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Twitter エラーを修正: メディアの一部をアップロードできませんでした

Many Twitter users complain of getting an error message that says Some of your media failed to upload when they post a tweet with media attached. This can be frustrating if you repeatedly get this error and are unable to attach media with your tweets on Twitter. Read till the end of this guide to learn how to fix some of your media failed to upload error.

Twitter Error Some of your media failed to upload

How to Fix Twitter Error: Some of your media failed to upload

Reasons for some of your media failed to upload Twitter error

The most common reasons why you might encounter this Twitter error are:

1. New Twitter Account: Twitter will block you from posting anything unless you pass its security checks. It usually happens to Twitter users who have recently created accounts on this platform and to those users who do not have many followers.

2. Violation: あなたがある場合 violating the terms and conditions of use as laid down by this platform, Twitter might block you from posting tweets.

Follow any of the given methods to resolve the Twitter some of your media failed to upload error:

Method 1: Pass Security reCAPTCHA challenge

Many users were able to fix some of your media failed to upload Twitter error bypassing the Google security reCAPTCHA challenge. Once you complete the reCAPTCHA challenge, Google sends a verification asserting that you are not a robot and get the required permissions back.

To initiate the reCAPTCHA challenge, follow the given steps:

1. Head over to your Twitterアカウント and post a random text tweet あなたのアカウントで。 

2. Once you hit the ツイートする ボタンをクリックすると、にリダイレクトされます。 Google reCAPTCHA challenge page.

3。 選択します 開始 画面下部に表示されるボタン。

Some of your media failed to upload Twitter error

4. Now, you will need to answer. あなたはロボットですか? Question to verify that you are human. Check the box 私はロボットではない をクリックして 続行します。 

Bypass Are you robot on Twitter

5. A new page with a ありがとうのメッセージ will appear on your screen. Here, click on Continue to Twitter button 

6. Finally, you will be redirected to your Twitterのプロフィール.

You can try to make a Tweet with a media attachment to check whether the error is resolved.

また読む: Twitterで画像が読み込まれない場合の対処法

方法 2: 閲覧履歴を消去する

Clearing the browser history is a potential solution to many minor issues, including some of your media failed to upload error on Twitter. Here is how you can clear browsing history on Google Chrome:

1。 打ち上げ Chromeウェブブラウザ とをクリックしてください XNUMXつの点線のアイコン at the top-right corner of the screen to access the menu. 

2。 クリック 設定、図のように。 

Click on Settings | How to fix Twitter error: Some of your media failed to upload

3。 下にスクロールして Privacy and Security section, をクリックします。入力したコードが正しければ、MFAの設定は正常に完了します 閲覧履歴データの消去


4. の横にあるドロップダウン メニューをクリックします。 時間範囲 をクリックして All time to clear all of your browsing histories. 

注: You can uncheck the box next to Passwords and other sign-in data if you don’t wish to remove the saved login information and passwords. 

5.最後に、 クリア日付 button to clear the browsing history. Refer to pic below.

Click on the Clear data button to clear the browsing history

After you clear the browsing history, try to post a tweet with the media to check whether the issue is resolved.

また読む: Twitterのブックマークの使い方

Method 3: Disable VPN software

Sometimes, if you are using VPN software to mask your true location, it might interfere with your Twitter media uploads.

Therefore, to fix the Twitter error, some of your media failed to upload,

1. Disable your VPN server connection and then post Tweets with media attachments.


2. 有効にします your VPN server connection after posting the said tweet. 

This is a temporary solution to fix this Twitter error.


We hope this guide was helpful, and you were able to fix some of your media failed to upload twitter error. Let us know which method worked for you the best. If you have any queries regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.