Settembru 30, 2016

Apparat USB ma Jaħdimx fil-Windows 10 [SOLUT]

USB Device not working in Windows 10 is a common problem that arises when dealing with USB. Typically USB Device not working error is shown after a USB device such as a printer, scanner, External drive, Hard disk, or Pen drive is connected to the computer. Sometimes when this error occurs, the Device Manager may list an “Unkown Device” in Universal Serial Bus controllers.

In this guide, you can find all information regarding the USB Device not working in Windows 10 issue. After spending a lot of time we have come up with these few working solutions on how to fix USB Device not working issue. Please try all the methods listed below, before you come to any conclusion.

Fix USB Device Not Working in Windows 10 [SOLVED]

Different types of error you may receive when dealing with USB Device not working:

  1. USB Device not recognized
  2. Unrecognized USB device in Device Manager
  3. USB Device driver software was not successfully installed
  4. Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems (Code 43).
  5. Windows can’t stop your “Generic volume” device because a program is still using it.

Fix USB Device Not Working in Windows 10 [SOLVED]

Fix USB Device Not Working in Windows 10 [SOLVED]

Common Causes of the USB Device not working error:

  1. Corrupted or outdated USB drivers.
  2. The USB device may have malfunctioned.
  3. Host controller hardware malfunction.
  4. The computer does not support USB 2.0 or USB 3.0
  5. USB Generic Hub drivers are not compatible or are corrupted.

Now let’s see How to Fix USB Device Not Working in Windows 10 with the help of the below-listed troubleshooting guide.

Method 1: Disable EnhancedPowerManagementEnabled

1. Press Windows Key + R and type “devmgmt.msc” imbagħad agħfas enter biex tiftaħ Device Manager.

maniġer tat-tagħmir devmgmt.msc

2. Now expand Kontrolluri tas-Serial Bus Universali.

3. Next, plug in your USB device which is experiencing a problem, and notice the change in the Universal Serial Bus controllers i.e. you will see the list updated with your Device.

Proprjetajiet tal-apparat tal-ħażna tal-massa USB

Nota: You may have to use hit and trial in order to identify your device and in doing so you have to connect/disconnect your USB device multiple times. Always use the “Safely remove” option when disconnecting your USB device.

4. After you have identified your device in Universal Serial Bus controllers, right-click on it and select proprjetajiet.

5. Next switch to Details tab and from Property drop-down select “Device instance path."

USB mass storage device properties device instance path

6. Innota l- value of the Device instance path because we will need it further or right-click and copy it.

7. Istampa Windows Key + R u ttajpja “regedit” then hit enter to open Registry Editor.

Mexxi kmand regedit

8. Navigate to the following:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetEnumUSB<Device Instance Path>Device Parameters

enhanced power management enabled device parameters

9. Now search for the DWORD EnhancedPowerManagementEnabled and Double click on it.

Nota: If you couldn’t find the DWORD create one by right-click, then select New and then DWORD (32-bit) value. And name the DWORD as “EnhancedPowerManagementEnabled” then enter 0 in the value and click OK.

10. Ibdel il-valur tagħha minn 1 biex 0 u kklikkja OK.

dword enhancedpowermanagementenabled

11. You may now close the Registry Editor as well as Device Manager.

12. Reboot your PC to apply changes and this may be able to fix USB Device Not Working in Windows 10 issue.

Method 2: Run Hardware and Device Troubleshooter

1. Open Control Panel using the Windows search bar.

Fittex għall-Panel tal-Kontroll billi tuża t-Tiftix tal-Windows

2. Agħżel Control Panel from the search list. The Control Panel window will open up.

Open Control Panel by searching it using search bar

3. Fittex soluzzjoni tal-problemi using the search bar on the top right corner of the Control Panel screen.

issolvi l-problemi hardware u apparat tal-ħoss

4. Ikklikkja fuq issolvi l-problemi mir-riżultat tat-tfittxija.

5. The troubleshooting window will open up.

Hit the enter button when troubleshooting appears as the search result. Troubleshooting page will open.

6. Ikklikkja fuq Hardware and Sound option.

Click on Hardware and Sound option

7. Under Hardware and Sound, click on Configure a device option.

Under Hardware and Sound, click on Configure a device option

8. You will be prompted to find and enter the administrator password. Enter the password and then click on the confirmation.

