Awissu 17, 2017

Fix MSVCP100.dll is missing or not found error

If you are getting this error message when trying to run any program or application “The program can’t start because MSVCP100.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.” then you are the right place because today we are going to discuss how to resolve this error. The main cause of this error seems to be corrupted or missing MSVCP100.dll. This happens because of virus or malware infection, Windows Registry errors or System corruption.

Fix MSVCP100.dll is missing or not found error

Now you could see any of the below-listed error message depending upon your system configuration:

  • The file msvcp100.dll or comdlg32.ocx is missing.
  • Msvcp100.dll Not Found
  • Cannot find [PATH]msvcp100.dll
  • Cannot start [APPLICATION]. A required component is missing: msvcp100.dll. Please install [APPLICATION] again.
  • This application failed to start because msvcp100.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.

MSVCP100.dll is a part of Microsoft Visual C++ library, and if any program is developed using Visual C++, this file is required to run the program. Most commonly, this file is often required by many games, and if you don’t have MSVCP100.dll, you will face the above error. Often this can be resolved by copying the MSVCP100.dll from Windows folder to games folder. But if you can’t, let’s see how to Fix MSVCP100.dll is missing or not found an error with the below-listed troubleshooting guide.

Fix MSVCP100.dll is missing or not found an error

Kun żgur li toħloq punt ta 'restawr fil-każ li xi ħaġa tmur ħażin.

Method 1: Copy the MSVCP100.dll file from Windows to Game Folder

1. Naviga lejn it-triq li ġejja:

C: WindowsSystem32

2. Now in the System32 folder find MSVCP100.dll then right-click on it and select Copy.

Now in the System32 folder find MSVCP100.dll then right-click on it and select Copy | Fix MSVCP100.dll is missing or not found error

3. Navigate to the game folder then right-click in an empty area and select Paste.

4. Again try to run the particular game which was giving MSVCP100.dll is missing error.

Metodu 2: Mexxi l-Kontrollur tal-Fajl tas-Sistema

il sfc / scannow command (System File Checker) scans the integrity of all protected Windows system files. It replaces incorrectly corrupted, changed/modified, or damaged versions with the correct versions if possible.

1. Open Command Prompt with Administrative rights.

2. Issa fit-tieqa cmd ittajpja l-kmand li ġej u agħfas Enter:

sfc / scannow

sfc scan issa kontrollur tal-fajl tas-sistema

3. Stenna li l-kontrollur tal-fajl tas-sistema jispiċċa.

Again try the application which was giving żball and if it’s still not fixed, then continue to the next method.

Method 3: Run DISM if SFC Fails

1. Fittex Kmand Prompt, ikklikkja dritt u agħżel Run As Administrator.

Search Command Prompt, right-click and select Run As Administrator

2. Ittajpja l-kmand li ġej f'cmd u agħfas id-dħul wara kull wieħed:

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

DISM jirrestawra s-sistema tas-saħħa

3. Ħalli l-kmand DISM jaħdem u stenna li jispiċċa.

4. Jekk il-kmand ta 'hawn fuq ma jaħdimx, imbagħad ipprova hawn taħt:

Dism /Image:C:offline /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:c:testmountwindows Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:c:testmountwindows /LimitAccess

Nota: Ibdel is-C:RepairSourceWindows mas-sors tat-tiswija tiegħek (Installazzjoni tal-Windows jew Diska ta' Irkupru).

5. Reboot PC tiegħek biex issalva l-bidliet, u dan għandu fix MSVCP100.dll is missing or not found an error.

Method 4: Reinstall Microsoft Visual C++

First, go here and download Microsoft Visual C ++ and then continue with this method.

