April 15, 2018

Kif Tissewwa l-Kwistjoni tal-Iswed tal-Iskrin tal-Firefox

How To Fix Firefox Black Screen Issue: If you’re among users who are facing a black screen while browsing in Mozilla Firefox then don’t worry as it is caused because of a bug in the recent update of Firefox. Mozilla recently explained the cause of the black screen issue which is because of a new feature called Off Main Thread Compositing (OMTC). This feature will allow video and animations to perform smoothly over short periods of blocking.

Kif Tissewwa l-Kwistjoni tal-Iswed tal-Iskrin tal-Firefox

The issue in some cases is also caused due to old or corrupted graphic card drivers, hardware acceleration in Firefox etc. So without wasting any time let’s see How To Fix Firefox Black Screen Issue with the help of below-listed troubleshooting guide.

Kif Tissewwa l-Kwistjoni tal-Iswed tal-Iskrin tal-Firefox

Before continuing, make sure your completely clear browsing data. Also, create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.

Metodu 1: Iddiżattiva l-Aċċelerazzjoni tal-Hardware

1.Open Firefox then type “dwar: preferenzi” (without quotes) in the address bar and hit Enter.

2.Scroll down to Performance then uncheck “Uża settings tal-prestazzjoni rakkomandati"

Go to preferences in Firefox then uncheck Use recommended performance settings

3.Under Performance uncheck "Uża l-aċċellerazzjoni tal-hardware meta tkun disponibbli".

Uncheck Use hardware acceleration when available under Performance

4.Close Firefox and reboot your PC.

Method 2: Start Firefox in Safe Mode

1.Open Mozilla Firefox then from the top right corner click on tliet linji.

Ikklikkja fuq it-tliet linji fir-rokna ta' fuq tal-lemin imbagħad agħżel Għajnuna

2.From the menu click on Help and then click “Erġa 'ibda bil-Add-ons Disabled".

Ibda mill-ġdid b'Ad-ons diżattivati ​​u Aġġorna Firefox

3.On the pop up click on Erġa ibda.

On the popup click on Restart to disable all add-ons

4.Once the Firefox restart it will ask you to either Start in Safe Mode or Refresh Firefox.

5.Click fuq Ibda fil-Modalità Sikura and see if you’re able to Fix Firefox Black Screen Issue.

Click on Start in Safe Mode when Firefox restart

Metodu 3: Aġġorna Firefox

1.Open Mozilla Firefox then from the top right corner click on tliet linji.

Ikklikkja fuq it-tliet linji fir-rokna ta' fuq tal-lemin imbagħad agħżel Għajnuna

2.From the menu click on Help > About Firefox.

3.Firefox will automatically check for updates and will download updates if available.

From the menu click on Help then About Firefox

4.Ibda mill-ġdid il-PC tiegħek biex issalva l-bidliet.

Metodu 4: Iddiżattiva temporanjament Antivirus u Firewall

1.Ikklikkja bil-lemin fuq il- Ikona tal-Programm Antivirus mit-trej tas-sistema u agħżel Inattiv.

Iddiżattiva l-awtoprotect biex tiddiżattiva l-Antivirus tiegħek

2.Li jmiss, agħżel il-qafas ta 'żmien li għalih il- L-antivirus se jibqa' diżattivat.

agħżel it-tul ta' żmien sa meta l-antivirus ikun diżattivat

Nota: Agħżel l-iżgħar ammont ta' ħin possibbli pereżempju 15-il minuta jew 30 minuta.

3.Once done, again try to open Firefox and check if the error resolves or not.

4.Type control in the Windows Search then click on Control Panel from the search result.

Ittajpja pannell tal-kontroll fit-tfittxija

5.Li jmiss, ikklikkja fuq Sistema u Sigurtà.

6.Imbagħad ikklikkja fuq Windows Firewall.

ikklikkja fuq Windows Firewall

7.Issa mill-ħġieġa tat-tieqa tax-xellug ikklikkja fuq Ixgħel jew itfi Windows Firewall.

ikklikkja Ixgħel jew itfi Windows Firewall

8.Agħżel Itfi Windows Firewall u erġa ibda l-PC tiegħek. Again try to open Firefox and see if you’re able to Fix Firefox Black Screen Issue.

Jekk il-metodu ta 'hawn fuq ma jaħdimx kun żgur li ssegwi l-istess passi eżatti biex terġa' tixgħel il-Firewall tiegħek.

Metodu 5: Itfi l-estensjonijiet tal-Firefox

1.Open Firefox then type “dwar: addons” (without quotes) in the address bar and hit Enter.

2.Disable all Extensions by clicking Disable next to each extension.

Disable all Extensions by clicking Disable next to each extension

3.Restart Firefox and then enable one extension at a time to find the culprit which is causing this whole issue.

Nota: After enabling anyone extension you need to restart Firefox.

4.Remove those particular Extensions and reboot your PC.


Dak li għandek b'suċċess Fix Firefox Black Screen Issue but if you still have questions regarding this post then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.