Novembru 15, 2018

11 Ways to Fix Memory Management Error (GUIDE)

Fix Memory Management Error: You may have faced various Blue Screen of Death errors with Windows PC and one such error is Memory Management. Memory_Management is a Windows Stop error which indicates that there is something wrong with your system memory. As the name itself suggest, memory management is the function which typically manages your system memory.

Fix Memory Management Error in Windows 10

Causes of the Memory Management Blue Screen of Death Error in Windows 10?

Memory Management BSOD Error generally means that there is something critical going on with your system memory and here are some well-known causes for the Memory_Management error:

  1. Faulty or damaged RAM
  2. Incompatible or outdated drivers
  3. A virus of Malware infection
  4. Żbalji tad-disk
  5. Issues with new Hardware or Software
  6. Corrupt System files or Operating System
  7. Error 0x1A may be caused by a damaged hard disk.

There can a number of reasons for Windows Stop Memory Management error because it all depends on users system configuration and environment. Therefore, we are going to list all the possible solutions for this issue. So without wasting any time let’s see How to Fix Memory Management Error in Windows 10 with the help of the below-listed guide.

11 Ways to Fix Memory Management Error in Windows 10

Kun żgur li toħloq punt ta 'restawr fil-każ li xi ħaġa tmur ħażin.

Metodu 1: Mexxi System File Checker u Iċċekkja Disk

1.Agħfas Windows Key + X imbagħad ikklikkja fuq Kmand Prompt (Amministratur).

kmand fil-pront bi drittijiet ta 'amministrazzjoni

2.Issa ittajpja dan li ġej fis-cmd u agħfas enter:

Sfc /scannow sfc /scannow /offbootdir=c: /offwindir=c:windows (Jekk hawn fuq jonqos imbagħad ipprova dan)

SFC scan issa kmand fil-pront

3.Stenna li l-proċess ta 'hawn fuq jintemm u ladarba jkun lest jerġa' jibda l-PC tiegħek.

4.Li jmiss, mexxi CHKDSK minn hawn Waħħal l-iżbalji tas-Sistema tal-Fajl bl-Utilità tad-Disk Iċċekkja (CHKDSK).

5.Ħalli l-proċess ta 'hawn fuq jitlesta u għal darb'oħra reboot PC tiegħek biex issalva l-bidliet.

Metodu 2: Mexxi Għodda Dijanjostika tal-Memorja tal-Windows

If you have a faulty RAM then the best way to determine this is to run Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool and if the test results indicate that RAM has some issues then you can easily replace it with a new one and can easily fix Memory Management Error in Windows 10.

1.Type memory in the Windows search bar and select “Windows Memorja Dijanjostika."

2.In the set of options displayed select “Ibda mill-ġdid issa u ċċekkja għal problemi."

run twieqi memorja dijanjostika

3.After which Windows will restart to check for possible RAM errors and will hopefully Fix Memory Management Error in Windows 10.

4.Reboot PC tiegħek biex issalva l-bidliet.

Method 3: Run MemTest86

1.Ikkonnettja USB flash drive mas-sistema tiegħek.

2.Download u installa twieqi Memtest86 Installatur awtomatiku għal USB Key.

3.Ikklikkja bil-lemin fuq il-fajl tal-immaġni li għadek kif niżżilt u agħżel “Estratt hawn"Għażla.

4.Once estratt, iftaħ il-folder u mexxi l- Memtest86+ USB Installer.

5.Agħżel id-drajv USB pplaggjat tiegħek, sabiex taħraq is-softwer MemTest86 (Dan se jifformattja l-USB drive tiegħek).

għodda tal-installatur USB memtest86

6.Once the above process is finished, insert the USB to the PC in which you’re getting the “Memory Management Error".

7.Restart PC tiegħek u kun żgur li boot mill-USB flash drive hija magħżula.

8.Memtest86 se jibda l-ittestjar għall-korruzzjoni tal-memorja fis-sistema tiegħek.


9.Jekk tkun għadda mit-test kollu allura tista' tkun ċert li l-memorja tiegħek qed taħdem b'mod korrett.

10.Jekk xi wħud mill-passi ma rnexxewx allura Memtest86 will find memory corruption which means “Memory Management Error” is because of bad/corrupt memory.

11.Sabiex Fix Memory Management Error in Windows 10, ser ikollok bżonn tissostitwixxi r-RAM tiegħek jekk jinstabu setturi tal-memorja ħażina.

