Lulju 28, 2021

Kif Tissewwa Notifiki Twitter Ma Jaħdmux (Fuq Android u iOS)


Twitter is one of the biggest social networking platforms that you should sign up for, if you wish to get regular updates about everything that is happening all around the world. However, if you already hold a Twitter account, then you must get notification alerts. These notifications provide you updates about new Followers, ReTweets, Direct Messages, Replies, Highlights, new Tweets, etc. so that you don’t miss out on the latest trends and news updates. Unfortunately, some users complained that they do not receive Twitter notifications for their accounts. Therefore, we have compiled this guide for you to learn how to fix Twitter notifications not working on Android and iOS devices.

fix Twitter Notifications not Working

12 Ways to Fix Twitter Notifications Not Working

There are several reasons why you may not receive notifications from Twitter on your device, such as:

  • Poor Internet Connectivity
  • Outdated Version of Twitter
  • Incorrect Notification Settings on your device
  • Improper Notification Settings on Twitter

In accordance with the primary reasons listed above, we have explained a few methods that should help fix Twitter notifications not working on your Android and/or iOS devices.
So, continue reading!

Ara Ukoll:

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Nota: Peress li l-ismartphones m'għandhomx l-istess għażliet ta 'Settings, u jvarjaw minn manifattur għal manifattur għalhekk, żgura s-settings korretti qabel ma tibdel kwalunkwe.

Metodu 1: Iċċekkja l-Konnessjoni tal-Internet tiegħek 

An unstable internet connection could be the reason for you not receiving notifications from Twitter. Therefore, restart your Wi-Fi router and your device to ensure proper internet connectivity. If this basic fix doesn’t solve the Twitter notifications not working issue, try any of the below-mentioned methods.

Method 2: Enable Push Notifications on Twitter

Sometimes, users mistakenly disable push notifications on Twitter. Therefore, the first thing that you should do is check whether the push notifications are enabled on Twitter or not.

On Android and iOS devices: Follow these steps to fix Twitter notifications not working by enabling Push notifications:

1. Iftaħ il- Twitter app.

2. Tektek fuq il - ikona bi tliet singiet from the top-left corner of the screen to access the menu.

Tap on the Hamburger icon or the three horizontal lines | Fix Twitter Notifications not Working

3. From the given menu, tap Settings u privatezza.

Go to Settings and privacy.

4. Imbagħad, tektek fuq Notifiki, kif muri.

Tap on Notifications | Fix Twitter Notifications not Working

5. Issa, tektek fuq Imbotta n-notifiki.

Now, tap on Push notifications. | Fix Twitter Notifications not Working

6. Dawwar il- toggle ON li jmiss Notifiki Imbotta, kif muri hawn taħt.

ensure that you turn on the toggle next to Push notifications on the top of the screen.

Method 3: Disable DND or Silent Mode

When you turn on Do Not Disturb or Silent Mode on your device, you will not receive any notifications at all. The DND feature comes in handy for not getting distracted when you are in an important meeting or in class. It is possible that you put your phone on DND mode earlier but, forgot to disable it afterward.

Fuq apparat Android

You can turn off DND and Silent mode on your Android device by following these steps:

1. Swipe l-isfel Bord tan-Notifika biex taċċessa l - Quick Menu.

2. Sib u taptap fuq Mod DND to disable it. Refer given pic for clarity.

Locate and tap on DND mode to disable it. | Fix Twitter Notifications not Working

3. Agħfas u żomm il- Volum tal-volum button to make sure that your phone is not on Silent Mode.

Fuq apparat iOS

Here’s how you can disable DND mode on your iPhone:

1. Tnedija iPhone Settings.

2. Hawnhekk, taptap fuq Ma jiddisturbawx, kif enfasizzat hawn taħt.

Open Settings on your iPhone then scroll down and tap on the Do Not Disturb

3. Dawwar il- toggle off on the next screen to disable DND.

4. In order to disable Silent modalità, agħfas il-buttuna Ringer /Volume up button from the side.

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Method 4: Check Notification Settings of your device

If you haven’t granted permissions to the Twitter app to send push notifications, then this might be the reason for Twitter notifications not working on your smartphone. You need to enable push notifications for Twitter from your device notification settings, as discussed below.

