Lulju 17, 2021

How to Disable Discord Notifications (2023)

How to Disable Discord Notifications

Discord is a great platform for gamers as it allows them to communicate with each other by creating channels. If you like to use Discord for its audio/text conversation feature during gameplay, then you must also be aware of constantly pinging Discord notifications. Although notifications are important to alert us about new updates, they might become annoying as well.

Thankfully, Discord being the great app it is, provides an option to disable notifications. You can do so in multiple ways and for all/selected users. Read our concise guide on how to disable Discord notifications for multiple channels and for individual users.

How to Disable Discord Notifications

How to Disable Discord Notifications on Windows, macOS, and Android

How to Disable Discord Notifications on Windows PC

Jekk tuża Diskord on your Windows PC, then you may turn off the notifications by following any of the methods listed below. 

Method 1: Mute Server Notifications on Discord

Discord gives you the option to mute notifications for the entire Discord server. Thus, you can opt for this method if you wish to block off all notifications from Discord so that you are not distracted or disturbed. In addition, Discord allows you to choose the time frame for which server notifications should remain muted viz 15 minutes, 1 hour, 8 hours, 24 hours, or Until I turn it back on.

Here is how to turn off Discord notifications for the server: 

1. Tnedija Diskord through the official Discord website or its desktop app. 

2. Agħżel il- server icon from the menu on the left. Right-click on the servers for which you wish to mute the notifications. 

3. Ikklikkja fuq Is-settings tan-notifiki from the dropdown menu, as shown. 

Click on Notification settings from the dropdown menu | How to Disable Discord Notifications

4. Hawnhekk, ikklikkja fuq Mute server u agħżel il- Medda tal-ħin, kif muri hawn taħt. 

Click on Mute server and select the Time frame

5. Discord offers the following options under server notification settings

  • All messages: You will receive notifications for the entire server. 
  • Only @mentions: If you enable this option, you will receive notifications only when someone mentions your name on the server. 
  • Xejn– It means you will be entirely muting the Discord server
  • Suppress @everyone and @here: If you use the @everyone command, you will be muting the notifications from all users. But, if you use the @here command, you will mute notifications from users who are currently online. 
  • Suppress all role @mentions: If you enable this option, you can mute notifications for members with roles like @admin or @mod on the server.

6. After selecting the desired option, click on Magħmul u, ħruġ it-tieqa. 

Dan huwa how you can mute Discord notifications for everyone on the server. When you mute everyone on Discord, you will not receive a single pop-up notification on your Windows PC.

Method 2: Mute Single or Multiple channels fuq Diskord

Sometimes, you may just want to mute single or multiple channels of a Discord server rather than muting the entire server.

Follow the given steps to mute notification from a single channel: 

1. Tnedija Diskord u kklikkja fuq Ikona tas-server, as before. 

2. Ikklikkja bil-lemin fuq Channel you wish to mute and hover your cursor over the Mute channel għażla. 

3. Agħżel il- Medda tal-ħin to choose from the drop-down menu as 15 minutes, one hour, eight hours, 24 hours, or until you manually turn it off. Refer to the given pic.

Choose the Time frame to choose from the drop-down menu

Alternatively, follow these steps to mute notifications from specific channels:

1. Ikklikkja fuq il - server u tiftaħ kanal for which you wish to mute the notifications.

2. Ikklikkja fuq il - Ikona tal-qanpiena displayed at the top-right corner of the channel window to mute all the notifications from that channel.

3. Issa se tara a redline crossing over the bell icon, which indicates that this channel is on mute.

See a redline crossing over the bell icon | How to Disable Discord Notifications

4. Repeat the same steps for all channels you wish to mute.

Nota: Lil jiċċekken an already muted channel, click on the Ikona tal-qanpiena mill-ġdid.

Ukoll Aqra: Waħħal Discord Screen Share Audio Mhux Taħdim

Method 3: Mute Specific Users fuq Diskord

You may want to mute some annoying members either on the entire server or on individual channels. Here is how to disable Discord notifications for individual users:

1. Ikklikkja fuq il - Ikona tas-server fuq Discord.  

2. Ikklikkja bil-lemin fuq il- isem l-utent you wish to mute. Click on Mute, kif muri. 

Right-click on the name of the user you wish to mute and click on Mute

3. The selected user will stay on mute unless you turn it off manually. You can do so for as many users as you want.

Once you mute specific users, you will not receive any notifications from them. You will continue to receive notifications from other users on the server.

