Diċembru 30, 2021

Waħħal l-Apparat Amazon KFAUWI li jidher fuq in-Netwerk

Windows 10 updates are notorious for prompting new problems followed by a severe headache to its users. After installing one of these problematic updates, you may notice an unknown device named Austin- Amazon of KFAUWI listed among your Network devices. It is natural for you to get worried upon noticing something fishy, be it an application or a physical device. What is this strange device? Should you be alarmed by its presence and has your PC security been compromised? How to fix Amazon KFAUWI device showing up on network issue? We will be answering all of these questions in this article.

Waħħal l-Apparat Amazon KFAUWI li jidher fuq in-Netwerk

How to Fix Amazon KFAUWI Device Showing up on Network in Windows 10

You may come across a device named Austin-Amazon KFAUWI in your list of network devices. The situation is worsened by the fact that while checking the Austin- Amazon of KFAUWI Properties, it does not provide any significant information. It only reveals the Manufacturer name (Amazon) and the Model name (KFAUWI), while all the other entries (Serial Number, Unique identifier, and the Mac & IP address) read unavailable. Because of this, you may think that your PC has been hacked.

What is Austin-Amazon of KFAUWI?

  • Firstly, as obvious from the name itself, the network device is related to Amazon and its wide range of devices such as Kindle, Fire, etc., and Austin is the name of the motherboard used in these devices.
  • Finally, KFAUWI is a LINUX-based PC employed by developers for device detection among other things. A quick search for the term KFAUWI also reveals that it is associated with the Amazon Fire 7 tablet rilaxxati lura f’2017.

Why is Austin-Amazon of KFAUWI Listed in Network Devices?

To be honest, your guess is as good as ours. The obvious answer seems to be that:

  • Your PC might have detected an Amazon Fire device connected to the same network and hence, the said listing.
  • The Samsung TV Wi-Fi connection issue might be prompted by WPS or Wi-Fi Protected Setup settings of the router and Windows 10 PC.

However, if you do not own any Amazon devices or no such devices are currently connected to your Wi-Fi network, it might be best to get rid of Austin-Amazon of KFAUWI. Now, there are only two ways to remove Amazon of KFAUWI from Windows 10. The first is by disabling the Windows Connect Now service, and the second is by resetting the network. Both of these solutions are quite easy to execute as explained in the following segment.

Method 1: Disable Windows Connect Now Service

Windows Ikkonnettja Issa (WCNCSVC) service is responsible for automatically connecting your Windows 10 PC to peripheral devices such as printers, cameras, and other PCs available on the same network to allow data exchange. The service is disabled by default but the Windows update or even a rogue application may have modified the service properties.

If you indeed have an Amazon device connected to the same network, Windows will try to communicate with it. However, the connection would not be established due to compatibility issues. To disable this service and fix Amazon KFAUWI device showing up on network problem,

1. hit Ċwievet Windows + R simultanjament biex tiftaħ Mexxi kaxxa ta 'dialog.

2. Hawnhekk, ittajpja MSC u kklikkja fuq OK biex tniedi l - Servizzi applikazzjoni.

In the Run command box, type services.msc and click on Ok to launch the Services application.

3. Ikklikkja fuq il - isem column header, as shown, to sort all the services alphabetically.

Click on the Name column header to sort all the services alphabetically. How to Fix Amazon KFAUWI Device Showing up on Network

4. Sib il- Windows Connect Now – Reġistratur tal-Konfigurazzjoni servizz.

Locate the Windows Connect Now Config Registrar service.

5. Ikklikkja bil-lemin fuqha u agħżel Properties from the ensuing context menu, as depicted below.

Right click on it and choose Properties from the ensuing context menu.

6. Ġol ġenerali tab, ikklikkja l-buttuna L-istartjar drop-down menu and choose the manwal għażla.

Nota: Tista 'wkoll tagħżel il- B'diżabilità option to turn off this service.

