Novembru 8, 2017

Windows Updates Error 0x8024401c Fix

If you are facing error code 0x8024401c while trying to update Windows 10, then you are at the right place as today we are going to discuss how to resolve this issue. Basically, you won’t be able to download or install any updates because of this error 0x8024401c. Windows updates are an essential part of your system to easily prevent your PC from vulnerabilities, leading to malware or virus, spyware, or adware installed on your system. Depending upon user’s system configuration, you could face the following error:

There were some problems installing updates, but we’ll try again later. If you keep seeing this and want to search the web or contact support for information, this may help: (0x8024401c)

Fix Windows Updates Error 0x8024401c

Now you could face this error message because of a number of reasons such as corrupt registry entries, corrupted system files, outdated or incompatible drivers, incomplete installation or uninstallation of a program etc. So without wasting any time let’s see how to actually Fix Windows Updates Error 0x8024401c with the help of below-listed steps.

Windows Updates Error 0x8024401c Fix

Kun żgur li toħloq punt ta 'restawr fil-każ li xi ħaġa tmur ħażin.

Metodu 1: Mexxi Windows Update Troubleshooter

1. Open control panel and search Troubleshooting in the Search Bar on the top right side and click on Troubleshooting.

Search Troubleshoot and click on Troubleshooting | Windows Updates Error 0x8024401c Fix

2. Sussegwentement, mit-tieqa tax-xellug, agħżel il-ħġieġa Ara kollox.

3. Imbagħad mil-lista Issolvi problemi tal-kompjuter agħżel Aġġornament tal-Windows.

Skrollja 'l isfel biex issib Windows Update u ikklikkja darbtejn fuqha

4. Segwi l-istruzzjonijiet fuq l-iskrin u ħalli l-Windows Update Troubleshoot jaħdem.

5. Ibda mill-ġdid il-PC tiegħek, u tista 'tkun kapaċi Fix Windows Updates Error 0x8024401c.

Metodu 2: Mexxi SFC u CHKDSK

1. Open Kmand Prompt. L-utent jista 'jwettaq dan il-pass billi jfittex "cmd" u imbagħad agħfas Enter.

Iftaħ il-Prompt tal-Kmand. L-utent jista 'jwettaq dan il-pass billi jfittex 'cmd' u mbagħad agħfas Enter.

2. Issa ittajpja dan li ġej fis-cmd u agħfas enter:

Sfc /scannow sfc /scannow /offbootdir=c: /offwindir=c:windows

SFC scan now command prompt | Windows Updates Error 0x8024401c Fix

3. Stenna li l-proċess ta 'hawn fuq jintemm u ladarba jsir, terġa' tibda l-PC tiegħek.

4. Sussegwentement, mexxi CHKDSK biex Waħħal Żbalji tas-Sistema tal-Fajl.

5. Ħalli l-proċess ta 'hawn fuq jitlesta u għal darb'oħra reboot PC tiegħek biex issalva l-bidliet.

Metodu 3: Mexxi DISM

1. Open Kmand Prompt. L-utent jista 'jwettaq dan il-pass billi jfittex "cmd" u imbagħad agħfas Enter.

2. Now type the following in the cmd and hit enter after each one:

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

DISM jirrestawra s-sistema tas-saħħa

3. Ħalli l-kmand DISM jaħdem u stenna li jispiċċa.

4. Jekk il-kmand ta 'hawn fuq ma jaħdimx, imbagħad ipprova hawn taħt:

Dism /Image:C:offline /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:c:testmountwindows Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:c:testmountwindows /LimitAccess

Nota: Ibdel is-C:RepairSourceWindows mas-sors tat-tiswija tiegħek (Installazzjoni tal-Windows jew Diska ta' Irkupru).

5. Reboot PC tiegħek biex issalva l-bidliet u ara jekk int kapaċi Fix Windows Updates Error 0x8024401c.

Metodu 4: Iddiżattiva IPv6

1. Ikklikkja bil-lemin fuq l-ikona tal-WiFi fuq it-trej tas-sistema u mbagħad ikklikkja fuq “Netwerk Miftuħ u Ċentru għall-Qsim."