1. Agħfas Windows Key + R imbagħad ittajpja msconfig u agħfas Enter biex tiftaħ Konfigurazzjoni tas-Sistema.

msconfig | Fix MSVCP100.dll is missing or not found error

2. Aqleb għal boot tab u marka ta' kontroll Għażla Safe Boot.

Aqleb għal boot tab u iċċekkja l-għażla Safe Boot

3. Ikklikkja Applika, segwit minn OK.

4. Ibda mill-ġdid il-PC tiegħek u s-sistema se boot fis Safe Mode awtomatikament.

5. Install the Microsoft Visual C++ download and then uncheck the Safe Boot option in System Configuration.

6. Restart your PC to save changes. Again try to run the application and see if you can Fix MSVCP100.dll is missing or not found an żball.

Metodu 5: Mexxi CCleaner u Malwarebytes

1. Niżżel u nstalla CCleaner & Malwarebytes.

2. Mexxi Malwarebytes u ħalliha tiskennja s-sistema tiegħek għal fajls ta 'ħsara. Jekk jinstab malware, awtomatikament ineħħihom.

Ikklikkja fuq Scan Now ladarba tħaddem il-Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

3. Issa ħaddem CCleaner u agħżel Custom Nadif.

4. Taħt Custom Clean, agħżel il- Windows tab u l-marki ta' kontroll u kklikkja Janalizza.

Select Custom Clean then checkmark default in Windows tab | Fix MSVCP100.dll is missing or not found error

5. Ladarba l-Analiżi titlesta, kun żgur li int ċert li tneħħi l-fajls li għandhom jitħassru.

Ikklikkja fuq Mexxi Cleaner għal fajls imħassra

6. Fl-aħħarnett, ikklikkja fuq Mexxi Cleaner buttuna u ħalli CCleaner jimxi.

7. Biex tkompli tnaddaf is-sistema tiegħek, agħżel it-tab tar-Reġistru, u tiżgura li dawn li ġejjin jiġu kkontrollati:

Agħżel it-tab tar-Reġistru imbagħad ikklikkja fuq Scan for Issues

8. Ikklikkja fuq il - Skennja għal Kwistjonijiet buttuna u ħalli CCleaner jiskennja, imbagħad ikklikkja fuq il- Waħħal Kwistjonijiet Magħżula buttuna.

Once scan for issues is completed click on Fix selected Issues | Fix MSVCP100.dll is missing or not found error

9. Meta CCleaner jistaqsi “Tixtieq bidliet backup fir-reġistru?" agħżel Iva.

10. Ladarba tlestiet il-backup tiegħek, ikklikkja fuq il- Waħħal il-Kwistjonijiet Magħżula Kollha buttuna.

11. Ibda mill-ġdid il-PC tiegħek biex issalva l-bidliet.

Metodu 6: Wettaq ir-Restore tas-Sistema

1. Agħfas Windows Key + R u ittajpja sysdm.cpl imbagħad agħfas jidħol.

proprjetajiet tas-sistema sysdm

2. Agħżel il- Protezzjoni tas-Sistema tab u agħżel Restore tas-Sistema.

Select the System Protection tab and choose System Restore | Fix MSVCP100.dll is missing or not found error

3. Ikklikkja Li jmiss u agħżel dak mixtieq Punt ta' Restore tas-Sistema.

restawr tas-sistema

4. Segwi l-istruzzjoni fuq l-iskrin biex tlesti r-restawr tas-sistema.

5. Wara reboot, tista 'tkun kapaċi Fix MSVCP100.dll is missing or not found an error.

Metodu 7: Tiswija Installa Windows 10

This method is the last resort because if nothing works out, then, this method will surely repair all problems with your PC. Repair Install uses an in-place upgrade to repair issues with the system without deleting user data present on the system. So follow this article to see How to Repair Install Windows 10 Easily.

choose what to keep windows 10 | Fix MSVCP100.dll is missing or not found error


Dak li għandek b'suċċess Fix MSVCP100.dll is missing or not found error imma jekk għad għandek xi mistoqsijiet dwar din il-kariga allura tħossok liberu li tistaqsihom fit-taqsima tal-kumment.