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2022 年 6 月 30 日

Windows 10/11のスリープモードショートカットを作成して使用する方法

Putting your PC in sleep mode shouldn’t be difficult, and Microsoft knows that. Whether using a Windows 10 or a Windows 11 PC, you have multiple ways to make your system enter sleep mode. In case you don’t like the default offerings, you can make your own shortcuts and put your PC to sleep.

Some ways to access Windows Sleep Mode include using an option in the Power User Menu, running a command in a Command Prompt, and making a desktop shortcut. We’ll explain how to use all these methods on your computer.

Note: This guide uses screenshots from a Windows 10 PC. However, the steps for Windows 11 should be similar.

Use Power User Menu to Enter Sleep Mode

Power User Menu is a quick way to put your PC in sleep mode. You can access this menu using a keyboard shortcut and then choose an option to enter sleep mode.

This menu also offers shortcuts to other Windows tools like Settings and Task Manager.

  1. イベント Windows + X 同時に開く パワーユーザーメニュー.
  2. 選択 U on your keyboard to choose the シャットダウンまたはログアウトする オプションを選択します。
  3. 現在地に最も近い スリープ オプションを押して S キーボードの。

If you don’t prefer pressing keyboard buttons, you can choose the items in the menu using your mouse or trackpad.

Use the Alt + F4 Keyboard Shortcut to Put Your PC in Sleep Mode

Both Windows 10 and 11 offer a Windowsをシャットダウンする dialog box that you can use to put your PC in sleep mode. This dialog box opens using a quick keyboard shortcut, making entering sleep mode faster.

One minor drawback of this method is that pressing the keyboard shortcut will close your focused windows. So, you’ll want to use this method by first accessing your PC’s desktop.

  1. イベント 他の + F4 同時にキーボードで。
  2. 選択する スリープ What do you want the computer to do? ドロップダウンメニュー。
  1. 選択 OK ダイアログボックスの下部にある

Access the Power Menu to Enter Sleep Mode on Windows

Windows’ Start menu hosts shortcuts to nearly all the apps and features on your PC. One of these is a Power menu shortcut that reveals various power options, including the sleep mode option.

If you prefer using the Start menu for your tasks, you’ll like this way of entering your PC’s sleep mode.

  1. アクセス 開始 menu by either pressing the Windows key on your keyboard or selecting the 開始 menu icon at the lower-left corner of your screen.
  2. 選択する 出力 icon in the Start menu.
  1. 現在地に最も近い スリープ option in the Power menu.

Make Windows Fall Asleep With a Command Prompt Command

You’re in luck if you prefer using commands to execute tasks on your PC. Windows offers a dedicated command that you can use in a Command Prompt window to put your PC to sleep.

The only drawback of this method is that the method will hibernate your PC instead of entering sleep mode if you have that feature enabled. You can turn off hibernation on your PC to avoid this situation, though.

方法は次のとおりです disable hibernation on your PC:

  1. Video Cloud Studioで 開始 メニュー、検索 コマンドプロンプト、および選択 管理者として実行..
  1. 選択する はい セクションに ユーザーアカウント制御 プロンプト。
  2. Enter the following command in Command Prompt and press 入力します: powercfg -h off

If you have hibernation disabled already, or you’ve just turned the feature off using the above steps, here’s how to make your PC sleep with a command:

  1. Open コマンドプロンプト with admin rights on your PC.
  2. Enter the following command in Command Prompt and press 入力します:

    rundll32.exe powrprof.dll、SetSuspendState 0,1,0

  1. Your PC will enter sleep mode.

Create a Desktop Shortcut for Sleep Mode

Windows lets you create a desktop shortcut for nearly every item stored on your PC. You can make a sleep mode shortcut on your desktop and double-click that shortcut each time you want to use sleep mode.

Creating this shortcut involves using a command instead of linking to a file on your PC. Optionally, you can assign the shortcut to a keyboard key to quickly place your PC in sleep mode.

  1. Access your desktop by pressing Windows + D.
  2. Right-click anywhere blank and select 新作 > ショートカット.
  3. 次のコマンドを入力します 項目の場所を入力し field. Then, select Next.

    rundll32.exe powrprof.dll、SetSuspendState 0,1,0

  1. Enter your shortcut’s name in the このショートカットの名前を入力します field. This can be any name of your choice. Then, select 終了.
  1. Your sleep mode shortcut is now ready on your desktop. Double-click this shortcut each time you want your PC to sleep.

You can now assign a keyboard shortcut to the sleep mode shortcut, so your PC enters sleep mode with a keystroke:

  1. Right-click your sleep mode shortcut and select プロパティ.
  2. 選択する ショートカット タブをクリックします。
  3. 現在地に最も近い ショートカットキー フィールド。
  4. Press the keys on your keyboard you’d like to assign to the sleep mode shortcut.
  1. 選択 申し込む 続い OK 一番下に
  2. Press the keyboard shortcut you just specified to make your PC enter sleep mode.

Use Your PC’s Power Button as a Sleep Button

Some computers offer a dedicated Sleep button that you can use to put your PC in sleep mode. If you haven’t got that, you can turn your keyboard’s Power button into a Sleep button.

You don’t have to take your key off your keyboard or anything else. You just have to change your PC’s power settings, and your Power key will act as a Sleep key.

  1. 起動する コントロールパネル アクセスすることによって 開始 menu, searching for コントロールパネル, and selecting the tool in the search results.
  2. 選択する システムとセキュリティ コントロールパネルに表示されます。
  3. 選択 電源ボタンの動作を変更する 下に 電源オプション.
  1. 選択する スリープ 両方から バッテリーに および にプラグイン dropdown menus next to 私は、電源ボタンを押したとき.
  1. 選択 変更を保存します 一番下に
  2. Press your PC’s 出力 button to enter sleep mode.

Use the Sleep Mode to Take Breaks From Your PC

If you’re someone who often needs to put their PC in sleep mode, Windows’ sleep mode shortcuts are real-time-savers for you. You can use both built-in shortcuts and your own shortcuts to ensure entering sleep mode on your PC isn’t a hassle.