Fuq apparat Android

Follow the given steps to enable Push Notifications for Twitter on your Android phone:

1. Ras lejn il- Settings app u taptap Notifiki, kif muri.

go to the ‘Apps and notifications’ tab.  | Fix Twitter Notifications not Working

2. Sib twitter from the list of applications and turn the toggle ON għal Twitter.

Finally, turn on the toggle next to Twitter.

Fuq apparat iOS

The process to check for and enable Twitter notifications is quite similar to that of Android phones:

1. On your iPhone, navigate to Settings > Twitter > Notifications.

2. Turn the toggle ON for Allow Notifications, kif muri.

Enable Twitter Notifications on iPhone. Fix Twitter Notifications Not Working

Method 5: Update Twitter app

To fix Twitter notifications not working, make sure that you are using the latest version of the Twitter app since you may not receive notifications on an outdated version of the app. Follow the below steps to update Twitter on your smartphone.

Fuq apparat Android

1. Iftaħ il- Google Play Aħżen fuq it-tagħmir tiegħek.

2. Tektek fuq tiegħek Stampa Profil u mbagħad ikejjel fuqha Immaniġġja l-applikazzjonijiet u t-tagħmir.

3. Taħt il - Ħarsa ġenerali tab, se tara l- Aġġornamenti disponibbli għażla.

4. Ikklikkja fuq Ara d-dettalji to view all available updates.

5. On the next screen, locate twitter u kklikkja fuq Aġġornament, kif muri enfasizzat.

Search Twitter and check if there are any pending updates

Fuq apparat iOS

You can easily follow these steps to fix Twitter notifications not working on iPhone:

1. Iftaħ il- App store fuq it-tagħmir tiegħek.

2. Issa, taptap fuq il- aġġornamenti tab from the bottom panel of the screen.

3. Finally, locate twitter u tisfrutta Aġġornament.

Update Twitter app on iPhone

After updating the Twitter app, ask your friends to send you a DM or Mention you in a Tweet to check if you are getting notifications or not.

Method 6: Re-log-in to your Twitter account

Many users reported that this helped resolve the said issue. The procedure for logging out of your Twitter account and logging into it remains the same for both Android and iOS devices, kif spjegat hawn taħt:

1. Niedi l- Twitter app and open the menu by tapping the ikona bi tliet singiet, kif muri.

Tap on the Hamburger icon or the three horizontal lines | Fix Twitter Notifications not Working

2. Tektek fuq Settings u privatezza.

Go to Settings and privacy.

3. Imbagħad, taptap fuq il- kont, kif muri.

Tap on the Account.

4. Finally, scroll down and tap on Log out.

scroll down and tap on log out. | Fix Twitter Notifications not Working

5. Restart your phone after logging out of Twitter. Then, re-log-in into your account by entering your user ID and password.

Twitter notifications not working issue should be rectified by now. If not, try the next fix.

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Method 7: Clear App Cache and Data

You can clear the cache and data for the Twitter app to get rid of corrupt files and potentially fix the notification error on your device.

Fuq apparat Android

Listed below are the steps to clear the cache and data files for the Twitter app on your Android phone:

1. Open Settings u mur Apps. 

Locate and open 'Apps and notifications.' | Fix Twitter Notifications not Working

2. Imbagħad, tektek fuq Immaniġġja l-apps, kif muri.

Tap on manage apps.