Ikklikkja bil-lemin fuq l-ikona tal-WiFi fuq it-trej tas-sistema u mbagħad ikklikkja fuq Ikklikkja bil-lemin fuq l-ikona tal-WiFi fuq it-trej tas-sistema u mbagħad ikklikkja fuq l-issettjar tan-Netwerk u l-Internet Miftuħ

2. Issa ikklikkja fuq il-konnessjoni attwali tiegħek biex tiftaħ Settings.

Nota: Jekk ma tistax tikkonnettja man-netwerk tiegħek, imbagħad uża kejbil Ethernet biex tikkonnettja u mbagħad segwi dan il-pass.

3. Ikklikkja fuq il- Buttuna Proprjetajiet fit-tieqa li għadha kemm miftuħa.

wifi connection properties | Windows Updates Error 0x8024401c Fix

4. Kun żgur li neħħi l-marka tal-Protokoll tal-Internet Verżjoni 6 (TCP/IP).

neħħi l-marka tal-Protokoll tal-Internet Verżjoni 6 (TCP IPv6)

5. Ikklikkja OK, imbagħad ikklikkja Agħlaq. Reboot il-PC tiegħek biex issalva l-bidliet.

Metodu 5: Mexxi Sistema Restore

1. Press Windows Key + R and type system.cpl imbagħad agħfas jidħol.

proprjetajiet tas-sistema sysdm

2. Agħżel il- Protezzjoni tas-Sistema tab u agħżel Restore tas-Sistema.

restawr tas-sistema fil-proprjetajiet tas-sistema

3. Click Next and choose the desired Punt ta' Restore tas-Sistema.

restawr tas-sistema

4. Follow the on-screen instruction to complete system restore.

5. After reboot, you may be able to Fix Windows Updates Error 0x8024401c.

Metodu 6: Reġistru Waħħal

1. Agħfas Windows Key + R imbagħad ittajpja regedit u agħfas Enter biex tiftaħ Editur tar-Reġistru.

Run command regedit | Windows Updates Error 0x8024401c Fix

2. Innaviga lejn iċ-ċavetta tar-reġistru li ġejja:


change the value of UseWUServer to 0

3. Make sure to select AU than in the right window pane double click on UseWUServer DWORD.

Nota: If you can’t find the above DWORD then you need to create it manually. Right-click on AU then select Ġdid > Valur DWORD (32-bit).. Name this key as UżaWUServer u hit Enter.

4. Now, in the Value data field, enter 0 u kklikkja fuq OK.

change the value of UseWUServer to 0 | Windows Updates Error 0x8024401c Fix

5. Reboot PC tiegħek biex issalva l-bidliet.

Metodu 7: Uża Google DNS

You can use Google’s DNS instead of the default DNS set by your Internet Service Provider or the network adapter manufacturer. This will ensure that the DNS your browser is using has nothing to do with the YouTube video not loading. To do so,

1. Right-click fuq il network (LAN) icon fit - tarf tal - lemin tal - taskbar, u kklikkja fuq Iftaħ Network & Internet Settings.

Right-click on the Wi-Fi or Ethernet icon then select Open Network & Internet Settings

2. Ġol settings app that opens, click on Ibdel l-għażliet ta 'l-adapter fil-ħġieġa tal-lemin.

Click Change adapter options

3. Right-click on the network you want to configure, and click on Proprjetajiet.

Right-click on your Network Connection and then click on Properties

4. Ikklikkja fuq Protokoll tal-Internet Verżjoni 4 (IPv4) in the list and then click on Proprjetajiet.

Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCPIPv4) and again click on the Properties button

Ukoll Aqra: Fix Your DNS Server might be unavailable error

5. Under the General tab, choose ‘Uża l-indirizzi tas-server DNS li ġejjin’ and put the following DNS addresses.

Server DNS preferut:
Server DNS alternattiv:

use the following DNS server addresses in IPv4 settings | Windows Updates Error 0x8024401c Fix

6. Fl-aħħarnett, ikklikkja OK at the bottom of the window to save changes.

7. Reboot your PC and once the system restart, see if you’re able to Fix Windows Updates Error 0x8024401c.

Metodu 8: Wettaq Boot Nadif

Sometimes 3rd party software can conflict with Windows and can cause Windows Update error. To Fix Windows Updates Error 0x8024401c, you need to perform a clean boot on your PC and diagnose the issue step by step.

Taħt it-tab Ġenerali, ppermetti l-istartjar selettiv billi tikklikkja fuq il-buttuna tar-radju ħdejha


Dak li għandek b'suċċess Fix Windows Updates Error 0x8024401c imma jekk għad għandek xi mistoqsijiet dwar din il-gwida allura tħossok liberu li tistaqsihom fit-taqsima tal-kumment.