Settembru 12, 2017

Windows Cannot Connect to the Printer [SOLVED]

Fix Windows Cannot Connect to the Printer: If you are connected to a local network which shares a printer, it may be possible you may receive the error message “Windows cannot connect to the printer. Operation failed with error 0x000000XX” while trying to add the shared printer to your computer using Add Printer feature. This issue occurs because, after the printer is installed, Windows 10 or Windows 7 incorrectly looks for the Mscms.dll file in a subfolder different than the windowssystem32 subfolder.

Fix Windows Cannot Connect to the Printer

Now there is alreadya Microsoft hotfix for this issue but it doesn’t seem to work for many users. So without wasting any time let’s see how to actually Fix Windows Cannot Connect to the Printer on Windows 10 with the below-listed troubleshooting guide.

Nota: Tista' tipprova l- Microsoft hotfix first, just in case if this work for you then you will save a lot of time.

Windows Cannot Connect to the Printer [SOLVED]

Kun żgur li toħloq punt ta 'restawr fil-każ li xi ħaġa tmur ħażin.

Method 1: Copy the mscms.dll

1.Navigate to the following folder: C: Sistema tal-Windows32

2.Find the mscms.dll in the above directory and right-click then select copy.

Right-click on mscms.dll and select Copy

3.Now paste the above file in the following location according to your PC architecture:

C:windowssystem32spooldriversx643 (For 64-bit)
C:windowssystem32spooldriversw32x863 (For 32-bit)

4.Reboot your PC to save changes and again try to connect to the remote printer again.

This should help you Fix Windows Cannot Connect to the Printer issue,  jekk le allura kompli.

Method 2: Create A New Local Port

1.Agħfas Windows Key + X imbagħad agħżel Pannell tal-Kontroll.

pannell tal-kontroll

2.Issa ikklikkja Hardware u Sound imbagħad ikklikkja fuq Apparat u stampaturi.

Ikklikkja Apparat u Printers taħt Ħardwer u Ħoss

3.Click Żid printer mill-menu ta 'fuq.

Żid printer minn apparati u printers

4.If you don’t see you printer listed click the link which says “The printer that I want isn’t listed."

Ikklikkja fuq L-istampatur li nixtieq mhux elenkat fil-qiegħ

5.From the next screen select “Żid printer lokali jew printer tan-netwerk b'settijiet manwali”U kklikkja Li jmiss.

Marka ta' kontroll Żid printer lokali jew printer tan-netwerk b'settings manwali u kklikkja Li jmiss

6. Agħżel Oħloq port ġdid and then from type of port drop-down select Port Lokali u mbagħad ikklikkja Li jmiss.

Select Create a new port and then from type of port drop-down select Local Port and then click Next

7.Type the printer’s address in Printers port name field in the following format:

IP address or the Computer NamePrinters Name

Per eżempju LaserJet Pro M1136

Type the printer’s address in Printers port name field and click OK

8.Now click OK and then click Next.

9.Follow on-screen instructions to finish the process.

Method 3: Restart Print Spooler Service

1.Agħfas Windows Key + R imbagħad ittajpja MSC u hit Enter.

twieqi tas-servizzi

2.Sib Servizz ta 'Stampa Spooler in the list and double-click on it.

3.Aċċerta ruħek li t-tip tal-Istartjar huwa ssettjat għal awtomatika and the service is running, then click on Stop and then again click on start in order to restart the service.

Kun żgur li t-tip tal-Istartjar huwa ssettjat għal Awtomatiku għal spooler tal-istampar

4.Ikklikkja Applika segwit minn OK.

5.After that, again try to add the printer and see if the you’re able to Fix Windows Cannot Connect to the Printer issue.

Method 4: Delete Incompatible Printer Drivers

1.Press Windows key + R then type ġestjoni tal-istampar.msc u hit Enter.

2.From the left pane, click All Drivers.

From the left pane, click All Drivers and then right-click on the printer driver and select Delete

3.Now in the right window pane, right-click on the printer driver and click Delete.

4.If you see more than one printer driver names, repeat the above steps.

5.Again try to add the printer and install its drivers. See if you are able to Fix Windows Cannot Connect to the Printer issue, jekk le allura kompli bil-metodu li jmiss.

Metodu 5: Reġistru Waħħal

1.First, you need to stop Printer Spooler service (Refer to method 3).

2.Agħfas Windows Key + R imbagħad ittajpja regedit u agħfas Enter biex tiftaħ Editur tar-Reġistru.

Mexxi kmand regedit

3.Naviga lejn iċ-ċavetta tar-reġistru li ġejja:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionPrintProvidersClient Side Rendering Print Provider

4.Issa ikklikkja fuq il-lemin Client Side Rendering Print Provider u agħżel Ħassar.

Right-click on Client Side Rendering Print Provider and select Delete

5.Now again start Printer Spooler service and reboot your PC to save changes.

Rakkomandat għalik:

Dak li għandek b'suċċess Fix Windows Cannot Connect to the Printer issue imma jekk għad għandek xi mistoqsijiet dwar dan l-artikolu allura tħossok liberu li tistaqsihom fit-taqsima tal-kumment.