3. Sib u tiftaħ twitter from the given list. Tap on Dejta ċara mill-qiegħ tal-iskrin.

Tap on 'Clear data' from the bottom of the screen. | Fix Twitter Notifications not Working

4. Fl-aħħarnett, taptap fuq Ċar il-cache, kif enfasizzat hawn taħt.

Finally, tap on Clear cache and tap on OK. | Fix Twitter Notifications not Working

Fuq apparat iOS

However, in case you use an iPhone, you need to clear the Media and web storage instead. Follow these steps to do so:

1. Ġol twitter app, tap on your ikona tal-profil mir-rokna tax-xellug ta' fuq tal-iskrin.

2. Issa ikklikkja fuq Settings u privatezza mill-menu.

Now tap on Settings and privacy from the menu

3. Tektek fuq Użu tad-data.

4. Issa, tektek fuq Web Storage taħt il- Ħażna taqsima.

Tap on Web Storage under the Storage section

5. Under Web storage, tap on Clear web page storage and Clear all web storage.

Tap on Clear web page storage and Clear all web storage.

6. Similarly, clear the storage for midja Ħażna ukoll.

Method 8: Turn off Battery Saver Mode

When you turn on the battery saver mode on your device, you may not receive notifications from any app on your device. Therefore, to fix Twitter notifications not working, you need to disable battery saver mode, if enabled.

Fuq apparat Android

You can easily turn off Battery Saver mode on your Android device as:

1. Open Settings u vit Batterija u prestazzjoni, kif muri.

Batterija u prestazzjoni

2. Turn the toggle OFF next to the Saver tal-batterija to disable it. Refer given pic for clarity.

turn off the toggle next to the Battery saver to disable the mode. | Fix Twitter Notifications not Working

Fuq apparat iOS

Similarly, turn off Low power mode to fix Twitter notifications not working on iPhone issue:

1. Mur fil- Settings of your iPhone and tap on Battery.

2. Hawnhekk, taptap fuq Mod ta 'enerġija baxxa.

3. Finally, turn off the toggle for Mod ta 'enerġija baxxa, kif muri.

Turn off the toggle for Low power mode on iPhone

Ukoll Aqra: How To Fix Facebook Dating Is Not Working

Method 9: Enable Background Data Usage for Twitter 

When you enable Background data usage, the Twitter app will have access to the internet even when the app is not being used. In this way, Twitter will be able to constantly refresh and send you notifications, if any.

Fuq apparat Android

1. Mur għal Settings > apps > Immaniġġja l-apps bħal qabel.

2. Open twitter mil-lista tal-apps disponibbli.

3. Issa, tektek fuq Użu tad-data, kif muri hawn taħt.

Tap on Data usage | Fix Twitter Notifications not Working

4. Fl-aħħarnett, ixgħel il-toggle ħdejn il- Sfond tad-dejta għażla.

turn on the toggle next to Background data. | Fix Twitter Notifications not Working

Fuq apparat iOS

You can easily enable the Background App Refresh feature for Twitter on your iPhone by following these simple steps:

1. Open Settings u tisfrutta Ġenerali.

2. Sussegwentement, tektek Aġġornament tal-App Sfond, kif muri.

Settings General Background app refresh iphone. Fix Twitter Notifications Not Working

3. Finally, turn on the toggle on the next screen to enable background data usage for Twitter.

Enable Background Data Usage for Twitter on iPhone

Method 10: Re-install Twitter

If none of the above methods have worked, then you should try uninstalling the Twitter app from your device and then, installing it again.

Fuq apparat Android

Android users can uninstall the Twitter app and then, install it from Google Play Store.

1. Sib il- twitter app in your Kexxun tal-app.

2. Press-Hold the app until you get some pop-up options on the screen.

3.  Tap on Uninstall to remove Twitter from your device.

tap on Uninstall to remove the app from your Android phone.

