Juni 28, 2021

How to Fix Firefox Not Playing Videos (2023)

How to Fix Firefox Not Playing Videos

The Mozilla Foundation developed Mozilla Firefox as an open-sourced browser. It was released in 2003 and soon gained wide popularity because of its user-friendly interface and wide range of available extensions. However, the popularity of Firefox declined when Google Chrome was released. Since then, both have been giving tough competition to each other.

Firefox still has a loyal fan base who still prefer this browser. If you are one of them but feel frustrated due to the Firefox not playing videos issue, do not worry. Simply read on to know how to fix Firefox not playing videos.

How to Fix Firefox Not Playing Videos

How to Fix Firefox Not Playing Videos

Why Firefox not playing videos error occurs?

There can be various reasons for this error to occur, namely:

  • Outdated version of Firefox
  • Firefox extensions & acceleration features
  • Corrupt cache memory & cookies
  • Disabled cookies & pop-ups

Before, doing any advance troubleshooting, you should first try to restart your PC and check if the Firefox not playing videos issue is resolved or not.

1. Gitt an der Start menu > Power > Restart wéi duergestallt.

Restart Your Pc

Once the computer has restarted, launch Firefox and check if videos are playing. Hopefully, the issue is resolved. If not, then continue with the below methods.

Method 1: Update Firefox

If you have not installed the latest updates to Firefox, it may lead to issues when you try to play videos on this web browser. There might be bugs in your current version of Firefox, which an update might fix. Follow these steps to update it:

1. Start Firefox browser and then open the Menu andeems Dir op de klickt three-dashed icon. Auswielen Hëllef wéi ënnert gewisen.

Go to Firefox Help | How to Fix Firefox Not Playing Videos

2. Klickt duerno op Iwwer Firefox wéi follegt.

Go to About Firefox

3. In the new window that now opens, Firefox will check for updates. If no updates are available, the Firefox ass aktuell message will be displayed as below.

Update Firefox dialogue box

4. If an update is available, Firefox will automatically install the update.

5. Endlech, Neistart de Browser.

If you still face the same issue, try the next fix.

Method 2: Hardware Beschleunegung ausschalten

Hardware Beschleunigung is the process wherein certain hardware components are assigned specific tasks to enhance the functioning of a program. The hardware acceleration feature in Firefox provides convenience and speed, but it also might contain error-causing bugs. Therefore, you can try to disable hardware acceleration to potentially fix videos not loading Firefox issue as:

1. Start Firefox an op de Menu as before. Select Parameteren, wéi am Bild hei drënner gewisen.

Click on Firefox settings

2. Then, uncheck the box next to Benotzt recommandéiert Performance Astellungen ënner dem Leeschtung Tab.

3. Next, uncheck the box next to Benotzt Hardware Beschleunegung wann verfügbar.

Turn off hardware acceleration for firefox | How to Fix Firefox Not Playing Videos

4. Endlech, Neistart Firefox. Check if Firefox can play videos.

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Method 3: Firefox Extensions auszeschalten

Add-ons that are enabled on the Firefox browser may be interfering with websites and not allowing videos to play. Follow the steps below to disable add-ons and fix Firefox no audio & not playing videos issue:

1. Start Firefox a sengen Menu. Hei, klickt op Add-ons an Themen wéi ënnen duergestallt.

Go to Firefox Add-ons

2. Klickt duerno op Betriebsdauer from the left pane to see the list of add-on extensions.

3. Klickt op déi dräi Punkte next to each add-on and then select ewechhuelen. As an example, we have removed Enhancer fir YouTube extension in the attached screenshot.

Click on remove firefox extension

4. After removing the unwanted add-ons, Neistart the browser and verify if the issue is resolved.

If Firefox not playing videos problem persists, you can clear the browser cache and cookies as well.

Method 4: Delete Browser Cache and Cookies

If the cache files and cookies of the browser get corrupt, it can lead to Firefox not playing videos error. Here’s how to delete cache and cookies from Firefox:

1. Open Firefox. WEIDER der Side menu > Settings as you did earlier.

Go to Firefox settings

2. Klickt duerno op Privatsphär a Sécherheet from the left pane. It is indicated by a lock icon, wéi am Bild hei ënnendrënner.

