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2 Marzo 2020

Correzione Nessuna connessione Internet, qualcosa è andato storto con il server proxy

Correzione Nessuna connessione Internet, qualcosa è andato storto con il server proxy

Internet connectivity issues in Google Chrome and other browsers too are becoming common these days. Even when the users have not set up any proxy or have not configured manual proxy settings, the internet will suddenly break down and chrome will show that there is no internet connection with the error message “There is something wrong with your proxy server or the address is incorrect“. Unless you are addicted to the Dinosaur Dash game, which you can play when the Google Chrome Browser is offline, this is not a pleasing sign at all!

Correzione Nessuna connessione Internet, qualcosa è andato storto con il server proxy

What to do then? We can start by looking at what might have caused the problem. It might be your new antivirus software or internet firewall, or badly behaving web browser extensions or plugins. Or, your device might be affected by one of the malware or virus infected programs you just installed.

Once you pinpoint the problem, then it becomes easier to fix. So, let’s check some of the most common and known issues that can cause this issue and what you can try and do to fix it quickly as well as with minimum prior knowledge required.

Correzione Nessuna connessione Internet, qualcosa è andato storto con il server proxy

In this article, we have listed the cause & fixes to the “There is no internet connection” error as well as web browser-related settings that you can use to fix the issue yourselves. Depending on the signs like which applications are affected by this error and if the effect is system-wide, you can rule down some of these methods to save time.

Metodo 1: disabilita il proxy

If the user does not explicitly configure these settings, proxy settings are set by default to be automatically detected and configured and should not give any issues. But some applications or VPN programs can cause incorrect configurations and change these settings. Here’s what you need to do to restore the automatic proxy settings:

1. Open the control panel. Type Pannello di controllo nel Windows Search which can be accessed pressing Tasto Windows + S  combination. Click and open the Control Panel app from the search results.

Fare clic sull'icona Cerca nell'angolo in basso a sinistra dello schermo, quindi digitare pannello di controllo. Fare clic su di esso per aprire.

2. In the control panel, go to Network & Sharing center.

Fare clic su Centro connessioni di rete e condivisione

3. Clicca sul Opzioni Internet from the bottom left corner of the Control Panel Window.

Click on Internet settings in the bottom left corner of the Control Panel Window.

4. Go to the tab labeled Connessioni, then click on the button labeled Impostazioni LAN.

Impostazioni Lan nella finestra delle proprietà Internet

5. Seleziona la casella accanto a Rileva automaticamente le impostazioni ed uncheck other boxes. Clicca sul OK button and then close all the open windows.

Check Automatically detect settings checkbox

6. Riavvia il PC e verifica se riesci a farlo fix There is no internet connection error. 

If you still experience problems, follow steps 1 through 7 to see if the settings have changed back to what they were before. If they switch back on their own, you may have an application installed or running that changes them. In this case, here are some options.

If after the restart the proxy settings change automatically or they switch back on their own then a third-party applica

tion might be interfering with the proxy settings. In this case, you need to start your PC into safe mode then navigate to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features. Now uninstall any third-party app which you found suspicious or you have recently installed. Next, again change the proxy settings by following the above method and restart your PC normally.

Leggi anche: 5 Correzione dell'errore rilevato dal proxy Netflix

Method 2: Disable Proxy Settings via Registry

If you’re unable to disable proxy using the above method then you can uncheck proxy via Registry Editor using the below steps:

1. Premi il tasto Windows + R quindi digita regedit e premi Invio per aprire l'Editor del Registro di sistema.

Esegui il comando regedit

2. Passare alla seguente chiave di registro:

ComputerHKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings

3. Now in the right window pane right-click on ProxyEnable DWORD e seleziona Elimina.

Elimina la chiave ProxyEnable

4. Similarly also delete the following keys ProxyServer, Migrate Proxy, and Proxy Override.

5. Reboot your PC normally to save changes and see if you are able to fix something went wrong with the proxy server error. 

Method 3: Disable VPN/Antivirus Program

You can easily disable your VPN or Antivirus program, but sometimes it also depends on which tipo di VPN you are currently using. Some VPNs are installed on their PC using an installer whereas others are browser-based plugins.

