Jista 30, 2017

Waħħal Ma nistgħux nissinkronizzaw Dritt Issa Żball 0x8500201d

Fix We Can’t Sync Right Now Error 0x8500201d: Suddenly you stop receiving email on your Windows Mail App then chances are it can’t sync with your account. The below error message clearly states that the Windows Mail App is having issues with syncing your mail account. This is the error which you will receive when trying to access Windows Mail App:

Xi ħaġa marret ħażin
We can’t sync right now. But you may be able to find more information about this error code http://answers.microsoft.com
Error code: 0x8500201d

Waħħal Ma nistgħux nissinkronizzaw Dritt Issa Żball 0x8500201d

Now, this error can be just because of a simple incorrect account configuration but you can’t take it lightly as this issue must be fixed as soon as possible. That’s why we have compiled a list of methods in order to fix this issue.

Waħħal Ma nistgħux nissinkronizzaw Dritt Issa Żball 0x8500201d

Kun żgur li toħloq punt ta 'restawr fil-każ li xi ħaġa tmur ħażin.

Metodu 1: Kun żgur li d-data u l-ħin tal-PC tiegħek huma korretti

1. Ikklikkja fuq data u ħin fuq it-taskbar u mbagħad agħżel “L-issettjar tad-data u l-ħin.

2.Jekk fuq Windows 10, agħmel "Issettja l-Ħin Awtomatikament"Għal"on".

issettja l-ħin awtomatikament fuq windows 10

3. Għal oħrajn, ikklikkja fuq "Ħin tal-Internet" u mmarka fuq "Sinkronizza awtomatikament mas-server tal-ħin tal-Internet".

Ħin u Data

4.Agħżel Server “time.windows.com” u ikklikkja Aġġorna u “OK”. M'għandekx bżonn tlesti l-aġġornament. Sempliċement ikklikkja OK.

L-issettjar tad-data u l-ħin korretti għandu Waħħal Ma nistgħux nissinkronizzaw Dritt Issa Żball 0x8500201d imma jekk il-kwistjoni għadha mhix solvuta allura kompli.

Method 2: Re-enable mail syncing

1.Tip "posta” in Windows Search bar and click the first result which is Mail (Windows Apps).

click on Mail (Windows app)

2. Ikklikkja fuq Gear icon (Settings) in the mail app.

click gear icon settings

3.Issa ikklikkja Immaniġġja l-Kont, there you will see all your email accounts configured under Windows.

click manage accounts in outlook

4.Click on the one that is having the sync issue.

5.Li jmiss, ikklikkja fuq Change mailbox sync settings.

click change mailbox sync settings

6.Disable the sync option and close Mail App.

disable sync option in outlook sync settings

7.After disabling the sync option, your account will be deleted from the Mail App.

8.Again open the mail app and re-add the account.

Method 3: Re-add your Outlook Account

1.Again open the posta app u kklikkja Settings -> Manage Account.

2.Click on the account that is having the sync problem

3.Li jmiss, ikklikkja Ħassar il-Kont, this will remove your account from mail app.

click delete account in outlook account settings

4.Close the mail app and again open it.

5.Click fuq Żid il-Kont u, reconfigure your mail account

add your outlook account again

6.Check if the issue is resolved or not.

Rakkomandat għalik:

That’s it you have successfully Fix We Can’t Sync Right Now Error 0x8500201d but if you still have questions regarding this guide please feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.