2022 年 4 月 29 日

Windows 10 でアプリをミュートする方法

All of your audio devices and the many apps you’ve installed have superb audio control in Windows 10. Are you wondering how to mute apps on Windows 10? Then, this article will help you. You may select a separate level for your headphones, and Windows 10 will automatically change it when you connect them. Similarly, you may use the volume mixer to adjust the loudness of specific apps.

Windows 10 でアプリをミュートする方法

Windows 10 でアプリをミュートする方法

There is a simple technique to regulate the volume of many apps running simultaneously on your PC or laptop. The volume mixer will keep track of the volume level you’ve selected for each app. On Windows 10, you may utilize it to silence a program permanently. Here’s a rundown of all the methods you can use to know how to mute an app.

Method 1: Through System Tray

Follow the below steps on how to mute an app on Windows 10.

1。 プレス ウィンドウズキー, type the app name (e.g. Spotifyは) you want to mute, and hit the キーを入力してください それを開く。

Launch Spotify app. How to Mute an App on Windows 10

2. 次に、 スピーカー アイコンを押します。 セクションに タスクバー.

Right click on the Speaker icon in the system tray.

3。 選択します オープンボリュ​​ームミキサー オプションを選択します。

注: If the program can play audio, it will appear in the ボリュームミキサー if you run it yourself. If the app doesn’t appear, try playing something in it so that it can emit sound.

Select Open Volume mixer. How to Mute an App on Windows 10

4。 クリックしてください スピーカー icon under the slider for the app you wish to permanently silence.

Click on the speaker icon under the slider for the app you wish to permanently silence

This option will be remembered by Windows 10. When you relaunch the same app, you’ll notice that the volume is still muted in the volume mixer. You’ll have to remember to mute the app whenever you need it to play sound.

Method 2: Through Sound Settings

The next method is how to mute apps on Windows 10 is by modifying them through the Sound Settings. Follow the below steps.

1。 押す Windows + Iキー 同時に開く 設定.

2。 クリック エントルピー.

Click on System. How to Mute an App on Windows 10

3。 クリック 左ペインに表示されます。

Click on Sound in the left pane

4.下にスクロールして、をクリックします アプリのボリュームとデバイスの設定.

Scroll down and click on App volume and device preferences. How to Mute an App on Windows 10

5. Slide the bar to 0 to mute for a specific app.

注: If the app doesn’t appear, try playing something in it so that it can emit sound.

Slide the bar to 0 to mute for a specific app

また読む: Windows 10でサウンドコントロールパネルにアクセスする方法

Method 3: Mute Different Audio Source

These options are particular to the sound device. When using your speakers, you can mute the volume for a specific app, but if you want to mute it when you’ve attached a different audio source, you’ll have to do it individually.

1. Connect the other オーディオ装置 to your Windows 10 computer.

2。 開く プログラム あなたがしたい 移動.

3。 起動する ボリュームミキサー and mute the app volume as done in 方法1.

select the Open Volume mixer option

Repeat these for each audio device you’re using.

Method 4: Mute Browser Tabs

Sometimes, you might want to disable the volume for a specific tab but not the browser. You can do so by following the below steps to mute specific tabs in Chrome.

1。 プレス ウィンドウズキー、タイプ クロム をクリックします。入力したコードが正しければ、MFAの設定は正常に完了します Open.

open google chrome from Windows search menu. How to Mute an App on Windows 10

2。 開く site or the tab ミュートしたい。

3.を右クリックします タブ 画面の上部に表示されます。

Right click on the tab at the top of the screen. How to Mute an App on Windows 10

4。 選択します ミュートサイト オプションを選択します。

Click on Mute site

また読む: Windows 10オーディオのパチパチ音を修正

方法 5: サードパーティ ソフトウェアを使用する

Apart from the default settings on your device, you can also install third-party software to adjust or mute apps on Windows 10. A few of them are:

1. Microsoft EarTrumpet

Microsoft EarTrumpet is powered by Microsoft and is one of the best alternatives to default settings on your device.

Microsoft EarTrumpet. How to Mute an App on Windows 10

2. Nirsoft SoundVolumeView

Nirsoft SoundVolumeView is another minimalist tool that helps you create shortcuts and adjust the volume or mute apps on your PC.

Nirsoft SoundVolumeView

3. MultiTimer

マルチタイマー app is another special app since it allows you to mute Windows 10 (not a specific app) for a duration of time. In other words, you won’t receive any notifications or any autoplay sounds during the specified time.



Q1. What’s the deal with my microphone not working?

回答: Check the sound settings on your device to discover whether your call or media is muted or quiet. If this is the case, boost your smartphone calls and media volume. Dirt particles can quickly accumulate and obscure the microphone on your smartphone.


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