Frar 24, 2022

X'inhuma r-Rekwiżiti tal-Laptop Valorant?

X'inhuma r-Rekwiżiti tal-Laptop Valorant

In recent years, FPS or first-person shooter games genre has gained huge popularity. Games like Call of Duty and Counter-Strike have been the backbone of the FPS genre and laid the foundation for various modern tactical FPS games you play today. One such FPS game which has grown tremendously over the past year in the eSports industry is Valorant. If you are new to the game, it is essential to know about Valorant laptop requirements, eligibility, Valorant size PC, availability, and Valorant PC download procedure. This article has compiled all the significant needs of the Valorant game. Scroll down and learn more about it.

X'inhuma r-Rekwiżiti tal-Laptop Valorant

X'inhuma r-Rekwiżiti tal-Laptop Valorant?

Valorant is a 5v5 tactical shooter, formula-based multiplayer first-person shooter (FPS) video game developed and released by Logħob irvellijiet. Amidst its release, Valorant has grown immensely, piling up with millions of users in a short period. Additionally, it caught hold of many gaming experts and officially switched from CS: GO and Fortnite to Valorant.

The Entertainment Software Rating Board or ESRB has made Valorant rating as T (Teen), which means anyone aged 13 or above can play the game. However, an age limit of 16 and above is set by Riot Games to open an account, download, and play the game. This limit is imposed because the Valorant game has violence, blood, and weapons that are not suitable for children under 16 years old.

Is Valorant Free?

Iva, Valorant is an FPS online tactical shooter game where you can download and play it for free. However, you need to pay for the in-game purchase of certain characters, skills, weapons, special abilities, and upgrades available in the Valorant game.

What are the Valorant Laptop Requirements to Download?

FPS is a pivotal factor of shooting games like Arma 3 or Valorant. They help you to fight against rivals in a fast and accurate manner and determine the chances of winning. Overall, the game says that high FPS increases performance. However, the game provides you with the minimum to maximum specifications required to make it accessible to all. Check out the Valorant laptop requirements and Valorant size PC given below and choose one as per your need.

Nota: For Windows 11, you need TPM 2.0 and UEFI Secure Boot.

Minimum System Requirements for Valorant (30 FPS)

The minimum spec created by Riot Games is intentional. It is to make the game available for all players. The minimum specifications given below only provide you with a playability experience but not a great performance level.

Nota: The Riot is not offering official technical help for the game installed in minimum spec.

Jirrikjedi proċessur bit-64-bit u sistema operattiva
Operating System Windows 7 / 8 / 10
Processor Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 (Intel), Athlon 200GE (AMD)
Memorja RAM 4 GB
Grafika Card Intel HD 4000, Radeon R5 200
Spazju għall-Ħżin Mill-inqas 10 GB

Ukoll Aqra: Kif tibdel l-Isem tas-Summoner tal-League Of Legends

Recommended System Requirements for Valorant (60 FPS)

Check out the recommended PC requirements given below by the Riot Games for Valorant 60 FPS.

Jirrikjedi proċessur bit-64-bit u sistema operattiva
Operating System Windows 7 / 8 / 10
Processor Intel i3-4150 (Intel), Ryzen 3 1200 (AMD)
Memorja RAM 4 GB
Grafika Card Geforce GT 730, Radeon R7 240
Spazju għall-Ħżin Mill-inqas 10 GB

Hi-End Specification System Requirements for Valorant (144+ FPS)

The hi-end specifications given below are the ideal Valorant laptop requirements to experience the game at 144+ FPS. Also, a high-quality monitor and good internet connection are essential factors to make it ideal. Pro players usually use these factors combined with the specs mentioned below to compete. While competing, these ideal specifications improve reaction time, spot the enemies easily, and increase the chances of winning.

Jirrikjedi proċessur bit-64-bit u sistema operattiva
Operating System Windows 7 / 8 / 10
Processor Intel i5-9400f 2.90GHz (Intel), Ryzen 5 2600X (AMD)
Memorja RAM 4 GB
Grafika Card GTX 1050 Ti, Radeon R7 370
Spazju għall-Ħżin Mill-inqas 10 GB

Ukoll Aqra: Waħħal Aċċess Invalidu għal Żball tal-Post tal-Memorja f'Valourant

What is the Valorant PC Size? 