Method 4: Mute Discord Notifications through Windows Settings

If you don’t want to modify any settings on Discord, then you can mute Discord notifications through Windows Settings instead:

1. Niedi l- Settings app billi tagħfas Ċwievet Windows + I Fuq it-tastiera tiegħek. 

2. Mur għal sistema, kif muri. 

Ikklikkja fuq Sistema

3. Issa, ikklikkja fuq il- Notifiki u azzjonijiet tab mill-panel fuq ix-xellug. 

4. Finally, turn the toggle off for the option titled Ikseb in-notifiki minn apps u mittenti oħra, kif muri. 

Turn the toggle off for the option titled Get notifications from apps and other senders

Ukoll Aqra: Kif Tneħħi kompletament Discord fuq Windows 10

How to Disable Discord Notifications on Mac

If you are using Discord on MacOS, then the method for disabling Discord notifications is similar to the methods listed under Windows OS. If you wish to disable the Discord notifications through Mac Settings, read below to know more. 

Method 1: Pause Discord Notifications 

You get the option of pausing Discord notifications from Mac itself. Here is how to turn off Discord notifications:

1. Mur fil- Menu tat-tuffieħ imbagħad ikklikkja fuq Sistema ta 'Preferenzi.

2. Agħżel il- Notifiki għażla.

3. Hawnhekk, ikklikkja fuq DND/Ma jiddisturbawx) from the sidebar.

4. Agħżel il- Time period.

Pause Discord Notifications using DND

The notifications so received will be available in the Ċentru ta 'Notifika.

Method 2: Disable Discord Notifications

Follow the given steps to disable Discord notifications through Mac settings:

1. Ikklikkja fuq il - Apple menu > System preferences > Notifications, as before.

2. Hawnhekk, agħżel Diskord.

3. Deselect the option marked Show notifications on lock screen u, Show in Notifications.

Disable Discord Notifications on Mac

This will mute all the notifications from Discord until you turn it on again, manually.

How to Turn off Discord Notifications on Android Phone

Jekk tuża l - App mobbli Discord on your smartphone and you want to disable the notifications, then read this section to learn how.

Nota: Peress li l-ismartphones m'għandhomx l-istess għażliet ta 'Settings, u jvarjaw minn manifattur għall-ieħor, għalhekk, żgura s-settings korretti qabel ma tibdel kwalunkwe.

Try any of the methods listed below to disable Discord notifications on your Android phone.

Method 1: Mute the Discord server on the Discord app

Here is how to turn off Discord notifications for the entire server:

1. Niedi l- Diskord mobile app and select the servers you wish to mute from the left panel.

2. Tektek fuq il - ikona bi tliet tikek visible at the top of the screen.

Tap on the three-dotted icon visible at the top of the screen | How to Disable Discord Notifications

3. Sussegwentement, taptap fuq il- Ikona tal-qanpiena, as shown below. This will open Is-settings tan-notifiki.

Tap on the Bell icon and this will open Notification settings

4. Fl-aħħarnett, tektek Mute server to mute the notifications for the entire server.

5. The notification options will be the same as the desktop version.

Tap Mute server to mute the notifications for the entire server

Ukoll Aqra: Kif tiddiżattiva l-ħoss fil-kromju (Android)

Method 2: Mute Individual or Multiple Channels on Discord app

If you wish to mute individual or multiple channels of a Discord server, follow these steps:

1. Iftaħ il- Diskord app u taptap fuq server mill-pannell fuq ix-xellug.

2. Now, select and hold the isem tal-kanal you wish to mute.

3. Hawnhekk, taptap fuq Mute. Imbagħad agħżel Medda tal-ħin mill-menu mogħti.

Tap on Mute and select the Time frame from the given menu

You will get the same options in Is-settings tan-notifiki kif spjegat fi Metodu 1.

Method 3: Mute Specific Users on Discord app

Discord does not offer the option to mute certain users on the mobile version of the app. However, you can blokk the users instead, as explained below:

1. Tektek fuq il - server icon in Discord. Swipe left until you see the Members list, kif muri.

Tap on the Server icon in Discordand swipe left until you see the Members list

2. Tektek fuq il - username of the user you wish to block.

3. Sussegwentement, taptap fuq il- ikona bi tliet tikek mill- profil tal-utent.

4. Fl-aħħarnett, tektek Blokk, kif muri hawn taħt.

Tap on Block | How to Disable Discord Notifications

You can repeat the same steps to block multiple users and also to unblock them.

Method 4: Disable Discord Notifications through Mobile settings

All smartphones provide the option to enable/disable notifications for any/all apps installed on your device. Each person has subjective requirements, and hence, this feature is quite useful. Here’s how to disable Discord notifications through mobile settings.

1. Mur fil- Settings app fuq it-telefon tiegħek.

2. Tektek fuq Notifiki or Applikazzjonijiet u notifiki.

Tap on Notifications or Apps and notifications

3. Sib Diskord from the list of apps displayed on your screen.

4. Itfi the toggle next to it, as depicted below.

Turn off the toggle next to Discord


Nittamaw gwida tagħna fuq how to turn off Discord notifications was helpful, and you were able to disable these. Let us know which method worked for you. If you have any queries or suggestions regarding this article, let us know in the comment section.