-up screen will appear. Confirm the pop-up by clicking Empty.

Leggi anche: Come ottenere spazio di archiviazione illimitato su Google Foto

Method 7: Store Files on SD Card

If the space on your android device is limited. Consider using an SD Card to store all your files there and thereby increasing the storage space on your device. Buy an SD Card with really good storage preferably SAMSUNG EVO Plus with 128 GB storage and store all your photos, videos, and documents from the internal storage to the SD Card. Follow the steps below on how to empty trash on Android by storing files on SD card.

1. Apri il I miei file app.

Apri i miei file.

2. Toccare Storage interno.

Tap on Internal Storage. How to Empty Trash on Android tablet

3. Select the folder (e.g. Musica) that you want to move.

Select the folder that you want to move.

4. Toccare Sposta.

Tap on Move.

5. Toccare Scheda SD.

Tocca la scheda SD.

6. Infine tocca Vieni qui.

Finally tap on Move here. How to Empty Trash on Android tablet


We hope that this guide was useful and that you were able to know how to empty trash on Android. Let us know in the comment below which method worked best for you.

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