The initial launcher of Valorant is the Riot Games, which takes less than 100 MB. This launcher can also be used to download other famous games available, like League of Legends. Overall, the download size of Valorant is roughly up to 22 GB, including the installer, anti-cheat, and Valorant game. Also, if Riot Games releases updates, it might take up more space than expected. Therefore, ensure you have enough storage in your hard drive.

How to Download Valorant on PC?

The Riot Games made Valorant game available only for Windows OS. Ensure you have met all Valorant laptop or PC requirements mentioned above to install the game. Then, implement the steps below to download Valorant on Windows PC.

1. Mur fil- Għożża paġna uffiċjali via any browser.

2. Agħżel il- Ilgħab b'xejn buttuna.

Select the Play free button. What are Valorant Laptop Requirements

3. ikklikkja MAKE ONE to create a Riot account.

Nota: If you have a Riot account, then click INSEMMI.

Click MAKE ONE to create a Riot account

4. Daħħal tiegħek Indirizz email.

Enter your Email address. What are Valorant Laptop Requirements

5. Issa, daħħal tiegħek Data tat-twelid u kklikkja fuq vleġġa hawn taħt.

enter your Birthdate and click on the arrow below

6. Then, click on the red download button to download the Valorant PC setup file.

click on the red Download button on the Download the Game page. What are Valorant Laptop Requirements

7. Imbagħad, ikklikkja l- Install VALORANT.exe fajl.

click the downloaded Riot Games launcher to run it. How to download Valorant PC

8. ikklikkja Iva ġol Utenti Kont Kontroll fil-pront.

9. Agħżel il- Għażla Avvanzata kif muri.

Select the Advanced Options. What are Valorant Laptop Requirements

10. Ġol Advanced Options ikklikkja fuq it-tieqa ikona tal-folder as highlighted to choose a destination location to save the game.

Click on the folder icon. How to download Valorant PC

11. Issa, innaviga lejn il- post mixtieq u kklikkja Ok biex isalva l- game installation address fuq il Installa Path. Then, select the Installa buttuna kif muri.

Select a desired location and click Install button. What are Valorant Laptop Requirements

12. Wait till the launcher and other applications involved with the game get installed completely.

Wait till the installation process to complete. How to download Valorant PC

13. Now, you need to Sinjal to your Riot Games account page with a username and password.

you need to Sign in to your Riot Games account page with a username and password. How to download Valorant PC

The game is successfully installed on your PC. Launch the game via your Desktop shortcut. Here, if you are logged in for the first time, the game provides you with a tutorial guide to learn all the basics, settings, and options available in Valorant. Once done with the tutorial sessions, start playing.

Mistoqsijiet Frekwenti (FAQs)

Q1. Can you play the Valorant game on a Mac?

Tweġiba. No, the Valorant game is not available for Mac. However, you can install Windows using Boot Camp on a Mac to play the Valorant. This is because Volarant uses anti-cheat software by Vanguard that works only via Boot Camp.

Q2. How to increase the FPS on Valorant?

Tweġiba. There are many ways to improve FPS performance on Valorant. They are game resolution adjustment, graphics optimization, turning off V-sync and anti-aliasing, reducing the visual quality to boost frame rate, closing background apps, updating game drivers, and disk cleaning. These ways can be done without spending money.

Q3. Is Valorant supported in Windows 11?

Tweġiba. Yes, you can play Valorant in Windows 11. But it is mandatory to have a Trusted Platform Module or TPM 2.0 and UEFI Secure Boot in your Windows 11 operating system.

Q4. Is Valorant available for a single-player story?

Tweġiba. No, so far, the game only provides a multiplayer experience.

Q5. How many characters are in the Valorant game?

Tweġiba. The character-based Valorant game has had eleven characters or agents until now. They are Jett, Raze, Skye, Brimstone, Phoenix, Sage, Sova, Viper, Cypher, Reyna, Killjoy, Breach, and Owen.


We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to learn about Valorant laptop requirements. Let us know if the guide was helpful. If you have any queries or suggestions, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.