Settembru 24, 2021

Waħħal League of Legends Frame Qtar

Lega ta 'Legends, commonly known as League or LoL, is a multiplayer online video game launched by Riot Games in 2009. There are two teams in this game, with five players each, battling one-on-one to occupy or defend their arena. Each player controls a character called a champion. The champion gains additional power during every match by gathering experience points, gold, and tools to attack the opponent team. The game ends when a team wins and destroys the Nexus, a large structure situated within the base. The game received positive reviews during its launch and is accessible on both Microsoft Windows and macOS systems. 

Given the popularity of the game, calling it King of games would be an understatement. But even the King have chinks in their armor. Sometimes, your CPU may slow down while playing this game. This happens when your system gets overheated or when the battery saver option is enabled. These sudden slowdowns drop the frame rate concurrently. So, if you are facing the same problem, then this guide will help you fix League of Legends frame drops or fps drops issue on Windows 10.

Waħħal League of Legends Frame Qtar

10 Easy Ways to Fix League of Legends Frame Drops

The League of Legends fps drop Windows 10 issue occurs due to many reasons, like:

  • Poor internet connectivity – It is bound to cause issues with everything done online, especially while streaming and gaming.
  • Settings tal-Enerġija – Power saving mode, if enabled can also cause problems.
  • Outdated Windows OS and/or Drivers – Out-of-date Windows operating system and graphics driver would conflict with these new, graphic-intensive games.
  • Overlays – Sometimes, the overlays of Discord, GeForce Experience, etc., might trigger an FPS drop in the League of Legends game. A hotkey combination activates this overlay and drops the FPS rate from its optimum value.
  • Konfigurazzjoni tal-Logħob – When the downloaded files of the League of Legends are corrupt, missing, not in proper use, or not configured properly, then your game may encounter this issue.
  • Full-Screen Optimization – If full-screen optimization is enabled on your system, then too, you might face this issue.
  • High-end Graphics Enabled – Higher graphics option in games gives a real-time experience to the users by improving the graphics output, but sometimes triggers an FPS drop in League of Legends.
  • Frame Rate Cap – Your game menu provides an option to allow the users to set the FPS cap. Although this option is helpful, it is not preferred because it triggers an FPS drop in the game..
  • Overclocking – Overclocking is usually carried out to improve the performance characteristics of your game. However, it can not only damage the components of the system but also trigger the said issue.

Continue reading the article to learn the various methods to Fix the League of Legends frame drops issue.

Preliminary checks to fix League of Legends FPS Drops on Windows 10

Before you proceed with the troubleshooting,

  • Tiżgura stabbli konnettività tal-internet.
  • Check minimum system requirements for the game to function properly.
  •  Log into your system bħala amministratur and then, run the game.

Method 1: Reset Frame Rate Cap

To reset the FPS cap and avoid the League of Legends fps drops issue in Windows 10, follow the below-mentioned steps:

1. Tnedija Lega ta 'Legends u nbaħħru lejn Settings.

2. Issa, agħżel VIDEO from the left menu and scroll down to the Frame Rate Cap kaxxa.

3. Here, modify the setting to 60 FPS from the drop-down menu which displays Mhux sfruttat, kif muri.

League of Legends Frame Rate

4. Barra minn hekk, set the following parameters to avoid glitches during gameplay:

  •     Riżoluzzjoni: Match desktop resolution
  •     Kwalità tal-Karattri: Baxx ħafna
  •     Environment Quality: Baxx ħafna
  •     Dellijiet: No Shadow
  •     Kwalità tal-Effetti: Baxx ħafna
  •     Wait for Vertical Sync: Mhux ivverifikati
  •     Kontra l-Aliasing: Mhux ivverifikati

5. Save these settings by clicking on Okay u mbagħad, ikklikkja fuq il- GAME tab.

6. Hawnhekk, innaviga lejn gameplay u uncheck Movement Protection.

7. ikklikkja Okay biex issalva l-bidliet u tagħlaq it-tieqa.

Method 2: Disable Overlay

Overlays are software components that allow you to access third-party software or program during the game. But these settings might trigger the League of Legends fps drops issue in Windows 10.

