Frar 6, 2018

Fix Computer does not start until restarted multiple times

Fix Computer does not start until restarted multiple times: There seems to be a new issue with PC users, which is when they first turn ON their PC the power comes ON, fans start to spin but everything suddenly stops and PC never gets a display, in short, PC automatically turned OFF without any warning. Now if the user, powers off the PC and then turned it back ON, the computer boots normally without any additional issues. Basically, Computer does not start until restarted multiple times which is very annoying for basic Windows users.

Fix Computer does not start until restarted multiple times

Sometimes you need to boot up to 4-5 time before you could see the display or even boot your PC, but there is no guarantee that it will boot. Now living in this uncertainty, that you may or may not be able to use your PC next day is not such a good thing, so you need to address this problem immediately.

Now there are only a few issues which can cause this problem, so you can definitely troubleshoot this issue easily. The problem sometimes can be related to software like the main culprit seems to be Fast Startup in many cases and disabling it seems to fix the issue. But if this doesn’t fix the issue then you can be sure that the issue is related to hardware. In hardware, this can be a memory issue, faulty power supply, BIOS Settings or CMOS battery dried up, etc. So without wasting any time let’s see how to Fix Computer does not start until restarted multiple times with the help of the below-listed guide.

Fix Computer does not start until restarted multiple times

Kun żgur li toħloq punt ta 'restawr, fil-każ li xi ħaġa tmur ħażin.

Nota: Some of the methods require expert supervision as you can seriously damage your PC while performing the steps, so if you don’t know what you’re doing then take your laptop/PC to a service repair center. If your PC is under warranty then opening the case can temper/void the warranty.

Metodu 1: Itfi l-Istartjar Mgħaġġel

1.Press Windows Key + R then type control and hit Enter to open Pannell tal-Kontroll.

pannell tal-kontroll

2.Click fuq Hardware u Sound imbagħad ikklikkja fuq Għażliet tal-Enerġija.

għażliet ta 'enerġija fil-pannell tal-kontroll

3.Imbagħad mill-ħġieġa tat-tieqa tax-xellug agħżel "Agħżel x'tagħmel il-buttuni tal-enerġija."

agħżel dak li l-buttuni tal-enerġija jagħmlu usb mhux rikonoxxuti jiffissaw

4.Issa ikklikkja fuq “Ibdel is-settings li bħalissa mhumiex disponibbli."

ibdel is-settings li bħalissa mhumiex disponibbli

5.Uncheck “Ixgħel l-istartjar veloċi” u kklikkja fuq Save changes.

Uncheck Ixgħel l-istartjar veloċi

Metodu 2: Mexxi Tiswija Awtomatika

1.Daħħal il-Windows 10 DVD ta 'installazzjoni bootable u erġa ibda l-PC tiegħek.

2.When prompted to Agħfas kwalunkwe tast biex tibbutja minn CD jew DVD, agħfas kwalunkwe ċavetta biex tkompli.

Agħfas kwalunkwe ċavetta biex tibbutja minn CD jew DVD

3.Agħżel il-preferenzi tal-lingwa tiegħek, u kklikkja Li jmiss. Ikklikkja Tiswija il-kompjuter tiegħek fin-naħa t'isfel tax-xellug.

Sewwi l-kompjuter tiegħek

4.Fuq agħżel skrin ta' għażla, ikklikkja Soluzzjoni ta 'problemi.

Agħżel għażla fit-tiswija awtomatika tal-istartjar tal-Windows 10

5.Fuq l-iskrin Issolvi l-problemi, ikklikkja Għażla avvanzata.

agħżel għażla avvanzata mill-iskrin issolvi l-problemi

6.Fuq l-iskrin Opzjonijiet Avvanzati, ikklikkja Tiswija Awtomatika jew Tiswija tal-Istartjar.

tmexxi tiswija awtomatika

7.Stenna sakemm il- Tiswijiet Awtomatiċi/Startup tal-Windows kompluta.

