Jista 30, 2018

How to Add a Picture Password in Windows 10

Windows 10 has a lot of security features which are very useful for all users. Still, today we are talking about a particular feature which makes it easier for users to authenticate themselves while logging into their PC. With the introduction of Windows 10, you could now use password, PIN or picture password to log in to your computer. You could also set all three of them and then from the sign-in screen, and you could switch between any of these options to authenticate yourself. The only problem with these sign-in options is that they don’t work in Safe Mode and you have to only use the traditional password to login to your computer in safe mode.

How to Add a Picture Password in Windows 10

But in this tutorial, we would be talking specifically about Picture Passwords and how to set it up in Windows 10. With picture password, you don’t need to remember the long password instead you sign in by drawing different shapes or making the right gesture over an image to unlock your PC. So without wasting any time let’s see How to Add a Picture Password in Windows 10 bl-għajnuna tal-gwida elenkata hawn taħt.

How to Add a Picture Password in Windows 10

Kun żgur li toħloq punt ta 'restawr fil-każ li xi ħaġa tmur ħażin.

1. Agħfas Windows Key + I biex tiftaħ Settings imbagħad ikklikkja fuq Kontijiet.

Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on Accounts | How to Add a Picture Password in Windows 10

2. Mill-menu tax-xellug, agħżel Għażliet ta' dħul.

3. Issa fil-ħġieġa tat-tieqa tal-lemin ikklikkja fuq “Żid”Taħt Picture Password.

Under Picture Password click Add

Nota: A local account must have a password to be able to add a picture password. A Microsoft account will be password protected by default.

4. Windows will ask you to verify your identity, so Enter your account password and click OK.

A local account must have a password to be able to add a picture password

5. A new picture password window will open, ikklikkja fuq "Agħżel stampa".

A new picture password window will open, just click on Choose picture

6. Sussegwentement, navigate to the picture’s location in Open dialog box then select the picture and click Open.

7. Adjust the image by dragging it to position it the way you want then click “Uża din l-istampa".

Adjust the image by dragging it to position it the way you want then click Use this picture

Nota: If you want to use a different picture, click on “Choose new picture” then repeat the steps from 5 to 7.

8. Issa trid draw three gesture one by one on the picture. As you draw each gesture, you will see the numbers will move from 1 to 3.

Now you have to draw three gesture one by one on the picture | How to Add a Picture Password in Windows 10

Nota: You can use any combination of circles, straight lines, and taps. You can click & drag to draw a circle or triangle or any shape you like.

9. Once you draw all the three gestures, you will be asked to draw them all again to confirm your password.

Once you draw all the three gestures, you will be asked to draw them all again to confirm your password

10. If you mess up your gestures, you could click on “Ibda mill-bidu” to start the process again. You would need to draw all the gestures from the beginning.

11. Fl-aħħarnett, after adding all the gestures click Finish.

After adding all the gestures click Finish

12. That’s it, your picture password has now been added as a sign-in option.

How to Change Picture Password in Windows 10

1. Agħfas Windows Key + I biex tiftaħ Settings imbagħad ikklikkja fuq Kontijiet.

2. Mill-menu tax-xellug, agħżel Għażliet ta' dħul.

3. Issa fil-ħġieġa tat-tieqa tal-lemin ikklikkja fuq “Bidla” buttuna taħt Picture Password.

Click on Change button under Picture Password

4. Windows will ask you to verify your identity, so Daħħal il-password tal-kont tiegħek u kklikkja OK.

Windows will ask you to verify your identity, so just Enter your account password

5. Issa you have two options, either you could change the gestures of your current picture, or you could use a new picture.

6. To use the current picture, click on “Uża din l-istampa” and if you want to use a new image, click “Agħżel stampa ġdida".

Either choose Use this Picture or Choose a new picture | How to Add a Picture Password in Windows 10

Nota: If you click “Use this picture” then skip the steps 7 and 8.

7. Navigate to and select the picture file you want to use then click Open.

8. Adjust the image by dragging it to position it the way you want then click “Uża din l-istampa".

Adjust the image by dragging it to position it the way you want then click Use this picture

9. Issa trid draw three gesture one by one on the picture.

Now you have to draw three gesture one by one on the picture

Nota: You can use any combination of circles, straight lines, and taps. You can click & drag to draw a circle or triangle or any shape you like.

10. Once you draw all the three gestures, you will be asked to draw them all again to confirm your password.

Once you draw all the three gestures, you will be asked to draw them all again to confirm your password

11. Finally, after adding all the gestures click Finitura.

12. Reboot PC tiegħek biex issalva l-bidliet.

How to Remove a Picture Password in Windows 10

1. Agħfas Windows Key + I biex tiftaħ Settings imbagħad ikklikkja fuq Kontijiet.

2. Mill-menu tax-xellug, agħżel Għażliet ta' dħul.

3. Issa fil-ħġieġa tat-tieqa tal-lemin ikklikkja fuq “Neħħi” buttuna taħt Picture Password.

Click on Change button under Picture Password | How to Add a Picture Password in Windows 10

4. That’s it, your picture password has now been removed as a sign-in option.

5. Agħlaq kollox u reboot PC tiegħek biex issalva l-bidliet.


Dak hu li tgħallimt b'suċċess How to Add a Picture Password in Windows 10 imma jekk għad għandek xi mistoqsijiet dwar dan it-tutorja imbagħad tħossok liberu li tistaqsihom fit-taqsima tal-kumment.