25 kwietnia 2019 r.

Fix Alt+Tab Not Working in Windows 10

How do you switch between different tabs on your device? The answer would be Alt + Tab. This shortcut key is the most used one. It made switching between open tabs on your system easy in Windows 10. However, there are some occasions when this function stops working. If you are experiencing this problem on your device, you need to find out the methods to Fix Alt+Tab Not Working in Windows 10. When it comes to finding out the causes of this problem, there are several reasons. However, we will focus on the methods to solve this problem.

Fix Alt+Tab Not Working in Windows 10

In this article, we are going to cover the following issues:

  • ALT+TAB doesn’t work: Alt + Tab shortcut key is very important to switch between the open program window, but users are reporting that sometime it doesn’t work.
  • Alt-Tab sometimes stops working: Another case where Alt + Tab doesn’t work sometimes means its a temporary issue that can be resolved by restarting Windows Explorer.
  • Alt + Tab does not Toggle: When you press Alt + Tab, nothing happens, which means it does not toggle to other program windows.
  • Alt-Tab disappears quickly: Another issue related to Alt-Tab keyboard shortcut. But this can also be resolved using our guide.
  • Alt-Tab not switching windows: Users are reporting that Alt+Tab shortcut doesn’t switch windows on their PC.

Fix Alt+Tab Not Working (Switch Between Programs Windows)

Pamiętaj, aby utworzyć punkt przywracania na wypadek, gdyby coś poszło nie tak.

Method 1: Change the Registry Values

1. Open Run command by pressing Windows + R.

2. Rodzaj regedit in the box and hit Enter.

Type regedit in the box and hit Enter | Fix Alt+Tab Not Working in Windows 10

3. Przejdź do następującej ścieżki:


4. Teraz poszukaj Ustawienia AltTab DWORD. If you do not find the one, you need to create the new one. You need to kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy na badacz klucz i wybierz Nowa wartość> Dword (32-bitowa). Now type the name Ustawienia AltTab i naciśnij Enter.

Right-click on the Explorer key and choose New then Dword (32-bit) Value

5. Now double click on the AltTabSettings and set its value to 1 następnie kliknij OK.

Change the Registry Values to Fix Alt+Tab Not Working

After completing all these steps, you may be able to Fix Alt+Tab Not Working in Windows 10 issue. However, if you still experience the same problem, you can implement the other method.

Metoda 2: Uruchom ponownie Eksploratora Windows

Here comes another method to get your Alt+Tab function working. It would help if you restarted your Windows Explorer which may solve your problem.

1. naciśnij Ctrl + Shift + Esc klucze razem, aby otworzyć Menedżer zadań.

2. Here you need to locate Windows Explorer.

3. Right-click on Windows Explorer and select Uruchom ponownie.

Right-click on Windows Explorer and select Restart | Fix Alt+Tab Not Working

After this Windows Explorer will restart and hopefully the problem will be solved. However, it would help if you kept in mind that this is a temporary solution; it means you have to repeat it repeatedly.

Method 3: Enable or Disable Hotkeys

Sometimes this error occurs just because the hotkeys are disabled. Sometimes malware or infected files can disable the hotkeys on your system. You can disable or enable the hotkeys using the below steps:

1. Naciśnij Windows + R i wpisz gpedit.msc i naciśnij Enter.

Naciśnij Klawisz Windows + R, następnie wpisz gpedit.msc i naciśnij Enter, aby otworzyć Edytor zasad grupy

2. You will see Group Policy Editor on your screen. Now you need to navigate to the following policy:

Konfiguracja użytkownika> Szablony administracyjne> Składniki systemu Windows> Eksplorator plików

Navigate to File Explorer in Group Policy Editor | Fix Alt+Tab Not Working in Windows 10

3. Select File Explorer than on the right pane, double-click on Turn off Windows Key hotkeys.

4. Now, under the Turn off Windows Key hotkeys configuration window, select Włączone opcje.

Double-click on Turn off Windows Key hotkeys & select Enabled | Fix Alt+Tab Not Working

5. Click Apply, followed by OK to save changes.

Teraz sprawdź, czy możesz Fix Alt+Tab Not Working in Windows 10 issue. If the problem is still there to haunt you, you can follow the same method, but this time you need to select the Niepełnosprawni opcja.

Method 4: Reinstall the Keyboard Driver

1. Open Run box by pressing Windows + R simultaneously.

2. Rodzaj devmgmt.msc i naciśnij Enter, aby otworzyć Menedżera urządzeń.

Menedżer urządzeń devmgmt.msc

3. Here, you need to locate klawiatura and expand this option. Kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy na klawiaturze i wybierz Odinstaluj.

Right-click on the keyboard and select Uninstall under Device Manager

4. Restart your system to apply the changes.

Upon restart, Windows will automatically download and install the latest keyboard drivers. If it does not install the driver automatically, you can download the driver from the keyboard manufacturer’s official website.

Method 5: Check your keyboard

You can also check whether your keyboard is functioning properly or not. You can remove the keyboard and connect other keyboards with your PC.

Spróbuj teraz Alt + Tab, if it is working, it means your keyboard is damaged. This means you need to replace your keyboard with a new one. But if the problem persists, you need to opt for other methods.

Method 6: Enable the Peek option

Many users solve their Alt + Tab not working issue by simply enabling Zerkać option in Advanced System Settings.

1. Naciśnij klawisz Windows + R, a następnie wpisz sysdm.cpl i naciśnij Enter, aby otworzyć Właściwości systemu.

system properties sysdm | Fix Alt+Tab Not Working in Windows 10

2. Przełącz na Zakładka Zaawansowane następnie kliknij Ustawienia w sekcji Wydajność.

Switch to Advanced tab then click on Settings under Performance

3. Here, you need to make sure that Enable Peek option is checked. If it is not, you need to check it.

Enable Peek option is checked under Performance Settings | Fix Alt+Tab Not Working

After completing this step, you need to check whether the problem is solved and Alt+ Tab function started working.


Hopefully, above mentioned all methods would help you to Fix Alt+Tab Not Working in Windows 10. However, in case you want to connect and get more solutions, comment below. Please follow the steps systematically to avoid any problem on your PC.