Novembru 26, 2022

7 Modi biex Waħħal WhatsApp Mhux Issinkronizza Kuntatti fuq Android


ix WhatsApp Not Syncing Contacts on Android

WhatsApp is an ever-growing platform that has brought a huge change in how people communicate with each other over the internet. Earlier, before WhatsApp, people would use messenger services to send each other messages online. But, with WhatsApp’s release, people of all age groups started using this platform for text chats, voice calls, and video calls.

It has become one of the most popularly chosen platforms to communicate with people around the world. However, WhatsApp communication can sometimes hinder in case of WhatsApp not syncing contacts Android.

If you have an Android phone and are also facing issues with WhatsApp not showing contact names on your device, then you have landed on the right page. We have a perfect guide for you today in which we will discuss WhatsApp not picking up contacts thoroughly and further will elaborate on different ways in which you can fix this issue. Whatever the root cause may be behind WhatsApp contact disappeared from list, it can be resolved by using our reliable solutions, so, let us try them now.

7 Modi biex Waħħal WhatsApp Mhux Issinkronizza Kuntatti fuq Android

How to Fix WhatsApp Not Syncing Contacts on Android

Jekk inti avid WhatsApp user and have been facing issues in loading contacts in the app on your Android phone then there may be a few reasons behind it, let us explore these below:

  • Bugs in the application are a known issue behind this problem.
  • A new software version can also bring some changes in the permissions being granted to WhatsApp and therefore the issue of contacts not showing up.
  • If WhatsApp contacts are not refreshed, you must do so to rule out this possibility.
  • Also, an older or outdated version of WhatsApp can trigger this problem.
  • In case you are blocking WhatsApp to access your contacts on your phone, it can be a reason too.

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Depending upon the reason behind WhatsApp not showing contacts, you can try some different solutions to fix the issue one by one. So, let us begin with our very first method below:

Nota: Smartphones don’t have the same Settings options, and they vary from manufacturer to manufacturer hence, ensure the correct settings before changing any. All the steps listed below have been performed on Ħaj 1920 (the latest version).

Method 1: Refresh WhatsApp Contacts

WhatsApp contact disappeared from list can be easily resolved with a simple refresh of WhatsApp contacts. This method will help you to view WhatsApp contact names that were not visible earlier.

1. Iftaħ il- Applikazzjoni WhatsApp fuq it-telefon Android tiegħek.

Open WhatsApp

2. Sussegwentement, taptap fuq il- jibagħtu MESSAĠĠ chat bubble below.

Tap on SEND MESSAGE. 7 Ways to Fix WhatsApp Not Syncing Contacts on Android

3. Issa, taptap fuq il- ikona ta' tliet tikek fil-quċċata tal-iskrin.

Tap on the three dots icon

4. In the list of options, tap on riffriskar.

Tap on Refresh. 7 Ways to Fix WhatsApp Not Syncing Contacts on Android

Method 2: Reset WhatsApp Sync

If a simple refresh did not help you out in resolving WhatsApp not syncing contacts Android, then you can try resetting WhatsApp sync on your phone. If you don’t know how look at the steps below to know how to reset it:

1. L-ewwel, tniedi l- Settings applikazzjoni fuq l-ismartphone tiegħek.

Tnedija tas-Settings

2. Issa, tektek fuq Kontijiet u sinkronizzazzjoni fis-Settings.

Tap on Accounts & sync. 7 Ways to Fix WhatsApp Not Syncing Contacts on Android

3. Sussegwentement, taptap fuq WhatsApp from the options present.

Tap on WhatsApp

4. In it, make sure to select kuntatti u mbagħad ikejjel fuqha Issinkronizza issa.

Tap on Sync now. 7 Ways to Fix WhatsApp Not Syncing Contacts on Android

Ukoll Aqra: Kif tuża WhatsApp mingħajr Numru tat-Telefon

Method 3: Allow WhatsApp to Sync Contacts

If WhatsApp not showing contact names has been suddenly encountered by you on your Android device, it can be due to restrictions on WhatsApp from accessing your device contacts. Therefore, you must make sure to allow WhatsApp to sync your contacts using the steps below:

1. To start with, launch Settings of your Android and open Apps u permessi go fiha.

Iftaħ Apps u permessi

2. Sussegwentement, agħżel maniġer tal-app among other options.

Select App manager. 7 Ways to Fix WhatsApp Not Syncing Contacts on Android

3. Sib WhatsApp mil-lista u taptap fuqha.

Tap on WhatsApp

4. Ġol Informazzjoni tal-App window, tap on Permessi.

Tap on Permissions. 7 Ways to Fix WhatsApp Not Syncing Contacts on Android

5. Sussegwentement, taptap fuq kuntatti.

Tektek fuq Kuntatti

6. Kun żgur li tagħżel Ħalli fit-tieqa li jmiss.

Select Allow. 7 Ways to Fix WhatsApp Not Syncing Contacts on Android

Method 4: Clear WhatsApp Cache

The next method to try in case WhatsApp contact disappeared from list issue persists is to clear your WhatsApp cache. The cache accumulated on your device can build up and hinders the functions of the app. Therefore, you must clear the WhatsApp cache to fix the issue.