The basic principle is to either turn off the firewall/proxy settings from the Antivirus program or disable the VPN. Open the antivirus program, go to its Settings, and disable the Antivirus & turn off the firewall. You may also uninstall the antivirus program altogether if you find it tricky to configure. Being on Windows 10, Windows Defender Security measures are always there even though there is no antivirus program installed.

1. Fare clic con il tasto destro del mouse su Icona del programma antivirus dalla barra delle applicazioni e selezionare Disattivare.

Disattiva la protezione automatica per disattivare l'antivirus

2. Successivamente, seleziona l'intervallo di tempo per il quale L'antivirus rimarrà disabilitato.

seleziona la durata fino a quando l'antivirus verrà disabilitato

Nota: scegliere il minor tempo possibile, ad esempio 15 minuti o 30 minuti.

3. Once done, again try to connect to the WiFi network and check if you’re able to fix there is no internet connection, something went wrong with the proxy server error. 

Most of the VPN programs have an icon in the system tray (while they are running), just click on its icon and turn off the VPN. If there is a browser plugin for VPN active, you can go to the browser’s addon page and uninstall it.

Leggi anche: Come risolvere il problema Il server proxy non risponde

If this does not solve your problem of not being able to access the internet because of some proxy misconfiguration, then continue with the next method.

Method 4: Reset Google Chrome to Default

If the problem exists only in the Google Chrome Browser and on another browser such as Mozilla Firefox you’re able to access the internet, then the issue is with Chrome. Firefox may still be able to connect to the internet even in case of system-wide wrong proxy settings because it can override the proxy settings. So make sure Microsft Edge/Internet Explorer or any other web browsers work fine, and then only reset Google Chrome to fix the issue.

1. Aperto Google Chrome e fare clic sul tre punti verticali in the top right corner, then select the Impostazioni profilo opzione.

click on the menu button located at the top right of the google chrome windows. Click on Settings.

2. Clicca sul Impostazioni avanzate option in the left navigation pane. In the list that collapses, choose the option labeled Reset & Clean-Up. Quindi seleziona l'opzione Ripristina le impostazioni ai valori predefiniti originali.

Click on the Advanced Settings option in the left navigation pane. In the list that collapses, choose the option labeled Reset & Clean-Up. Then select the option Restore settings to their original defaults.

3. Nel pop-up box that appears, select Ripristina le impostazioni to clear all the saved cookies, cache data, and other temporary files.

A confirmation box will pop up. Click on Reset settings to continue.

Metodo 5: reinstallare Google Chrome

If the above method doesn’t work for you and the issue still persists on the Chrome Browser, then there is only one thing left to try. You have to uninstall Google Chrome and reinstall it again.

1. Apri il Impostazioni profilo app in Windows 10. Use the Windows Key+S key combination shortcut to do so quickly. Go to Apps.

Apri Impostazioni di Windows quindi fai clic su App

2. Scroll down the list of applications and features to find Google Chrome. Clicca sul Disinstallare button at the right-hand side of the application name then again click on the Pulsante di disinstallazione in the popup box when prompted.

find Google Chrome. Click on the Uninstall button

3. Visita google.com/chrome e fare clic sul Scarica Chrome button to download the latest version of Chrome Installer.

click on the Download Chrome button to download the latest version of Chrome Installer.

4. Esegui il programma di installazione scaricato. It will download the necessary files and install chrome on your machine.

Leggi anche: 10 modi per risolvere il caricamento lento della pagina in Google Chrome

Metodo 6: eseguire il ripristino del sistema

If you’re still facing the “There is no internet connection” error then the final recommendation would be restoring your PC to an earlier working configuration. Using System Restore you can revert all your current configuration of the system to an earlier time when the system was working correctly. However, you need to make sure that you have at least one system restore point otherwise you cannot restore your device. Now if you have a restore point then it will bring your system to the previous working condition without affecting your stored data.

1. Tipo di controllo in Windows Search then click on the “Pannello di controllo" scorciatoia dal risultato della ricerca.

Digita pannello di controllo nella ricerca

2. Cambia il 'Visualizza per'modalità su'icone piccole'.

Passa dalla modalità Visualizza per a Icone piccole nel Pannello di controllo

3. Clicca su 'Recupero'.

4. Clicca su 'Apri Ripristino del sistema' per annullare le recenti modifiche al sistema. Segui tutti i passaggi necessari.