9. The Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter window will open up.

The Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter window will open up.

10. Ikklikkja fuq il - Buttuna li jmiss that will be on the bottom of the screen to run the Hardware and Devices troubleshooter.

Click on Next button that will be on the bottom of the screen to run the Hardware and Devices troubleshooter.

11. The troubleshooter will start detecting issues. If issues are found on your system, then you will be prompted to fix the issues.

Method 3: Update your Device Driver

1. Istampa Windows Key + R u ttajpja “devmgmt.msc” imbagħad agħfas enter biex tiftaħ Device Manager.

maniġer tat-tagħmir devmgmt.msc

2. Now expand Kontrolluri tas-Serial Bus Universali.

3. Next right-click on the device which you earlier identified in Method 1 and select “Aġġorna s-Softwer tas-Sewwieq."

4 Agħżel "Fittex awtomatikament għal softwer aġġornat tas-sewwieq."

search automatically for updated driver software USB Mass Storage Device

5. Let the process finish and see if you’re able to fix the issue.

6. If not, then again repeat step 3. This time select “Fittex il-kompjuter tiegħi għal softwer tas-sewwieq."

7 Agħżel "Ippermettuli nieħu mil-lista tas-sewwieqa tal-apparat fuq il-kompjuter tiegħi."

search automatically for updated driver software USB Mass Storage Device

8. Sussegwentement, agħżel Apparat tal-Ħżin tal-Massa USB u kklikkja Li jmiss.

Nota: Make sure Show compatible hardware is checked.

USB Mass Storage Device install driver generic USB

9. Click close and also close the Device Manager.

10. Reboot to apply your changes and this may be able to Fix USB Device Not Working in Windows 10.

Method 4: Automatically diagnose and fix Windows USB problems

1. Navigate to this link u kklikkja fuq il-buttuna Niżżel.

2. When the page has finished loading, scroll down, and click Niżżel.

click download button for USB troubleshooter

3. Once the file is downloaded, double-click the file to open the Windows USB Troubleshooter.

4. Click next and let Windows USB Troubleshooter run.

Windows USB Troubleshooter

5. IF you have any attached devices then USB Troubleshooter will ask for confirmation to eject them.

6. Check the USB device connected to your PC and click Next.

7. If the problem is found, click on Applika din it-tiswija.

8. Ibda mill-ġdid il-PC tiegħek.

Method 5: Install the latest Intel device drivers.

1. Niżżel l-Intel Driver Update Utility.

2. Mexxi Driver Update Utility u kklikkja Li jmiss.

3. Aċċetta l-ftehim tal-liċenzja u kklikkja Installa.

taqbel mal-ftehim tal-liċenzja u kklikkja Installa

4. Wait for Intel Driver Update Utility to initialize and install all required programs and files.

5. After System Update has finished click Tnedija.

6. Issa agħżel Ibda skennja and when the driver scan is completed, click on Niżżel.

tniżżel l-aħħar sewwieq intel

7. All the Drivers will be downloaded to your default download directory mentioned in the bottom left.

8. Fl-aħħarnett, ikklikkja fuq Installa to install the latest Intel drivers for your PC.

9. When the driver installation is completed, reboot your computer.

Ara jekk intix kapaċi fix USB Device Not Working in Windows 10 issue, jekk le allura kompli bil-metodu li jmiss.

Method 6: Run Windows Disk Error Checking

1. Istampa Windows Key + R imbagħad ittajpja diskmgmt.msc u hit Enter.

Ittajpja diskmgmt.msc fil-ġirja u agħfas Ikteb

2. Next right-click on your USB drive u agħżel Proprjetajiet.

3. Issa mur fil- Tab tal-għodda inside properties.

4. Ikklikkja fuq Check-in Error Checking.

pen drive error checking disk management

5. When the USB Error Checking is completed, close everything, and Reboot.

Rakkomandat għalik:

That’s it,  you have successfully Fix USB Device Not Working in Windows 10 issue. I hope one of the above-listed methods has fixed your problem/issue successfully and if you still have any queries regarding this guide feel free to ask them in comments. And share this post with your family or friends to help them in dealing with USB errors.