Marzu 4, 2022

Fix Microsoft Teams Video Call Not Working

If your camera is not working with Teams, don’t worry! This is a common issue faced by most users who handle meetings and conferences. Despite the fact that Timijiet ta 'Microsoft is one of the best video conferencing and chatting applications, it is not perfect at times. Suddenly, you may detect Microsoft Teams video call not working issue, so you will be struck with paused video or black screen only. This problem may be associated with an in-built camera or an external web camera. Also, if you cannot start the camera, incompatible app settings may contribute to Teams video not working problem. We bring to you a perfect guide that will teach you how to fix Microsoft Teams video call not working issue. So, continue reading the article.

Fix Microsoft Teams Video Call Not Working

How to Fix Microsoft Teams Video Call Not Working

Before you get into the troubleshooting section, you must learn the reasons that cause this issue. And so, you can easily resolve the same appropriately.

  • Corrupt/incompatible camera drivers.
  • Additional camera devices are configured to your Windows 10 PC.
  • Camera permission is not granted on your computer.
  • A third-party antivirus program or Firewall is interfering with the Teams software.
  • Some other applications in your device are using your inbuilt camera.
  • VPN/Proxy interference.
  • Sistema Operattiva skaduta.

Now, move ahead to the next section to resolve this issue. Analyze the reason to implement selective troubleshooting methods to attain quick results.

We have compiled a list of methods that will help you fix this problem in this section. The methods are arranged from basic to advanced steps to attain easier and faster results. Follow them in the same order to attain perfect results.

Issolvi l-Problemi Bażiċi

Before trying the advanced troubleshooting methods, here are some simple hacks that will resolve all temporary glitches associated with Microsoft Teams application.

1. Replug Webcam

  • If you are using an external web camera, the first thing you have to do is to Unplug the web camera from the USB port, reboot your computer, and terġa 'tgħaqqad it again after some time.
  • If you are using an inbuilt camera, ensure it is out of hardware glitches and failure.

2. Remove Other Hardware Devices

  • Some other hardware devices plugged into your PC may interfere with the inbuilt camera or webcam. Temporarily, disable all other devices and check if this helps you.
  • If you do not face this issue after disconnecting all other hardware devices, then plug them one by one to sort out the culprit.
  • Always buy genuine peripherals from official or reliable stores for your Windows 10 computer.

3. Agħlaq l-Applikazzjonijiet ta' Sfond

Metodu 1: Mexxi l-Issolvi l-problemi tal-Ħardware u l-Apparat

Windows 10 computers come with inbuilt troubleshooter tools to fix any problems associated with all of their components. The functionality of your camera can be affected by numerous factors. So, we recommend troubleshooting hardware and devices as instructed below.

1. Istampa Ċwievet Windows + R flimkien biex iniedu l- Mexxi kaxxa ta 'dialog.

2. Tip msdt.exe -id DeviceDiagnostic u hit Ikteb.

Type msdt.exe id DeviceDiagnostic and hit Enter. Fix Microsoft Teams Video Call Not Working

3. Imbagħad, ikklikkja fuq Li jmiss.

Imbagħad, ikklikkja fuq Li jmiss

4A. If there is an issue and your device is not set up with the latest drivers, you will receive the following prompt. Select Applika din is-soluzzjoni and follow the on-screen instructions. Then, erġa ibda tagħmir tiegħek.

If there is an issue and your device is not set up with the latest drivers, you will receive the following prompt. Select Apply this fix and follow the on-screen instructions. Fix Microsoft Teams Video Call Not Working

4B. If there is no issue with the drivers, click Agħlaq is-soluzzjoni tal-problemi fuq l-iskrin li ġej.

If there is no issue with the drivers, click Close the troubleshooter

Method 2: Choose the Right Camera in Teams

Teams must access your camera, and for that, you have to choose the correct camera. If Teams faces any issue while accessing the camera, you will face so many conflicts. For the Desktop version of Teams, follow the below-mentioned steps to choose the right camera in your Windows 10 PC.

