2022 年 12 月 28 日


Snapchat is a social media platform popular for its disappearing messages feature and the first to introduce disappearing messages in the chat. The messages sent on Snapchat get deleted automatically after 24 hours of viewing. Snapchat servers are data efficient. They are designed in such a way that they can reuse the space by eliminating the data that is not necessary or no longer needed. Since Snapchat removes messages, stories, and memories after 24 hours, you can still view that piece of data by submitting a request for your data. If you want to reset your Snapchat account, you can just clear the data options available in the Snapchat app. If you don’t use Snapchat anymore, you can delete it. Deleting the Snapchat account will clear Snapchat data permanently, and this article will help you. It will guide you in steps on how to delete Snapchat data on your device. If you want to remove some data, it will also help you understand how to delete Snapchat data on your device and whether or not you can cancel Snapchat data request.



Read this article till the end to learn the steps demonstrating how to delete Snapchat data in a detailed manner using the pictures for better understanding.

Note: スマートフォンには同じ設定オプションがないため、メーカーごとに異なります。したがって、デバイスの設定を変更する前に、設定が正しいことを確認してください。

Is Snapchat Data Stored Permanently?

いいえ, not all data on Snapchat are stored permanently. Snapchat servers are designed to automatically clear data that are viewed by all and data that is not viewed by anyone for a long time. Snaps viewed by all the recipients are deleted permanently and those snaps which are not viewed by anyone are deleted after 31 days and the unopened snaps in the group are deleted after 7 days. The chats, memories, and stories are deleted after 24 hours once they are viewed and make space for the new data.

Can I Delete Snapchat Data? Can You Delete Snapchat Account Data?

はい, you can delete Snapchat account data. On Snapchat, you can clear your account data without deleting your Snapchat account or permanently delete your account data along with your Snapchat account. In any case, if you clear your Snapchat data, that will be a permanent action that can’t be undone. Once you submit a deletion request for your Snapchat account, you have 30 days to get back your Snapchat account along with the data. Once this period is over, you won’t be able to recover your Snapchat account and any data associated with the account.

What Happens If I Clear Data on Snapchat?

On Snapchat, you can clear Cache, Conversation, Search History, Voice Scan History, and Recent Products. Once you clear any of this data, it will be deleted permanently from your Snapchat account. To temporarily clear data on Snapchat on your device, you can clear Snapchat’s app data from your device. To permanently clear data on Snapchat from your account, you need to remove your Snapchat account. It is what happens when you clear data on Snapchat.

What Data Will be Deleted If I Delete Snapchat?

If you delete the Snapchat app from your device, no data will be deleted from your Snapchat account. Only the Snapchat app is uninstalled from your device.

もしあなた clear your Snapchat account, all the data which was associated with your Snapchat account will be deleted permanently if you don’t recover your account within 30 days of the deletion request. Once the 30-day period after submitting an account deletion request is over, there is no way you can recover your Snapchat account or data. Deleting a Snapchat account will permanently clear data on Snapchat, and uninstalling the Snapchat app will temporarily clear the data on Snapchat.

How to Delete Certain Snapchat Data?

To know how to clear certain Snapchat data, you can follow these steps:

1。 開く Snapchat あなたのアプリ Android or iOS デバイス。

Note: アカウントにログインしていることを確認してください。

デバイスで Snapchat アプリを開きます。

2。 あなたをタップする プロフィールアイコン 画面の左上隅から。


3。 あなたをタップする 設定 ギア アイコンを押します。 画面の右上隅から。

Tap on Settings or the gear icon at the top right corner of the screen.

4. 下にスワイプして、 ACCOUNT ACTIONS and tap on any of the following actions を実行するには 望ましいアクション.

  • キャッシュの消去
  • 明確な会話
  • 検索履歴をクリア
  • Clear Scan History
  • Clear Voice Scan History
  • Clear Recent Products

Tap on any of the options starting with Clear and follow the on-screen instructions to delete certain Snapchat data.