3. Then, scroll down to the Cookien a Site Daten Optioun. Klickt op kloer Data wéi beliicht.

Click on Clear data in Privacy and Security tab of Firefox

4. Next, check the boxes next to both, Cookien a Site Daten an Cache Web Inhalt in the pop-up window that follows.

5. Lescht klickt op kloer an Neistart the web browser.

Clear cache and cookies on firefox | How to Fix Firefox Not Playing Videos

Check if the above method worked to fix the issue of Firefox not playing videos. If not, move to the next solution.

Method 5: Allow Autoplay on Firefox

If you are facing the ‘Twitter videos not playing on Firefox’ problem, then it may be because Autoplay is not enabled on your browser. Here’s how to fix Firefox not playing videos error:

1.Besicht de Websäit where videos are not playing using Firefox. Here, Twitter is shown as an example.

2. Nächst, klickt op de Zoumaachen to expand it. Here, click on the sideward arrow wéi ënnen beliicht.

3. Dann wielt méi Informatiounen wéi et se ënnendrënner gëtt.

Click on more in formation on Firefox browser

4. An Säit Info Menü, gitt op d' Permis Tab.

5. Ënnert dem Autoplay section, uncheck the box next to Use default.

6. Then, click on Allow Audio and Video. Refer to the image below for clarity.

Click on allow audio and video under Firefox Autoplay permissions

Enable Autoplay for All Websites

You can also ensure that the Autoplay feature is allowed for all websites, by default, as follows:

1. Navigéiert op de Side menu > Settings> Privacy and Security wéi uginn an Methode 4.

2. Scroll erof op Permis and click on Autoplay Parameteren, wéi beliicht.

Click on Firefox autoplay settings

3. Here, ensure that Allow Audio and Video is enabled. If not, choose it from the drop-down menu as shown in the image below.

Firefox Autoplay settings - allow audio and video | How to Fix Firefox Not Playing Videos

4. Endlech, Neistart the browser. Check if the ‘videos not playing on firefox’ issue has been resolved. If it isn’t, read below.

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Method 6: Allow Cookies, History, and Pop-ups

Some websites require cookies and pop-ups to be allowed on your browser to stream data and audio-video content. Follow the steps written here to allow cookies, history, and pop-ups on Firefox:

Allow Cookies

1. Start Firefox Browser a navigéiert op Side menu > Settings > Privatsphär a Sécherheet as explained previously.

Click on Firefox settings

2. Ënnert dem Cookien a Site Daten Sektioun, klickt op Maacht Ausnahmen wéi duergestallt.

Click on Manage Exceptions for Cookies in Firefox

3. Here, make sure that no website is added to the list of exceptions to block cookies.

4. Move to the next step without leaving this page.

Allow History

1. On the same page, scroll down to the Geschicht Rubrik.

2. Choose to Remember History vum Dropdown-Menü.

Firefox click on remember history

3. Move to the next step without exiting the settings page.

Allow Pop-Ups

1. Zréck op de Privacy and Security page bei den Permis Rubrik.

2. Here, uncheck the box next to Block pop-up windows wéi et se ënnendrënner gëtt.

Click on allow pop-ups on firefox

Once the above steps have been executed, try to play videos on Firefox.

If the Firefox videos not playing issue persists, move to the succeeding methods to refresh Firefox and reboot your computer.

Method 7: Refresh Firefox

When you use the Refresh Firefox option, your browser will be reset, potentially fixing all minor glitches you are currently experiencing. Here’s how to Refresh Firefox:

1. An Firefox Browser, gitt op d' Side menu > Help, wéi et se ënnendrënner gëtt.

Open Firefox help page | How to Fix Firefox Not Playing Videos

2. Klickt duerno op méi Informatioun iwwer d'Problembehandlung wéi ënnen duergestallt.

Open firefox troubleshooting page

3. Informatioun iwwer d'Problembehandlung page is displayed on the screen. Finally, click on Firefox aktualiséieren, wéi hei ënnendrënner.

Click on Refresh Firefox


Mir hoffen, datt dëse Guide hëllefräich war an Dir konnt fix Firefox not playing videos issue. Also, let us know which method worked the best for you. Finally, if you have any questions or suggestions regarding this article, feel free to drop them in the comments section below.