8.Ibda mill-ġdid u għandek b'suċċess Fix Computer does not start until restarted multiple times issue, jekk le, kompli.

Aqra wkoll Kif tiffissa Tiswija Awtomatika ma setgħetx isewwi l-PC tiegħek.

Metodu 3: Irrisettja l-BIOS għas-settings default

1. Itfi l-laptop tiegħek, imbagħad ixgħel u fl-istess ħin agħfas F2, DEL jew F12 (jiddependi fuq il-manifattur tiegħek) biex tidħol Setup tal-BIOS.

agħfas il-buttuna DEL jew F2 biex tidħol fil-BIOS Setup

2.Now you’ll need to find the reset option to tagħbija l-konfigurazzjoni default u jista 'jiġi msemmi bħala Irrisettja għall-inadempjenza, Tagħbija defaults tal-fabbrika, Clear BIOS settings, Tagħbija defaults setup, jew xi ħaġa simili.

tagħbija l-konfigurazzjoni default fil-BIOS

3.Select it with your arrow keys, press Enter, and confirm the operation. Your BIOS issa se tuża tagħha settings default.

4.Once you’re logged into Windows see if you’re able to Fix Computer does not start until restarted multiple times issue.

Method 4: Check if hard disk is failing

In many cases, the issue occurs because of the failing hard disk and to check if this is the problem here you need to disconnect the hard disk from your PC and connect it to another PC and try to boot from it. If you can boot from the hard disk without any issue on the other PC then you can be sure that the issue is not related to it.

Iċċekkja jekk Computer Hard Disk hijiex konnessa sew

Another way to test your hard disk is download and burn the SeaTools for DOS on a CD then run the test to check if your hard disk is failing or not. You will need to set the first boot to CD/DVD from BIOS in order for this to work.

Metodu 5: Iċċekkja l-Provvista tal-Enerġija

A faulty or failing Power Supply is generally the cause for PC not starting at the first boot. Because if the power consumption of hard disk is not met, it won’t get enough power to run and subsequently you may need to restart the PC several times before it can take the adequate power from PSU. In this case, you may need to replace the power supply with a new one or you could borrow a spare power supply to test if this is the case here.

Provvista Difettuża tal-Enerġija

If you have recently installed a new hardware such as video card then chances are the PSU is not able to deliver the necessary power needed by the graphic card. Just temporary remove the hardware and see if this fixes the issue. If the issue is resolved then in order to use the graphic card you may need to purchase a higher voltage Power Supply Unit.

Method 6: Replace CMOS battery

If CMOS battery has dried up or no longer deliver powers then your PC won’t start and after few days it will eventually start hanging up. In order to fix the issue, it’s advised to replace your CMOS battery.

Metodu 7: Irrisettjar ATX

Nota: Dan il-proċess ġeneralment japplika għal laptops, allura jekk għandek kompjuter imbagħad ħalli dan il-metodu.

1.Power off your laptop then remove the power cord, leave it for few minutes.

2. Issa neħħi l-batterija minn wara u agħfas u żomm il-buttuna tal-qawwa għal 15-20 sekonda.

aqla' l-batterija tiegħek

Nota: Tqabbadx il-korda tal-enerġija għadha, aħna ngħidulek meta tagħmel dan.

3.Now plug in korda tad-dawl tiegħek (il-batterija m'għandhiex tiddaħħal) u tipprova tqabbad il-laptop tiegħek.

4.If it’s boot properly then again turn off your laptop. Put in the battery and again start your laptop.

If the problem is still there again turn off your laptop, remove power cord & battery. Press & hold the power button for 15-20 seconds and then insert the battery. Power on the laptop and this should fix the issue.

Now if any of the above methods weren’t helpful then it means the problem is with your motherboard and unfortunately, you need to replace it in order to fix the issue.


Dak li għandek b'suċċess Fix Computer does not start until restarted multiple times issue imma jekk għad għandek xi mistoqsijiet dwar din il-gwida, imbagħad tħossok liberu li tistaqsihom fit-taqsima tal-kumment.