2016 年 11 月 22 日


If you’re too facing this error, you need to find out how this issue can be solved. If your system is a part of a domain, you need to ask the domain controller to support this.


If you’re facing this problem on an isolated machine (non-domain system), you need to unplug the LANケーブル経由で接続している場合、 from the machine. After unplugging the cable, turn off WiFi and reboot the machine. After restarting the machine, plug the network cable, and turn on WiFi. In most cases, this will solve the problem.


Well, before trying anything complex this simple fix might fix your issue:

  1. Unplug your network cable, or turn off your wifi.
  2. コンピュータを再起動
  3. Log in to your computer (Don’t plug in your network cable just now or don’t switch on the Wifi)
  4. Once you are logged into your PC, plug in your network cable or turn ON your wifi.

This might have worked but if you are still facing the issue continue to next step.

1. Windows キー + R を押して次のように入力します。 regeditを in the Run dialog box to open Registry Editor. Click OK.


2. In the left pane of Registry Editor, navigate here:

internet settings new dword value

3. Moving on, highlight the Internet Settings key and come to its right pane. Then right-click the インターネットの設定 をクリックして New -> DWORD Value. Name the newly created DWORD (REG_DWORD) as MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server. Similarly, create another registry DWORD and name it MaxConnectionsPerServer. Now, double click on any one of them.

4. Finally, in the Edit DWORD Value box, select Decimal as Base and put the Value data equal to 10 (equivalent to an in Hexadecimal Base). Click OK. Similarly, change the Value data for another DWORD and put the same value for it as well. Now close Registry Editor.

5. Reboot the machine, and after restarting your system, you’ll find that the problem no longer exists.


これで成功です 修正します The Number Of Connections To This Computer Is Limited error ただし、この投稿に関してまだ質問がある場合は、コメントのセクションで遠慮なく質問してください。