2022 年 9 月 17 日

Fix OBS Installation Error in Windows 10

Fix Installation Error OBS in Windows 10

Sometimes while attempting to install the OBS software on your computer you may receive errors that can prevent the installation process. This is a common error and can be caused by system errors. Installation error OBS can cause several serious concerns to the user as it can prevent them to download the files. Before understanding what causes this error and how to install OBS on your computer let us explain what does OBS do. The OBS or Open Broadcaster Software is an important offline video recording instrument that can create and publish high-quality video and audio mixes. In this guide, we will discuss the reasons and methods to resolve the errors while installing the OBS file.

Fix Installation Error OBS in Windows 10

How to Fix Installation Error OBS in Windows 10

There can be multiple reasons for installation error OBS on your computer. Some of the plausible reasons are mentioned below.

  • OBS setup file can cause this error due to improper configurations.
  • Corrupted system files are also responsible for the error.
  • Missing Visual C++ components are also a major reason for this error.
  • Conditional system errors with the file folder are also responsible for this error.
  • Improper folder properties can also lead to installation errors with OBS.
  • System and Windows errors are also responsible for the error.

The following guide will discuss methods to resolve the installation error with the OBS setup file.

方法 1: クリーン ブートを実行する

If none of the previously mentioned methods work and you continue to have installation error OBS issue you can try to perform a clean boot of your computer. You can check out the How to Perform Clean boot in Windows 10 guide to safely perform a Clean Boot on your computer.

Hide all Microsoft services and click Disable all. Fix Installation Error OBS in Windows 10

Method 2: Run OBS File as Administrator

One of the first methods that you can try to resolve the installation issues with the OBS files is to run the installer file as an administrator. Running a file as an administrator prevents other background apps to cause errors. Administrator privileges also allow OBS files to make suitable changes to your computer.

1.を右クリックします OBS Studio installer file あなたのコンピュータ上で。

注: If you do not have the setup file, then you can download it from the OBS download page.

download OBS Studio

2。 クリック 管理者として実行。


3. On the UAC prompt click はい to give the file permission to make changes on your computer.

4。 今すぐクリックして 次へ> button and follow the instructions to install the OBS Studio.

OBS Studio setup. Fix Installation Error OBS in Windows 10

また読む: OBSがゲームオーディオをキャプチャしない問題を修正する方法

方法 3: システム ファイルを修復する

One of the common reasons for installation errors OBS is corrupted system files on your computer. These corrupted files can cause several errors with your system and at times can even be a complete failure of the system. You can use in-built scans to repair these files. You can check out the How to Repair System Files on Windows 10 guide to run scans to repair the corrupted system files on your computer.

sfc scannowrepairコマンドを実行した後にdismコマンドを実行します

方法 4: Microsoft Visual C++ 再頒布可能パッケージを再インストールする

You can also receive errors while installing OBS files if your computer is missing the Microsoft Visual C++ Components. The Visual C++ Components are important tools that help run programs on your computer. If you don’t have Visual C++ Components or if some of the files are missing from your computer you can manually install them. Check out the How to Reinstall Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable guide to follow methods to install the Visual C++ Components on your computer.

Download Microsoft Visual C plus plus Redistributable page. Fix Installation Error OBS in Windows 10

また読む: Windows 10 での C++ のランタイム エラーを修正する

Method 5: Clear Temporary Folder

Sometimes the issue is caused by a conditional error with your computer. This OBS installation error issue can be fixed by clearing the temporary folder in safe mode on your computer.

1. Firstly, boot to セーフモードとネットワーク. Read our guide on how to boot to safe mode in Windows 10.


2.ヒット Windows + Rキー 同時に開くには ラン ダイアログボックス。

3。 タイプ の%temp% を押して キーを入力してください.

type temp in run dialog box. Fix Installation Error OBS in Windows 10

4。 プレス Ctrl+Aキー together to select all files and delete them by hitting the キーを削除.

press Ctrl A keys to select all files and delete them

Method 6: Use System Restore Utility

If you have recently modified your computer the system files may have been affected. This can cause errors with the operating system of your computer and lead to errors like installation error OBS while installing OBS files. To resolve this issue you may want to use the System Restore Utility to revert the changes made to your computer. You can check out the How to use System Restore on Windows 10 guide to follow the steps to use the System Restore utility on your computer.

注: Generally, using System Restore is not recommended and it can lead to the loss of data on your computer. Therefore, be cautious while using this step.

system restore in advanced options

また読む: Windows 541のエラーコード10を修正する

Method 7: Change Folder Properties

Many users reported that changing the folder properties resolved installation error OBS issue for them and they could figure out how to install OBS on their devices. Therefore, to resolve the installation issues with the OBS file you can try to do the same. This is an effective method to resolve several OBS errors. Users could figure out what does OBS do to the folder properties and change the settings to resolve the issue.

1. Right-click on the folder that is causing the error and then click on プロパティ.

Right click on the folder that is causing the error and then click on Properties. Fix Installation Error OBS in Windows 10

2。 次の場所に移動します。 セキュリティ タブをクリックして 編集.

Navigate to the Security tab and click on Edit

3. 今すぐ選択 SYSTEM をクリックします。入力したコードが正しければ、MFAの設定は正常に完了します Add.

select SYSTEM and click on Add. Fix Installation Error OBS in Windows 10

4。 下 選択するオブジェクト名を入力します type 誰も をクリックし OK.

Under the Enter the object names to select type Everyone and click OK

5。 クリック 誰も and select all the boxes under 次を許可します。 をクリックします。入力したコードが正しければ、MFAの設定は正常に完了します 申し込む.

Click on Everyone and select all the boxes under Allow and click on Apply. Fix Installation Error OBS in Windows 10

6。 次の場所に移動します。 分担 タブをクリックして 比較….

Navigate to the Sharing tab and click on Share... button. Fix Installation Error OBS in Windows 10

7。 選択 誰も をクリックします。入力したコードが正しければ、MFAの設定は正常に完了します Add

add everyone in share file with window. Fix Installation Error OBS in Windows 10

8. Now, change the 権限レベル 〜へ 読み書き.

9。 クリック シェアする and and then click はい to permit public sharing.

change permission level to Read or write and click on Share button

10.最後に、をクリックします クリックします および PCを再起動する.

また読む: Windows 10のファイル共有が機能しない問題を修正

方法 8: PC をリセットする

If the previous methods don’t resolve the issue you can try to fix this error by performing a clean install of Windows on your computer. A clean install will fix all the issues caused by Windows, and many users have found it to be an effective method to fix this issue. You can check out the How to do a Clean Install of Windows 10 guide to safely perform a clean install of Windows.

choose an option from the Reset this PC window


Q1. Why is the OBS file failing to install on my computer?

Ans。 There can be multiple reasons for OBS files not installing on your computer such as 破損したシステム ファイル or improper folder properties.

Q2. Can system files cause errors with OBS files?

Ans。 Corrupted system files can cause installation errors with OBS files. You can fix this by repairing the file by running an SFC and DISM scans.

Q3. Should I download Visual C++ to fix the OBS error?

Ans。 When Visual C++ components are missing on your computer you will have the installation error. You can fix this by downloading the latest version of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable.


このガイドがお役に立ち、問題を解決できれば幸いです installation error OBS コンピューター上の問題。どの方法が効果的だったかお知らせください。ご提案がございましたら、コメント欄にご記入ください。