Fare clic su "Apri Ripristino configurazione di sistema" per annullare le modifiche recenti al sistema

5. Ora dal Ripristina file e impostazioni di sistema fare clic sulla finestra Avanti.

Ora dalla finestra Ripristina file e impostazioni di sistema fai clic su Avanti

6. Seleziona il punto di ripristino e assicurati che questo punto di ripristino venga creato prima di affrontare “There is no internet connection, something went wrong with the proxy server” issue.

Select the restore point | Fix Windows Computer restarts without warning

7. Se non riesci a trovare i vecchi punti di ripristino, allora segno di spunta "Mostra di più punti di ripristino" e quindi selezionare il punto di ripristino.

Segno di spunta Mostra più punti di ripristino, quindi seleziona il punto di ripristino

8. Clic Avanti e quindi rivedere tutte le impostazioni configurate.

9. Infine, fai clic su Fine per avviare il processo di ripristino.

Review all the settings you configured and click Finish

Method 7: Reset Network Configuration

1. Open elevated Command Prompt using any one of the methods listed here.

prompt dei comandi con diritti di amministratore

2. Ora digita il seguente comando e premi Invio dopo ciascuno:

ipconfig / release
ipconfig / flushdns
ipconfig / renew

impostazioni ipconfig

3. Apri nuovamente il prompt dei comandi dell'amministratore e digita quanto segue e premi Invio dopo ciascuno di essi:

ipconfig / flushdns
nbtstat -r
netsh int ip reset
reset di winsock di netsh

reimpostando il TCP/IP e svuotando il DNS.

4. Riavviare per applicare le modifiche. Sembra che lo svuotamento del DNS funzioni fix There is no internet connection error.

Method 8: Reset Windows 10

If any of these fixes did not work for you, or if the problem is not limited to Google Chrome and you can’t fix it, you can try resetting your PC.

Resetting your PC might also help in the cases where a suspicious application or malware has been automatically resetting your proxy settings to some invalid configuration to prevent you from accessing the internet.  All your files on the drives other than the Windows drive itself will not be deleted. However, data on the Windows Drive as well as installed applications along with their settings will be lost. So make sure you create a backup of everything before resetting your PC.

1. Premi il tasto Windows + I per aprire Impostazioni, quindi fai clic su Aggiornamento e sicurezza.

Premi il tasto Windows + I per aprire Impostazioni, quindi fai clic sull'icona Aggiornamento e sicurezza

2. In the left navigation pane, choose Recupero e quindi fare clic su Inizia Ora pulsante sotto il Reset this PC section.

Choose Recovery and then click on Get Started button under the Reset this PC

3. Seleziona l'opzione a Mantieni i miei file.

Seleziona l'opzione Conserva i miei file e fai clic su Avanti

4. Per il passaggio successivo potrebbe esserti chiesto di inserire il supporto di installazione di Windows 10, quindi assicurati di averlo pronto.

5. Ora seleziona la tua versione di Windows e fai clic solo sull'unità in cui è installato Windows > Rimuovi i miei file.

fare clic solo sull'unità in cui è installato Windows

6. Clicca sul Tasto reset.

7. Seguire le istruzioni visualizzate sullo schermo per completare il ripristino.

8. Once you complete the resetting process, try connecting to the internet again.

Leggi anche: Come reimpostare la password in Windows 10

“There is no internet connection” error because of some wrong configuration of proxy is not suitable for anyone. It kills the purpose of having a device with everything but no internet connection. As we have discussed, the error shown on Google Chrome about being unable to connect to the internet because of some incorrect proxy settings is just the Google Chrome internal settings error, or it may be system-wide.

Even though it is not rare to find oneself in such a situation without tampering with any settings before this issue, it is more probable that a virus or some form of malware has caused this issue. The virus can penetrate a system through a downloaded installation file which did not come from a reliable source or an infected email. Even a secure looking pdf can be the source of the virus. In such cases, it is advised to first remove malware from Windows 10 and if that didn’t work then try to reset the system itself.

Plugins that contain malware or too many advertisements can be a sign of such a threat. So make sure you install plugins that were developed by some renowned developer and always check the user ratings before installing any application or a browser plugin.