2022 年 12 月 29 日

How to Reply to a Particular Message on Instagram

Instagram is not a messaging app. Yet, over time Instagram direct messages (DMs) became a go-to way to connect with the people in the Instagram community. Businesses are closing sales and providing support on DMs. People are interacting with Public figures in DMs or just sending memes to their friends. In any case, Instagram DM is the place you will go. But sometimes you engage in a long conversation with someone, or you are in a group where new messages keep coming. And when this happens, it is easy to lose the context of the conversation. That is why Instagram has rolled out a new feature with the help of which now you can reply to a specific message on Instagram. But how does this exactly work? If you are someone looking for tips about the same, we bring you a helpful guide that will teach you how to reply to a particular message on Instagram.

How to Reply to a Particular Message on Instagram

How to Reply to a Particular Message on Instagram

You will get to know how to reply to a particular message on Instagram further in this article. Keep reading to learn more about it in detail.

How Do You Reply to a Message on Instagram?

If you want to reply to a message on Instagram it can be easily done. For this, you need to have an updated Instagram application on your mobile device. Else you can do this from the web version of Instagram also. Replying to a specific message in Instagram is a helpful feature that can save you a lot of trouble explaining the sent message’s context. Let us see how to reply to a particular message on IG through the app.

1。 開く Instagram あなたのアプリケーション Android or iOS デバイス。

Note: アカウントにログインしていることを確認してください。

デバイスで Instagram アプリを開きます。 |

2。 あなたをタップする メッセンジャーのアイコン 画面の右上隅から。

画面の右上隅にあるメッセージ アイコンをタップします。

3。 あなたをタップする 希望のチャット リストから。

リストからチャットをタップします |

4. を長押しします。 希望のメッセージ.


5。 タップする 返信 to reply to that IG message.

Tap on the Reply option at the bottom. |

6.書く メッセージ 返信として をタップします 送信.


また読む: How to Unsend Messages on Instagram

Why Can’t I Reply to Some Messages on Instagram?

After Instagram has rolled out this feature now you can reply to a specific message on Instagram. No matter the kind of message you can reply to any one of them. You can reply and respond to a specific text, image, or video. But if you are unable to reply to an IG message, then there can be a few reasons for that.

How to Reply a Specific Message in Instagram DM / Group Chat (Android & iPhone)?

A specific message in Instagram DM or a group can be replied to easily. The process to reply to a message on IG is very helpful in the case of long conversations. The best part is that the process is similar for both the operating systems Android and iOS. So whether you are an Android phone user or an iPhone user all you need is an updated Instagram app and you are good to go. Let us see how to reply to a particular message on IG DM or group chat.

1。 開く Instagram あなたのデバイス上のアプリ。

2. 次に、 メッセンジャーのアイコン.

Tap on the DM icon at the top-right corner of the screen.

3。 あなたをタップする 希望のチャット リストから。

4. 次に、 希望のメッセージ.

5。 タップする 返信 to reply to that DM.

6.書く メッセージ 返信として をタップします 送信.

Write a message as a reply and tap on Send. |

また読む: How to Reply to a Comment on TikTok

Instagram で特定のメッセージに返信できないのはなぜですか?

A specific message on Instagram can be replied to just by tapping and holding it. Whether you are an Android user or an iPhone user all you need is an updated Instagram to reply to a message in IG. If you are unable to reply to a particular message then there can be a few reasons behind it.

  • あなたはを使用しています 古いインスタグラムアプリ.
  • The message has been already replied に。
  • 有効にしました バニッシュモード
  • Your Instagram app has some バグ
  • 特徴は not introduced in your region.


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