Settembru 14, 2017


Fix ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED in Chrome: If you are facing ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED error in Chrome while trying to visit a web page then it means that the page you are trying to visit does not support SSLv3 (Secure Socket Layer). Also, the error is caused because of the 3rd party program or extensions might be blocking access to the website. The err_connection_aborted error states:

Dan is-sit ma jistax jintlaħaq
The webpage might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.


In some cases, it simply means that the website is down, in order to check this try to open the same web page in another browser and see if you are able to access it. If the web page opens in another browser then there is a problem with Chrome. So without wasting time let’s see how to actually Fix ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED in Chrome with the below-listed troubleshooting steps.


Kun żgur li toħloq punt ta 'restawr fil-każ li xi ħaġa tmur ħażin.

Metodu 1: Iddiżattiva temporanjament Antivirus u Firewall

1.Ikklikkja bil-lemin fuq il- Ikona tal-Programm Antivirus mit-trej tas-sistema u agħżel Inattiv.

Iddiżattiva l-awtoprotect biex tiddiżattiva l-Antivirus tiegħek

2.Li jmiss, agħżel il-qafas ta 'żmien li għalih il- L-antivirus se jibqa' diżattivat.

agħżel it-tul ta' żmien sa meta l-antivirus ikun diżattivat

Nota: Agħżel l-iżgħar ammont ta' ħin possibbli pereżempju 15-il minuta jew 30 minuta.

3.Once done, again try to open Chrome and check if the error resolves or not.

4.Agħfas Windows Key + I mbagħad tagħżel Pannell tal-Kontroll.

pannell tal-kontroll

5.Li jmiss, ikklikkja fuq Sistema u Sigurtà.

6.Imbagħad ikklikkja fuq Windows Firewall.

ikklikkja fuq Windows Firewall

7.Issa mill-ħġieġa tat-tieqa tax-xellug ikklikkja fuq Ixgħel jew itfi Windows Firewall.

ikklikkja Ixgħel jew itfi Windows Firewall

8.Agħżel Itfi Windows Firewall u erġa ibda l-PC tiegħek. Again try to open Chrome and see if you’re able to Fix ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED in Chrome.

Jekk il-metodu ta 'hawn fuq ma jaħdimx kun żgur li ssegwi l-istess passi eżatti biex terġa' tixgħel il-Firewall tiegħek.

Method 2: Disable SSLv3 in Google Chrome

1.Make sure Google Chrome shortcut is on the desktop, if not then navigate to the following directory:

C: Fajls tal-Programm (x86) GoogleChromeApplication

2.Ikklikkja bil-lemin fuq chrome.exe u agħżel Oħloq Shortcut.

Right click on Chrome.exe and then select Create shortcut

3.It won’t be able to create the shortcut in the above directory, instead, it will ask to create the shortcut on the desktop, so agħżel Iva.

It won't be able to create the shortcut in the above directory, select yes to make shortcut on the desktop

4.Issa ikklikkja fuq il-lemin chrome.exe – shortcut u aqleb għal Shortcut tab.

5.In the Target field, at the end after the last ” add a space and then add –ssl-version-min=tls1.

Pereżempju: “C:Program Files (x86)GoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe” –ssl-version-min=tls1

In the Target field, at the end after the last Apply followed by OK.

7.This would disable SSLv3 in Google Chrome and then reset your Router.

Metodu 3: Mexxi l-Kontrollur tal-Fajl tas-Sistema

1.Agħfas Windows Key + X imbagħad ikklikkja fuq Kmand Prompt (Amministratur).

kmand fil-pront bi drittijiet ta 'amministrazzjoni

2.Issa ittajpja dan li ġej fis-cmd u agħfas enter:

Sfc /scannow sfc /scannow /offbootdir=c: /offwindir=c:windows (Jekk hawn fuq jonqos imbagħad ipprova dan)

SFC scan issa kmand fil-pront

3.Stenna li l-proċess ta 'hawn fuq jintemm u ladarba jkun lest jerġa' jibda l-PC tiegħek.

Metodu 4: Irrisettja Chrome

Nota: Make sure Chrome is completely closed if not end its process from Task Manager.

1.Agħfas Windows Key + R imbagħad ittajpja dan li ġej u agħfas Enter:

Dejta tal-AppDataLocalGoogleChromeUser% USERPROFILE%

2.Now back the Fajl awtomatiku to another location and then delete this folder.

Backup folder Default fid-Data tal-Utent tal-Chrome u mbagħad ħassar dan il-folder

3.This would delete all of your chrome user data, bookmarks, history, cookies and cache.

4.Open Google Chrome imbagħad ikklikkja t-tliet tikek fuq ir-rokna ta 'fuq tal-lemin u kklikkja fuq Settings.

Ikklikkja tliet tikek fuq ir-rokna ta' fuq tal-lemin u agħżel Settings

5.Issa fit-tieqa tas-settings iscrollja 'l isfel u kklikkja fuq Avvanzata fil-qiegħ.

Issa fit-tieqa tas-settings iskrollja 'l isfel u kklikkja fuq Avvanzata

6.Again iscroll down to bottom u kklikkja fuq Irrisettja l-kolonna.

Ikklikkja fuq Irrisettja l-kolonna sabiex tirrisettja s-settings tal-Chrome

7.Dan se tiftaħ tieqa pop mill-ġdid tistaqsi jekk inti tixtieq li Irrisettja, hekk ikklikkja fuq Irrisettja biex tkompli.

Dan jerġa' jiftaħ tieqa pop tistaqsi jekk tridx Irrisettja, għalhekk ikklikkja fuq Irrisettja biex tkompli

Ara jekk intix kapaċi Fix ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED in Chrome if not then try the next method.

Method 5: Reinstall Google Chrome

Well, if you have tried everything and still not able to fix the error then you need to reinstall Chrome again. But first, make sure to uninstall Google Chrome completely from your system then again niżżlu minn hawn. Also, make sure to delete the user data folder and then install it again from the above source.

Rakkomandat għalik:

Dak li għandek b'suċċess Fix ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED in Chrome imma jekk għad għandek xi mistoqsijiet dwar din il-gwida, imbagħad tħossok liberu li tistaqsihom fit-taqsima tal-kumment.