1. Agħfas il- Windows key. Tip Timijiet ta 'Microsoft u tniediha.

Hit the Windows key. Type Microsoft Teams and launch it

2. Ikklikkja fuq il - ikona bi tliet tikek ħdejn tiegħek Stampa Profil in Teams.

Click on the three dotted icon next to your Profile Picture in Teams. Fix Microsoft Teams Video Call Not Working

3. Aqleb għal Mezzi tab in the left pane and scroll down the right screen.

4. Issa, fil- camera menu, expand the drop-down menu.

Now, switch to the Devices tab in the left pane and scroll down the right screen

5. Imbagħad, agħżel il- kamera you want to use and make sure you save the changes. Check if you have fixed the Microsoft Teams video call not working issue by confirming the video in the preview space.

choose the camera you want to use and make sure you save the changes. Check if you have fixed the Microsoft Teams camera not working issue by confirming the video in the preview space. Fix Microsoft Teams Video Call Not Working

Ukoll Aqra: How to Change Microsoft Teams Profile Avatar

Method 3: Clear Microsoft Teams Cache

Teams collect temporary memory in the form of a cache to process the tasks easily within the app. If this temporary memory is over bulged or corrupt in your Windows 10 PC, then it might interfere with its main functions like camera, voice, noise, and a lot more. To solve the Teams video not working issue, consider clearing the cache as instructed below.

1. Ħruġ timijiet u tnedija Task Manager billi tagħfas Ċwievet Ctrl + Shift + Esc simultanjament.

launch Task Manager by pressing Ctrl, Shift, and Esc keys simultaneously

2. Ġol Proċessi tab, agħżel il Timijiet ta 'Microsoft programs that are running in the background and select Tmiem tal-Kompitu.

In the Processes tab, search for Microsoft Teams in the list. Fix Microsoft Teams Video Call Not Working

3. Imbagħad, laqat il- Windows key u t-tip % appdata% MicrosoftTeams fil-bar tat-tfittxija.

4. Ikklikkja fuq miftuħa kif muri.

Open Teams Roaming folder

5. Issa, agħżel all the files and folders within the folder and select the Ħassar għażla.

Now, select all the files and folders within the folder and select the Delete option.

6. Reboot your Windows 10 PC.

Method 4: Disable Other Additional Devices

If you are using an external webcam or two or more cameras, your default camera might interfere with them. To fix the problem, disable all other additional devices as instructed below.

1. Tip Apparat Manager ġol Windows 10 menu tat-tiftix u ftuħha.

Type Device Manager in the Windows 10 search menu and open it. Fix Microsoft Teams Video Call Not Working

2. Issa, ikklikkja darbtejn kameras biex tespandiha.

expand the Cameras section by double-clicking on it

3. Imbagħad, ikklikkja fuq il-lemin camera device (HP TrueVision HD, for example) and select the Itfi l-apparat għażla kif muri.

Nota: Ensure you select a camera that you are not currently using in Teams.

right-click on your camera device and select the Disable device option

4. Ikkonferma l-pront billi tikklikkja fuq Iva.

confirm the prompt by clicking on Yes

5. Follow these steps for all other additional devices and check if you have resolved Teams video call not working issue.

Nota: Make sure you re-enable the default camera adapter again after fixing the issue.

Ukoll Aqra: Kif Jippermetti jew Tiskonnettja Microsoft Timijiet Imbotta biex Tkellem

Method 5: Allow Camera Permissions for Browsers

If you are using the browsing version of Teams, check if you have appropriate permissions for camera access. If not, you cannot access the camera for any browser-related applications, or you will be prompted for the same. Here are a few instructions to allow camera permissions for browsers. Google Chrome is taken as an example.

1. Agħfas il-buttuna twieqi ċavetta. Tip Google Chrome u tniediha.

Press the Windows key. Type Google Chrome and launch it. Fix Microsoft Teams Video Call Not Working

2. Ikklikkja fuq il - ikona bi tliet tikek u agħżel il- Settings għażla.

Click on the three-dotted icon and select the Settings option

3. Issa, agħżel Sigurtà u l-Privatezza in the left pane and choose Settings tas-Sit from the main page.

Now, select Security and Privacy in the left pane and select Site Settings from the main page.