On the General tab, click the Startup Type: drop down menu and choose the Manual option. How to Fix Amazon KFAUWI Device Showing up on Network

7. Sussegwentement, ikklikkja fuq il- Stop button to terminate the service. 

Click on Stop button to terminate the service

8. Kontroll tas-Servizz pop-up with the message Windows qed jipprova jwaqqaf is-servizz li ġej fuq Kompjuter Lokali... will appear, as shown.

A Service Control pop up with the message Windows is attempting to stop the following service on Local Computer… will flash

U il  Service status: se jinbidel għal Waqfet in some time.

Service status will be changed to Stopped in some time.

9. Ikklikkja fuq il - Applika button to save the changes and then click OK biex toħroġ mit-tieqa.

Click on the Apply button followed by OK. How to Fix Amazon KFAUWI Device Showing up on Network

10. Fl-aħħarnett, erġa ibda il-PC tiegħek. Check whether Amazon KFAUWI device is still appearing in the network list or not.

Ukoll Aqra: Waħħal l-Ethernet M'għandux Żball Valid fil-Konfigurazzjoni tal-IP

Method 2: Disable WPS & Reset Wi-Fi Router

The above method would have made the KFAUWI device disappear for most users, however, if your network security is indeed compromised, the device will continue to be listed. The only way to get around the issue is to reset the network router. This will revert all the settings to the default state and also kick away freeloaders from exploiting your Wi-Fi connection.

Step I: Determine IP Address

Before resetting, let us try disabling the WPS feature to fix Amazon KFAUWI device showing up on network issue. The first step is to determine router IP address through Command Prompt.

1. Agħfas il-buttuna Windows key, it-tip Kmand Prompt u kklikkja fuq Mexxe bħala amministratur.

Iftaħ il-menu Start, ittajpja Kmand Prompt u kklikkja Mexxi bħala amministratur fuq il-pannell tal-lemin

2. Tip ipconfig kmand u laqat il- Ikteb iċ-ċavetta. Here, check your Bieb default indirizz.

Nota: u, are the most common Router Default Gateway address.

Type ipconfig command and hit Enter. How to Fix Amazon KFAUWI Device Showing up on Network

Step II: Disable WPS Feature

Follow the steps listed below to disable WPS on your router:

1. Iftaħ kwalunkwe web browser and go to your router Bieb default address (e.g.

2. Ittajpja tiegħek username u, password u kklikkja fuq Idħol buttuna.

Nota: Check the underside of the router for the login credentials or contact your ISP.

Type your username and password and click on the Login button.

3. Innaviga għal WPS menu u agħżel il- Itfi WPS għażla, murija enfasizzat.

Navigate to WPS page and click on Disable WPS. How to Fix Amazon KFAUWI Device Showing up on Network

4. Now, go ahead and itfi ir-router.

5. Wait for a minute or two and then dawwarha lura mill-ġdid.

Ukoll Aqra: Waħħal l-Adapter Wi-Fi Mhux Jaħdem fil-Windows 10

Step III: Reset Router

Check if the KFAUWI is device showing up on network issue has been resolved. If not, reset the router entirely.

1. Għal darb'oħra, iftaħ il- settings tar-router tuża l- indirizz IP gateway default, Imbagħad Login.

Type your username and password and click on the Login button.

2. Innota l- settings tal-konfigurazzjoni. You will require them after resetting the router.

3. Agħfas u żomm il-buttuna Irranġa l-buttuna fuq ir-router tiegħek għal 10-30 sekonda.

Nota: Int għandek tuża apparat li tipponta bħal a arżnu, or toothpick to press the RESET button.

Irrisettja r-router billi tuża l-buttuna Irrisettja

4. Ir-router se awtomatikament itfi u dawwar lura. Tista erħi l-buttuna meta l- id-dwal jibdew teptip.

5. Erġa 'daħħal id-dettalji tal-konfigurazzjoni għar-router fuq il-paġna web u erġa ibda ir-router.

Make sure to set a strong password this time around to avoid Amazon KFAUWI device showing up on the network issue altogether.


Similar to Amazon KFAUWI device showing up on network, some users have reported the sudden arrival of an Amazon KFAUWI device associated with Amazon Fire HD 8, in their networks list after updating Windows. Execute the same solutions as mentioned above to get rid of it. If you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.