Nota: We have explained the steps to disable overlay in Discord.

1. Tnedija Diskord u kklikkja fuq ikona tal-ger from the bottom left corner of the screen, as shown.

Launch Discord and click on the gear icon which is at the left corner of the screen.

2. Innaviga għal logħba overlay in the left pane under SETTINGS TA' ATTIVITÀ.

Now, scroll down the left menu and click on Game Overlay under ACTIVITY SETTINGS.

3. Here, toggle off Ippermetti overlay fil-logħba kif muri hawn taħt.

Here, toggle off the setting, Enable in-game overlay

4. Erġa 'ibda l-PC tiegħek u iċċekkja jekk il-kwistjoni tkunx solvuta.

Ukoll Aqra: Discord Overlay Not Working? 10 Ways to fix it!

Metodu 3: Aġġorna Sewwieq tal-Kard Grafika

To Fix the League of Legends frame drops error in your system, try updating the drivers to the latest version. For this, you need to determine which Graphics chip is installed in your computer, as follows:

1. Istampa Tieqa + R ċwievet flimkien biex tiftaħ il- Mexxi kaxxa ta 'dialog.

2. Tip dxdiag u kklikkja OK, kif muri.

Type dxdiag in the Run dialogue box and then, click on OK

3. Ġol Direct X Diagnostic Tool that appears, switch to the Uri tab.

4. The name of the manufacturer, along with and model of the Current Graphics Processor will be visible here.

DirectX Diagnostic Tool Page. Fix League of Legends frame drops issue

You can now follow the instructions given below to update the graphics driver according to the manufacturer.

Method 3A: Update NVIDIA Graphics Card

1. Open any web browser and go to the NVIDIA webpage.

2. Imbagħad, ikklikkja fuq Sewwieqa mir-rokna ta’ fuq tal-lemin, kif muri.

NVIDIA webpage. click on drivers

3. Daħħal oqsma meħtieġa according to the configuration of your computer from the drop-down lists provided and click on Fittex.

NVIDIA driver downloads. Fix League of Legends frame drops issue

4. Ikklikkja fuq download fuq l-iskrin li jmiss.

5. Ikklikkja darbtejn fuq il- fajl imniżżel to install the updated drivers. Restart your PC and enjoy the gameplay.

Method 3B: Update AMD Graphics Card

1. Open any web browser and go to the AMD webpage.

2. Imbagħad, ikklikkja fuq DRIVERS & SUPPORT, kif enfasizzat.

AMD weppage. click Drivers and Support

3A. Either click on Download Now to automatically install the latest driver updates according to your graphic card.

AMD Driver select your product and submit. Fix League of Legends frame drops issue

3B. Or, scroll down and choose your graphic card mil-lista mogħtija u kklikkja fuq Issottometti, as shown above. Then, select the Operating System and download Software AMD Radeon compatible with your Windows desktop/laptop, as shown below.

AMD driver download. Fix League of Legends frame drops issue

4. Ikklikkja darbtejn fuq il- fajl imniżżel to install the updated drivers. Restart your PC and launch the game.

Method 3C: Update Intel Graphics Card

1. Open any web browser and go to Intel webpage.

2. Hawnhekk, ikklikkja fuq Download Center.

Intel Webpage. click on Download center. Fix League of Legends frame drops issue

3. Ikklikkja fuq Grafika fuq il Agħżel il-Prodott Tiegħek screen, as depicted below.

Intel select your product as Graphics. Fix League of Legends frame drops issue

4. Uża l- drop-down menu in search options to find the driver that matches your graphic card and click on download, kif muri hawn taħt.

Intel driver download. Fix League of Legends frame drops issue

5. Ikklikkja darbtejn fuq il- fajl imniżżel to install the updated drivers. Restart your PC and launch LoL as the League of Legends frame drops issue should be fixed by now.

Ukoll Aqra: 4 Ways to Update Graphics Drivers in Windows 10

Method 4: Close Unwanted Applications from Task Manager

Many users reported that they could fix League of Legends frame drops problem on Windows 10 by closing all unwanted programs and applications.