4. Scroll down the main screen and select the camera għażla taħt il - Permessi menu kif muri.

Now, scroll down the main screen and select the Camera option under the Permissions menu

5. Hawnhekk, agħżel il- Is-siti jistgħu jitolbu biex jużaw il-kamera tiegħek option and make sure timijiet is not added in Not allowed to use your camera lista.

Here, select the Sites can ask to use your camera option and make sure if Teams is not added in Not allowed to use your camera list. Fix Microsoft Teams Video Call Not Working

6. Relaunch your browser and check if you have fixed the Teams video not working issue.

Metodu 6: Aġġorna l-Windows

If you are using an outdated version of Windows 10 PC, then you may face common hardware problems in it, especially for cameras. Fortunately, you can update your Operating System with these simple steps.

1. Agħfas il-buttuna Ċwievet Windows + I flimkien biex tiftaħ Settings Fuq il-kompjuter tiegħek.

2. Issa, agħżel Aġġornament u Sigurtà.

Issa, agħżel Aġġornament u Sigurtà

3. Agħżel Iċċekkja għal Aġġornamenti mill-pannell tal-lemin.

select Check for Updates from the right panel

4A. If your system is outdated, click Installa issa biex tniżżel u tinstalla l-aħħar verżjoni.

If your system is outdated, click Install now to download and install the latest version

4B. Jekk is-sistema tiegħek hija diġà aġġornata, allura se turi Int aġġornat messaġġ.

If the Windows version is already up-to-date, then it will show You’re up to date message. Fix Microsoft Teams Video Call Not Working

Ukoll Aqra: Fejn huma Maħżuna r-Reġistrazzjonijiet tal-Microsoft Teams?

Method 7: Disable Firewall (Not Recommended)

If the security suite of Windows Defender Firewall is blocking the camera access of Microsoft Teams, here are a few options to deal with the issue.

Option I: Whitelist Teams in Firewall

1. Agħfas il- Windows key u t-tip Windows Defender Firewall. Open the best results.

Hit the Windows key and type Windows Defender Firewall. Open the best results

2. In the pop-up window, click on Ħalli app jew karatteristika permezz tal-Windows Defender Firewall.

In the popup window, click on Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall.

3. Imbagħad, ikklikkja Settings tal-bidla. Finally, check for Timijiet ta 'Microsoft to allow through the Firewall.

Nota: Tista 'tuża Ħalli app oħra... to browse your program if your desired application or program does not exist in the list.

Then, click Change settings. Finally, check for Microsoft Teams to allow through the Firewall

4. Fl-aħħarnett, ikklikkja OK biex isalva l-bidliet.

Option II: Disable Firewall Temporarily

Nota: If you disable the Firewall, it makes your computer more vulnerable to malware or virus attacks. Hence, if you choose to do so, make sure to enable it soon after fixing the issue.

1. Agħfas il-buttuna twieqi ċavetta. Tip Control Panel u ftuħha.

Press the Windows key. Type Control Panel and open it. Fix Microsoft Teams Video Call Not Working

2. Issettja Ara billi as kategorija u agħżel Sistema u Sigurtà.

Set View by as Category and select System and Security

3. Issa, ikklikkja fuq Windows Defender Firewall, kif muri hawn.

click on Windows Defender Firewall. Fix Microsoft Teams Video Call Not Working

4. Agħżel il- Ixgħel jew itfi l-Windows Defender Firewall għażla mill-menu xellug.

Now, select the Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off option at the left menu

5. Now, check the boxes next to the Itfi l-Firewall tal-Windows Defender (mhux irrakkomandat) option wherever available on this screen.

check the boxes next to the Turn off Windows Defender Firewall (not recommended) option wherever available on this screen

6. ikklikkja OK u, Reboot il-PC tiegħek.