5.に従ってください 画面上の指示 to clear certain Snapchat data successfully.

また読む: Dropbox キャッシュを削除する方法

How to Delete Snapchat Data?

To delete Snapchat data on your device, follow the below-mentioned steps:

Option I: For Android

1。 から アプリの引き出し、を長押しします Snapchatアプリ アイコンを押します。.

デバイスで Snapchat アプリを開きます。

2。 あなたをタップする アプリ情報 option from the small popup menu.

Tap on the App info option.

3。 タップする ストレージの使用状況.

Tap on Storage usage.

4。 タップする クリア日付.


5。 タップする OK to clear the Snapchat app data on your Android device.

Tap on OK to clear the Snapchat app data on your android device.

Option II: For iPhone

1。 オープン 設定 あなたのiPhoneで。


2。 タップする  .


3.次に、をタップします iPhoneストレージ.


4. 下にスワイプして をタップします Snapchat.

5。 タップする アプリをオフロード.

Note: Offloading will retain the documents and settings on your device.

Tap on Offload App

また読む: Is Snapchat Being Deleted?

How to Delete Snapchat Data on Android?

To know how to delete Snapchat data on Android, follow these steps:

1.をタップアンドホールドします Snapchatアプリ アイコンを押します。 アプリの引き出し.

2。 あなたをタップする アプリ情報 option from the small popup menu.

Tap on the App info option.

3。 タップする ストレージ使用量 > データの消去.


4。 タップする OK to clear the Snapchat app data on your Android device.

How to Delete Snapchat Data without Deleting Account?

を読んでフォローできます。 上記の手順 to delete Snapchat data on your phone without deleting your account.

How to Delete Snapchat Data Permanently?

To know how to clear Snapchat data permanently, follow these steps:

1。 起動する Snapchat あなたのデバイス上のアプリ。

2。 あなたをタップする プロフィールアイコン 画面の左上隅から。


3。 あなたをタップする 設定の歯車アイコン > 私は助けが必要です オプションを選択します。

Scroll down to Support and tap on I Need Help. | cancel Snapchat data request

4。 タップする Managing My Account > Delete or Reactivate My Account > How do I delete my Snapchat account?

Tap on Managing My Account - Delete or Reactivate My Account - How do I delete my Snapchat account?

5。 あなたをタップする アカウントポータル リンクをクリックします。

Tap on the accounts portal.

6. Enter your Snapchat password とタップ CONTINUE to delete your Snapchat account.

Enter your Snapchat password and tap on the CONTINUE button to delete your Snapchat account. cancel Snapchat data request

また読む: Snapchat を削除するとどうなりますか?

How to Permanently Delete Snapchat Data on iPhone?

To permanently delete Snapchat data on iPhone you need to delete your Snapchat account and to do that, just follow the below-given steps:

1。 開く Snapchat あなたのiPhone上のアプリ。

2。 あなたをタップする Profile icon > Settings gear icon > I Need Help.

3。 タップする Managing My Account > Delete or Reactivate My Account > How do I delete my Snapchat account?

4。 あなたをタップする アカウントポータル リンクをクリックします。

Tap on the accounts portal. | cancel Snapchat data request

5. Enter your Snapchat password をタップして CONTINUE option to clear your Snapchat account and data permanently.

Enter your Snapchat password and tap on the CONTINUE button to delete your Snapchat account.

How to Cancel Snapchat Data Request?

The data request submitted on Snapchat cannot be canceled. Once you’ve requested your Snapchat data on your email address, there’s no way you can cancel that request. If you have entered the wrong email address for a data request, you should change your Snapchat password immediately to avoid your Snapchat account from getting hacked. The data requested on Snapchat contains all your personal information, including your posts, memories, and messages.


方法はご理解いただけたと思います。 delete Snapchat data and cancel request for it with the detailed steps to your aid. You can let us know any queries or suggestions about any other topic you want us to make an article on. Drop them in the comments section below for us to know.