1. Tnedija Task Manager billi tagħfas Ctrl + Shift + Esc ċwievet flimkien.

2. Ġol Proċessi tab, search for any task with high CPU usage fis-sistema tiegħek.

3. Ikklikkja bil-lemin fuqha u agħżel Tmiem tal-Kompitu, kif muri.

Right-click on it and select End task | Fix League of Legends Frame Drops

Now, launch the game to check if the said issue is fixed or not. If you still face the issue, then follow the below-mentioned steps.

Note: Log in as an administrator to disable the start-up processes.

4. Aqleb għal Istartjar tab.

5. Ikklikkja fuq il-lemin fuq Lega ta 'Legends u agħżel Itfi.

Select high CPU usage task and select Disable

Method 5: Disable Third-Party Apps

To fix League of Legends frame drops issue, you are suggested to disable third-party applications like GeForce Experience in your system.

1. Ikklikkja bil-lemin fuq il- kompitu bar u agħżel Task Manager from the menu, as shown.

Right-click on Desktop and select Task Manager

2. Ġol Task Manager ikklikkja fuq it-tieqa Istartjar tab.

Here, in Task Manager, click on the Startup tab.

3. Now, search and select Esperjenza Nvidia GeForce.

4. Fl-aħħarnett, agħżel Itfi u, reboot is-sistema.

Nota: Some versions of NVIDIA GeForce Experience are not available in the start-up menu. In this case, try to uninstall it using the below steps.

5. Ġol Tfittxija Windows bar, fittex Control Panel and launch it from here.

Type Control Panel in the Windows search bar. Fix League of Legends frame drops issue

6. Hawnhekk, issettja Ara minn > Ikoni kbar u agħżel Programmi u Features, kif muri hawn taħt.

Agħżel Programs and Features

7. Mur lejn il-paġna NVIDIA Ge Force Experience and right-click on it. Then, click on Uninstall, kif muri hawn taħt.

Right click on NVIDIA Ge Force and click Uninstall

8. Repeat the same process to ensure all the NVIDIA programs are uninstalled.

9. Erġa 'ibda l-PC tiegħek and confirm if the said issue is fixed. If not, try the next solution.

Method 6: Set System to Adjust for Maximum Performance

The minimum performance settings on your system might also contribute to the League of Legends frame drops on Windows 10. Hence, setting the maximum performance power options would be wise.

Method 6A: Set High Performance in Power Options

1. Tnedija Control Panel bħal qabel.

2. Issettja Ara billi > Ikoni kbar u agħżel Għażliet tal-Enerġija, kif muri.

Now, set View by as Large icons & scroll down and search for Power Options | Fix League of Legends Frame Drops

3. Issa, ikklikkja fuq Hide additional plans > High performance kif muri fl-istampa hawn taħt.

Now, click on Hide additional plans and click on High performance. Fix League of Legends frame drops issue

Method 6B: Adjust for Best Performance in Visual Effects

1. Tnedija Control Panel u t-tip avvanzati in the search box, as shown. Then, click on View advanced system settings.

Now, type advanced in the search box of the control panel and click on View advanced system settings

2. Ġol Proprjetajiet tas-Sistema tieqa, aqleb għal Avvanzata tab u kklikkja fuq Settings ... kif muri enfasizzat.

Switch to Advanced tab in System properties and click Settings

3. Here, check the option titled Aġġusta għall-aħjar prestazzjoni.

select Adjust for best performance under Visual effects in Performance options window. Fix League of Legends frame drops issue

4. Ikklikkja fuq Applika> OK biex isalva l-bidliet.

Ukoll Aqra: Fix League of Legends Slow Download Problem

Method 7: Change Full-Screen Optimization & DPI Settings

Disable full-screen optimization to fix League of Legends frame drops issue, as follows:

1. Navigate to any one of the League of Legends installation files ġol Folder ta 'Tniżżil and right-click on it. Click on Properties, kif muri.

Right-click on LOL and select Properties. Fix League of Legends frame drops issue

2. Issa, aqleb għall- Kompatibbiltà tab.

3. Here, check the box titled Iddiżattiva l-ottimizzazzjonijiet fullscreen. Imbagħad ikklikkja fuq Ibdel is-settings tad-DPI għolja għażla, kif enfasizzat.