Metodu 8: Itfi VPN

Virtual Private Networks are used to prevent data stealing from a private network, and it is used as a gateway between the client and the server. Sometimes, using VPN servers might cause issues in online video conferencing applications. We recommend you disable the VPN client as instructed below.

1. Agħfas il- Windows key u t-tip Settings tal-VPN fil-bar tat-tfittxija.

Hit the Windows key and type VPN settings in the search bar

2. Ġol Settings window, disconnect the active VPN servizz.

3. Toggle off- Għażliet VPN taħt Advanced Options.

Fit-tieqa tas-Settings, skonnettja s-servizz VPN attiv u itfi l-għażliet VPN taħt Għażliet Avvanzati

Ukoll Aqra: Waħħal it-Timijiet ta 'Microsoft Ikompli Jibda mill-ġdid

Method 9: Reinstall Camera Drivers

The old and incompatible camera drivers you use will often lead to Microsoft Teams video call not working issue. To remain on the safer side, always ensure you use an updated version of drivers. Here are a few instructions to reinstall camera drivers.

1. Niedi l- Apparat Manager using the steps mentioned above and expand the kameras billi tikklikkja darbtejn fuqha.

expand the Cameras section by double-clicking on it

2. Issa, ikklikkja fuq il-lemin sewwieq u agħżel Uninstall device.

right-click on the driver and select the Uninstall device option. Fix Microsoft Teams Video Call Not Working

3. ikklikkja Uninstall fil-pront.

Click Uninstall in the prompt

4. Now, visit the manufacturer’s website (e.g. Lenovo).

lenovo intel camera driver download page

5. Sib u, download is-sewwieqa li jikkorrispondu għall-verżjoni tal-Windows fuq il-PC tiegħek.

6. Ladarba titniżżel, ikklikkja darbtejn fuq il- fajl imniżżel u segwi l-istruzzjonijiet fuq l-iskrin biex tinstallah.

Method 10: Use Browser Version of Teams

If you have not attained any fix for this Microsoft Teams video call not working issue in the desktop version of Teams, then you can try a browser of Teams. This is an alternative to the issue and makes sure you have enabled access to media services enabled in your Windows 10 PC.

  • If you are using the browsing version of Teams, check if you have appropriate permissions for camera access as done in Metodu 5.
  • If not, you cannot access the camera for any browser-related applications, or you will be prompted for the same.

Ukoll Aqra: Kif Issettja l-Istatus tat-Timijiet tal-Microsoft Bħala Dejjem Disponibbli

Method 11: Contact Microsoft Teams Technical Support

Still, if you cannot access Teams in both desktop and web versions of Teams, then take the last chance to submit a query on the official Microsoft support page.

1. Mur fil- Paġna ta 'Appoġġ ta' Microsoft.

Paġna ta 'Appoġġ ta' Microsoft

2A. You can use the Ikseb l-app Għajnuna in your Windows 10 system to submit your query. For this, click on the Open Get Help app button and confirm the prompt by clicking on the Iftaħ Ikseb Għajnuna buttuna.

For this, click on Open Get Help app button and confirm the prompt by clicking on the Open Get Help button. Fix Microsoft Teams Video Call Not Working

2B. Also, you could use the verżjoni tal-browser to submit your problem. To do so, click on the Get appoġġ rabta.

you could use the browser version to submit your problem. To do so, click on the Get support link

3. Issa, ittajpja your problem ġol Tell us your problem so we can get you the right help and support għalqa u laqat Ikteb.

Now, type your problem in the Tell us your problem so we can get you the right help and support field and hit Enter. Fix Microsoft Teams Video Call Not Working

4. Then, answer the questions according to your convenience, and finally, you would have resolved the Microsoft Teams video call not working issue.

Then, answer the questions according to your convenience, and finally, you would have resolved the problem of Microsoft Teams camera not working.


Nittamaw li din il-gwida kienet ta 'għajnuna u inti tista' tirranġa Microsoft Teams video call not working. Feel free to reach out to us with your queries and suggestions. Keep visiting our page for more cool tips & tricks, and leave your comments below. Let us know what you want to learn next.