Metodu 4: Kun żgur li Windows huwa aġġornat

1.Agħfas Windows Key + I mbagħad tagħżel Aġġornament u Sigurtà.

Aġġornament u sigurtà

2.Li jmiss, għal darb'oħra ikklikkja Iċċekkja għal aġġornamenti u kun żgur li tinstalla kwalunkwe aġġornamenti pendenti.

ikklikkja iċċekkja għal aġġornamenti taħt Windows Update

3.After the updates are installed reboot your PC.

Method 5: Update your graphics card drivers

1.Agħfas Windows Key + R imbagħad ittajpja "devmgmt.msc” (mingħajr kwotazzjonijiet) u agħfas enter biex tiftaħ Device Manager.

maniġer tat-tagħmir devmgmt.msc

2.Li jmiss, jespandu Adapters tal-wiri u kklikkja bil-lemin fuq il-Kard Grafika Nvidia tiegħek u agħżel Jippermettu.

ikklikkja bil-lemin fuq il-Kard Grafika Nvidia tiegħek u agħżel Ippermetti

3.Ladarba tkun għamilt dan mill-ġdid ikklikkja fuq il-karta grafika tiegħek u agħżel "Aġġorna s-Softwer tas-Sewwieq."

taġġorna s-softwer tas-sewwieq fl-adapters tal-wiri

4.Agħżel "Fittex awtomatikament għal software aġġornat tas-sewwieq” u ħalliha tispiċċa l-proċess.

fittex awtomatikament għal softwer tas-sewwieq aġġornat

5.Jekk il-pass ta 'hawn fuq seta' jirranġa l-problema tiegħek allura tajjeb ħafna, jekk le allura kompli.

6.Erġa agħżel “Aġġorna Software tas-Sewwieq” iżda din id-darba fuq l-iskrin li jmiss agħżel “Fittex il-kompjuter tiegħi għal softwer tas-sewwieq."

ibbrawżja l-kompjuter tiegħi għal software tas-sewwieq

7.Issa agħżel "Let me pick minn lista ta 'sewwieqa tal-mezz fuq il-kompjuter tiegħi".

ħalluni nagħżel minn lista ta' sewwieqa tal-apparat fuq il-kompjuter tiegħi

8.Finally, agħżel is-sewwieq kompatibbli mil-lista għal tiegħek Karta Grafika Nvidia u kklikkja Li jmiss.

9.Let the above process finish and restart your PC to save changes. After updating the Graphics card driver you may be able to Fix Memory Management Error in Windows 10.

Metodu 6: Mexxi CCleaner u Malwarebytes

1.Download u installa CCleaner & Malwarebytes.

2.Mexxi Malwarebytes u ħalliha tiskennja s-sistema tiegħek għal fajls ta 'ħsara.

3.Jekk jinstab malware se jneħħihom awtomatikament.

4.Issa mexxi CCleaner u fit-taqsima "Aħjar", taħt it-tab tal-Windows, nissuġġerixxu li tiċċekkja l-għażliet li ġejjin biex jitnaddfu:

settings tal-cleaner cleaner

5.Ladarba tkun għamilt ċerti l-punti xierqa huma kkontrollati, sempliċement ikklikkja Mexxi aktar nadifa, u ħalli CCleaner imexxi l-kors tiegħu.

6. Biex tnaddaf is-sistema tiegħek aktar agħżel it-tab tar-Reġistru u kun żgur li dawn li ġejjin jiġu kkontrollati:

aktar nadifa tar-reġistru

7.Agħżel Scan for Issue u ħalli CCleaner jiskennja, imbagħad ikklikkja Waħħal Kwistjonijiet Magħżula.

8.Meta CCleaner jistaqsi "Tixtieq bidliet backup fir-reġistru?” agħżel Iva.

9.Ladarba tlestiet il-backup tiegħek, agħżel Waħħal il-Kwistjonijiet Magħżula Kollha.

10.Ibda mill-ġdid il-PC tiegħek biex issalva l-bidliet.

Metodu 7: Wettaq ir-Restore tas-Sistema

1.Agħfas Windows Key + R u ittajpja "sysdm.cpl” imbagħad agħfas jidħol.

proprjetajiet tas-sistema sysdm

2. Agħżel Protezzjoni tas-Sistema tab u agħżel Restore tas-Sistema.

restawr tas-sistema fil-proprjetajiet tas-sistema

3.Ikklikkja Li jmiss u agħżel dak mixtieq Punt ta' Restore tas-Sistema.

restawr tas-sistema

4.Segwi l-istruzzjoni fuq l-iskrin biex tlesti r-restawr tas-sistema.