Here, check the box, Disable full-screen optimizations and select the Change high DPI settings option.

4. Now, check the box marked Ibdel l-imġieba ta' skalar DPI għoli u kklikkja fuq OK biex isalva l-bidliet.

Now, check the box Override high DPI scaling behavior and click on OK to save the changes.

5. Irrepeti l-istess passi għal all game executable files u, jiffranka il-bidliet.

Method 8: Enable Low Specs Mode

In addition, League of Legends allows the users to access the game with low specifications. Using this feature, the computer graphic settings and overall performance can be set to lower values. Thus, you can fix League of Legends frame drops on Windows 10, as follows:

1. Tnedija Lega ta 'Legends.

2. Issa, ikklikkja fuq il- ikona tal-ger from the top right corner of the window.

Now, click on the gear icon at the top right corner of the window. Fix League of Legends frame drops issue

3. Hawnhekk, iċċekkja l-kaxxa Enable Low Spec Mode u kklikkja fuq Magħmul.

Here, check the box Enable Low Spec Mode and click on Done | Fix League of Legends Frame Drops

4. Fl-aħħarnett, erġa 'ibda l-PC tiegħek and run the game to enjoy uninterrupted gameplay.

Ukoll Aqra: Waħħal Elder Scrolls Online Mhux Tnedija

Metodu 9: Erġa' installa League of Legends

If none of the methods have helped you, then try reinstalling the software. Any common glitches associated with a software program can be resolved when you uninstall the application entirely from your system and reinstall it. Here are the steps to implement the same:

1. Mur fil- bidu menu u tip apps. Click on the first option, Applikazzjonijiet u karatteristiċi.

Now, click on the first option, Apps & features.

2. Type and search Lega ta 'Legends fil-lista u agħżelha.

3. Fl-aħħarnett, ikklikkja fuq Uninstall.

4. If the programs have been deleted from the system, you can confirm by searching for it again. You will receive a message: We couldn’t find anything to show here. Double-check your search criteria.

If the programs have been deleted from the system, you can confirm by searching it again. You will receive a message, “We couldn’t find anything to show here. Double check your search criteria”.

To delete the game cache files from your Windows PC, follow the below steps.

5. Ikklikkja fuq il- Kaxxa tat-Tiftix tal-Windows u t-tip % appdata%

Click the Windows Search box and type %appdata% | Fix League of Legends Frame Drops

6. Agħżel il- AppData Roaming folder and navigate to the Lega ta 'Legends folder.

7. Now, right-click on it and select Ħassar.

8. Do the same for the LoL folder in the Local App Data folder after searching for it as % LocalAppData% 

Click the Windows Search box again and type %LocalAppData%.

Now, that you have successfully deleted League of Legends from your system, you can begin the installation process.

9. Għafas hawn għal download LOL.

10. Wait for the download to be completed and navigate to downloads in Explorer tal-Fajls.

11. Ikklikkja darbtejn Install League of Legends li tiftaħha.

Double-click on the downloaded file (Install League of Legends na) to open it.

12. Issa, ikklikkja fuq Installa biex tibda l-proċess ta 'installazzjoni.

Now, click on the Install option | Fix League of Legends Frame Drops

13. Segwi l- struzzjonijiet fuq l-iskrin biex tlesti l-installazzjoni.

Method 10: Avoid Heat Buildup

It is normal for your computer to heat up during intense League of Legends matches but this heat could also mean that there is bad airflow in your system and it may affect the performance of your computer in both, short-term and long-term usage.

  • Kun żgur li int maintain healthy airflow within the system hardware to avoid any performance degradation.
  • Clean the airways and fans to ensure proper cooling of the peripherals and internal hardware.
  • Disable Overclocking as overclocking increases the stress and temperature of the GPU and is usually, not recommended.
  • If possible, invest in a laptop cooler, which could help you in maximizing the cooling of the parts like graphics card and CPU which tend to overheat after being in use for a long period of time.


Nittamaw li din il-gwida kienet ta 'għajnuna u inti tista' fix League of Legends frame drops or fps issues fil-Windows 10. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Also, if you have any queries/feedback regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.