4. Next, head to Google Play Aħżen and re-install twitter fuq it-tagħmir tiegħek.

5. Idħol with your account credentials and Twitter should now function error-free.

Fuq apparat iOS

Follow these steps to remove Twitter from your iPhone and then, to re-install it from the App Store:

1. Sib twitter u, press-hold dan.

2. Tektek fuq Neħħi l-App to uninstall it from your device.

Uninstall Twitter on iPhone

3. Issa, mur fil- App Aħżen and re-install Twitter on your iPhone.

Method 11: Report Notification Error to Twitter Help Center

You can get in touch with the Twitter Help Center if you are unable to receive any kind of notifications for your Twitter account. The procedure to access the Help Center is the same for both Android and iOS users, as detailed below:

1. Iftaħ il- twitter app fuq it-tagħmir tiegħek.

2. Expand the menu by clicking on the ikona bi tliet singiet mir-rokna ta' fuq tax-xellug tal-iskrin.

3. Tektek fuq Help Center, kif muri hawn taħt.

Tap on the Help Center

4. Fittex Notifiki in the Search box provided.

5. Alternately, Contact Twitter Support by clicking hawn.

Method 12: Factory Reset your device (Not Recommended)

We do not recommend this method as it will delete all data saved on your phone and you need to create a backup for all your data before you proceed with this method. However, if continue facing this issue with Twitter and none of the methods mentioned above are working for you, then you can factory reset your device to return to default settings.

Fuq apparat Android

Let’s see how to Factory Reset your phone to fix Twitter notifications not working issue.

1. Open Settings of your device and go to the Dwar it-telefon sezzjoni, kif muri.

Go to the About phone section. | Fix Twitter Notifications not Working

2. Tektek fuq Backup and reset, kif muri.

Tap on ‘Backup and reset.

3. Skrollja 'l isfel u tektek Ħassar id-dejta kollha (reset tal-fabbrika) għażla.

Scroll down and tap on erase all data (factory reset).

4. Sussegwentement, taptap fuq Irrisettja t-Telefon mill-qiegħ tal-iskrin.

tap on reset phone and enter your pin for confirmation. | Fix Twitter Notifications not Working

5. Ittajpja tiegħek PIN or password on the next screen to confirm and initiate the factory reset.

Fuq apparat iOS

If you are an iOS user, follow the given steps to Factory Reset your device and fix all issues or glitches with your iPhone.

1. Open Settings u mur ġenerali settings.

2. Skrollja 'l isfel u taptap fuq Irrisettja.

3. Fl-aħħarnett, tektek Ħassar il-Kontenut u s-Settings Kollha. Refer to pic below for clarity.

Ikklikkja fuq Irrisettja u mbagħad mur għall-għażla Ħassar il-Kontenut u l-Settings Kollha

4. Daħħal tiegħek PIN to confirm and proceed further.

Mistoqsijiet Frekwenti (FAQs) 

Q1. Why are my notifications not showing up on Twitter?

The Twitter notifications do not show up on your device if you disable the push notifications on the Twitter app or in your device settings. Therefore, to fix notifications not showing up on Twitter, you need to enable the push notifications by heading to your Twitter account > Settings and privacy > Notifications > Push notifications. Finally, turn on the push notifications to start receiving the notifications on your Twitter account.

Q2. Why am I not getting any of my notifications?

If you are not getting any notifications on your device, then you may have to enable push notifications from your device settings. Here is how to do it:

  1. Irreferi għall - Settings tat-tagħmir tiegħek.
  2. Mur fil- Notifiki.
  3. Finally, turn the toggle ON ħdejn il- apps for which you wish to enable all notifications.

Q3. How do you fix Twitter notifications on Android?

To fix Twitter notifications not working on Android, you can enable Push Notifications both from Twitter and your device settings. Moreover, you can Turn off battery saver & DND mode as it may be preventing the notifications on your device. You can also try to illoggja mill-ġdid to your Twitter account to fix the issue. You can follow the methods mentioned in our guide to fix the Twitter notifications issue.


We hope our guide was helpful and you were able to fix Twitter notifications not working on your device. If you have any queries/suggestions, let us know in the comments below.

Ikklikkja Hawn biex Ħalli Kumment Hawn taħt

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