1. Open Settings of your device and select Apps u permessi go fiha.

Open Apps & permissions. 7 Ways to Fix WhatsApp Not Syncing Contacts on Android

2. Sussegwentement, tiftaħ maniġer tal-app in it and locate WhatsApp mil-lista ta ’apps.

Tap on WhatsApp

3. Issa, tektek fuq Ħażna ġol Informazzjoni tal-App tieqa.

Tap on Storage. 7 Ways to Fix WhatsApp Not Syncing Contacts on Android

4. Fl-aħħarnett, taptap fuq Ċara l-cache go fiha.

Tektek fuq Clear cache

Ukoll Aqra: Kif Tiċċekkja jekk xi ħadd huwiex Online fuq Whatsapp mingħajr ma tmur Online

Metodu 5: Aġġorna WhatsApp

Next, you can try updating the WhatsApp application on your device to rule out the possibility of an older version or an outdated app causing WhatsApp not picking up contacts. Updating an application also helps in enhancing the performance of the program.

1. Iftaħ il- Play Aħżen applikazzjoni fuq it-tagħmir tiegħek.

2. Issa, taptap fuq tiegħek ikona tal-profil fil-quċċata tal-iskrin.

Tap on your profile icon. 7 Ways to Fix WhatsApp Not Syncing Contacts on Android

3. Sussegwentement, taptap fuq Immaniġġja l-applikazzjonijiet u t-tagħmir mil-lista.

Tap on Manage apps & device

4. Issa, tektek fuq Aġġornamenti disponibbli to check for pending updates.

Tektek fuq Aġġornamenti disponibbli

5. If an update for WhatsApp is available, tap on Aġġornament biex tinstalla l-aħħar verżjoni tal-app.

Check if this solves WhatsApp not showing contact names issue.

Method 6: Remove WhatsApp Account

This is one of the last methods and an extreme one too as it involves removing your WhatsApp account to resolve WhatsApp not syncing contacts Android issue. Before attempting this method, you must back up all the data and chats in the application on your device using Google Drive or another suitable application. Once the backup is done, you can follow the steps below to remove your account:

1. Niedi l- Applikazzjoni WhatsApp on your mobile phone and tap on the tliet tikek present at the top.

Tap on the three dots. 7 Ways to Fix WhatsApp Not Syncing Contacts on Android

2. Issa, tektek fuq Settings mill-menu.

Tektek fuq issettjar

3. Sussegwentement, taptap fuq kont mill-għażliet disponibbli.

Tektek fuq Kont

4. Issa, tektek fuq Ħassar il-kont tiegħi.

Tap on Delete my account. 7 Ways to Fix WhatsApp Not Syncing Contacts on Android

5. In the next window, enter your phone number and tap on the ĦaSsar IL-KONT TIEGĦI buttuna.


You can make your account again on WhatsApp and see if you can sync your contacts now.

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Metodu 7: Erġa' installa WhatsApp

Finally, to resolve contacts not syncing to WhatsApp issue, you can try uninstalling and then reinstalling the application on your device. This is probably the last step that you would like to take and is also an effective one too. But before you attempt it, you must back up your WhatsApp data safely to your device to avoid losing it.

1. To uninstall the app, launch Settings, U mbagħad Apps u permessi.

Iftaħ Apps u permessi

2. Issa, fil- maniġer tal-app, issib WhatsApp, u tiftaħha.

tap on WhatsApp. 7 Ways to Fix WhatsApp Not Syncing Contacts on Android

3. Issa, tektek fuq Uninstall ġol Informazzjoni tal-App tieqa.

Tektek fuq Uninstall

4. To continue the process, tap on OK.

Tap on OK. 7 Ways to Fix WhatsApp Not Syncing Contacts on Android

5. Issa, tiftaħ Play Aħżen u fittex WhatsApp go fiha.

Search WhatsApp

6. Fl-aħħarnett, taptap fuq Installa to get the app again on your device.

Hence, these are the solutions to fix WhatsApp not showing contact names issue.

Ukoll Aqra: Kif tibdel l-istil tat-tipa f'WhatsApp

Mistoqsijiet Frekwenti (FAQs)

Q1. Why are my SIM contacts not showing up in WhatsApp?

Tweġiba. If your SIM contacts are not showing up in WhatsApp, it must be due to an verżjoni anzjana of the application on your phone.

Q2. Why are my contacts not showing up in dual WhatsApp?

Tweġiba. If you are facing issues in loading contacts in dual WhatsApp, you can try turning off the Use separate contact list għażla.

Q3. Why is my WhatsApp not able to load my contact list?

Tweġiba. In case you are facing loading issues in regard to your contact list in WhatsApp, you must refresh contacts to make them appear in the app.

Q4. How can I sync my WhatsApp data?

Tweġiba. You can sync your WhatsApp data with your device by opting for chat backup.

Q5. Where can I see my contacts in WhatsApp?

Tweġiba. Contacts in WhatsApp are accessible via the chats tab. You can open the ikona ġdida taċ-chat to check the list of contacts in the app.


We hope that our informative doc on WhatsApp not syncing contacts Android was successful in guiding you well about the reasons that result in this issue and different ways to fix it. If so, let us know by leaving your comments down, you can also drop your queries or suggestions below.

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