5.Wara reboot, tista 'tkun kapaċi Fix Memory Management Error in Windows 10.

Method 8: Manually increase Virtual Memory

1.Press Windows Key + R and type sysdm.cpl in the Run dialog box and click OK to open Proprjetajiet tas-Sistema.

proprjetajiet tas-sistema sysdm

2.Fil- Proprjetajiet tas-Sistema tieqa, aqleb għal Tab Avvanzat u taħt Prestazzjoni, ikklikkja fuq Settings għażla.

settings tas-sistema avvanzati

3.Next, in the Għażliet ta 'Prestazzjoni tieqa, aqleb għal Tab Avvanzat u kklikkja fuq Bidla taħt Memorja virtwali.

memorja virtwali

4.Finally, in the Memorja virtwali window shown below, uncheck the “Automatically manage paging file size for all drive” option. Then highlight your system drive under Paging file size for each type heading and for the Custom size option, set the suitable values for fields: Initial size (MB) and Maximum size (MB). It is highly recommended to avoid selecting L-ebda fajl tal-paging option here.

change paging file size

5.Select the radio button which says Daqs tad-dwana and set the initial size to 1500 biex 3000 and maximum to at least 5000 (Both of these depends on the size of your hard disk).

Nota: You can always set the Recommended values for fields: Initial size (MB) and Maximum size (MB).

6.Now if you’ve increased the size, a reboot is not mandatory. But if you’ve decreased the size of the paging file, you must have to reboot to make changes effective.

Metodu 9: Mexxi Disk Cleanup

Disk Cleanup generally deletes temporary files, system files, empties Recycle Bin, remove a variety of other items that you might no longer need. Disk Cleanup also comes up with a new System compression which will compress Windows binaries and program files to save disk space on your system. Anyway, without wasting any time let’s see How to Run Disk Cleanup to Fix Memory Management Error in Windows 10.

Disk Cleanup will now delete the selected items

Metodu 10: Slot tal-Memorja Nadif

Nota: Don’t open your PC as it may void your warranty, if you don’t know what to do please take your laptop to the service center. If you don’t know what you are doing then expert supervision is recommended.

Try to switch RAM in another memory slot then try using only one memory and see if you can use the PC normally. Also, clean memory slot vents just to be sure and again check if this fixes the issue. If you have two RAM slots then remove both RAM’s, clean the slot and then insert RAM in only one slot and see if the issue is resolved. If it didn’t, then again do the same thing with another slot and see if this helps in fixing the issue.

Now if you are still facing the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error then you need to replace your RAM with a new one which will definitely fix the issue.

Method 11: Reset Windows 10 (Last Resort)

Nota: Jekk ma tistax taċċessa l-PC tiegħek imbagħad terġa 'tibda l-PC tiegħek għal ftit drabi sakemm tibda Tiswija Awtomatika. Imbagħad innaviga lejn Issolvi l-problemi > Irrisettja dan il-PC > Neħħi kollox.

1.Agħfas Windows Key + I biex tiftaħ Settings imbagħad ikklikkja fuq Aġġornament u ikona tas-Sigurtà.

Agħfas Windows Key + I biex tiftaħ Settings imbagħad ikklikkja fuq Aġġornament u ikona tas-sigurtà

2.Mill-menu tax-xellug agħżel Irkupru.

3. Taħt Irrisettja dan il-PC ikklikkja fuq il-"Get Started"Buttuna.

Fuq Aġġornament u Sigurtà ikklikkja fuq Ibda taħt Irrisettja dan il-PC

4.Agħżel l-għażla li Żomm il-fajls tiegħi.

Agħżel l-għażla li Żomm il-fajls tiegħi u kklikkja Li jmiss

5.For the next step you might be asked to insert Windows 10 installation media, so ensure you have it ready.

6.Now, select your version of Windows and click fuq id-drajv biss fejn huwa installat il-Windows > Neħħi biss il-fajls tiegħi.

ikklikkja fuq id-drajv biss fejn huwa installat il-Windows

5. Ikklikkja fuq Buttuna Irrisettja.

6.Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the reset.


Dak hu, għandek b'suċċess Fix Memory Management Error in Windows 10 imma jekk għad għandek xi mistoqsijiet dwar dan it-tutorja imbagħad tħossok liberu li tistaqsihom fit-taqsima tal-kumment.