6 de Setembro de 2022

Fix OBS Error Failed to Connect to Server

Fix OBS Error Failed to Connect to Server

Open Broadcaster Software, or OBS, is an open-source software meant for live streaming and video recording. This free software is plausibly one of the most popular streaming encoders. Supported by a community of developers, OBS is available for Windows, macOS, BSD, and Linux. The program is also often used by gamers to share screen captures for the purpose of tutorials or video presentations. OBS provides a variety of audio and video sources to make the final output creative. While using OBS on their respective systems, users have reported encountering OBS error failed to connect to server. The issue is usually seen to occur while streaming through the OBS application. If you are someone facing the same issue then we have brought you a perfect guide that will help you fix this problem with some easy and effective methods. But before diving into the fixes straight away, let us explore the reasons that lead to the connection issue.

Fix OBS Error Failed to Connect to Server

How to Fix OBS Error Failed to Connect to Server in Windows 10

OBS connection issues with the server are usually prompted while streaming through the app. A couple of reasons can trigger this issue which are listed below:

  • Problemas de conexão com a Internet.
  • Streaming server issues.
  • Outdated installation of OBS.
  • Software de sistema desatualizado.
  • Wrong configuration of Bind IP or MTU.
  • OBS access blocked by Firewall.
  • Greater MTU size.
  • Corrupt router settings.

Before starting with the methods to fix connection to server issue in OBS, make sure that the streaming servers are up. Also, check your internet connectivity and stabilize it if it is weak or there is no connection. In addition to this, you can also try a simple reboot of the system to resolve the issue. If these convenient fixes don’t work then move on to the list of methods in the order they are mentioned below:

Method 1: Change Streaming Server

If the server is unavailable or down, OBS error failed to connect to server error is prompted. Therefore, the first method involves checking the streaming server and then changing the streaming server to a different location to resolve the issue.

Note: Use a port scanner to check if the server port is open before starting with the steps given below.

1. Abrir OBS aplicativo, selecione o Envie o tab at the top, and launch Configurações na mesma.

Iniciar configurações

2. Agora, clique no Corrente aba.

Click on Stream. Fix OBS Error Failed to Connect to Server

3. Next, click on the tab beside servidor para expandir o menu suspenso.

Click on tab beside Server

4. Agora, selecione um servidor diferente e Aplique as mudanças.

5. Finalmente, relaunch the OBS app when the steps are performed and check if the server issue has been resolved.

Method 2: Enable Dynamic Bitrate

The next method that comes to the rescue if you are still facing connection issues with the server in OBS is to enable dynamic bitrate in OBS. Facing frames dropout through the streaming process can be resolved by activating dynamic bitrate in Advanced Settings in OBS. Look at the steps given below for more details about this fix:

Note: Dynamic Bitrate option is only available for OBS version 24 and above.

1. Inicie o aplicação OBS on your system, select the Envie o tab, and open Configurações na mesma.

Launch Settings. Fix OBS Error Failed to Connect to Server

2. Agora, selecione o Avançado aba.

Select Advanced. Fix OBS Error Failed to Connect to Server

3. Next, in the Network section, select the option of Dynamically change bitrate to manage congestion (Beta).

Select Dynamically change bitrate to manage congestion

4. agora aplicar as alterações made and launch OBS application again to check if the connection issue is resolved.

Leia também: Como consertar o OBS que não captura o áudio do jogo

Method 3: Create and Re-Enter New Stream Key

Due to an issue between OBS application and the streaming service, be it a glitch or a flaw, OBS not connecting to server issue can be triggered. If this is the case with you, then try creating a new stream key and then re-enter it. Follow the instructions given below to create a new stream key:

Note: The streaming service used here is Facebook, você também pode usar YouTube.

1. Inicie qualquer navegador web e abra o seu Facebook account in it.

Open your Facebook account

2. Clique no ícone Vídeo ao vivo opção na página inicial.

Click on Live video. Fix OBS Error Failed to Connect to Server

3. Agora, clique em Software de streaming.

Click on Streaming software

4. Em seguida, clique em Limpar to create a new stream key.

Clique em Reset

5. Now, copy the Stream key e lançar o aplicação OBS.

6. In it, launch Configurações e abra o Corrente aba.

Open Stream tab. Fix OBS Error Failed to Connect to Server

7. Paste the copied key from Facebook to the Chave de fluxo option in it and Aplicar as mudanças.

Paste the copied key to Stream key

After performing the steps, close OBS and launch it again to check if the connection server issue is resolved.

Method 4: Update OBS Application

OBS is failed to connect to server error can also be triggered if the OBS application on your system is outdated. This can prompt incompatibility issues and therefore it is important to update OBS to the most recent build, use the steps below for it:

1. Lançamento OBS on your desktop and click on the Ajuda opção como mostrado.

Click on Help. Fix OBS Error Failed to Connect to Server

2. Agora, selecione Verifique Para atualizações No menu suspenso.

Selecione Verificar atualizações

3. Se uma atualização estiver disponível, Instale e então reinicialização your device to launch OBS free from connection issue.

Leia também: Corrigir computadores que não aparecem na rede no Windows 10

Method 5: Edit Bind IP Option

Another fix that can help you with OBS error failed to connect to server is editing the Bind IP option present in Advanced OBS settings. Altering Bind to IP to default or other option available helps in resolving the connection error. Try the steps given below to edit it:

1. Lançamento OBS program e clique em Envie o para abrir Configurações.

Iniciar configurações

2. Now, in it, click on Avançado.

Select Advanced. Fix OBS Error Failed to Connect to Server

3. Em seguida, role para baixo até o Network section and expand the drop-down menu of Vincular ao IP.

Expand menu of Bind to IP

4. Defina-o para Padrão, in case it is already on Default then select network connection name with the IP address.

Select network connection name with the IP address. Fix OBS Error Failed to Connect to Server

5. Uma vez feito isso, aplicar as alterações and check whether OBS is able to connect to the server now.

Método 6: Atualizar o Windows

If there is no update available for OBS application on your device or even after an update you are still experiencing OBS error, then you must check an update for your system. Incompatibility issues of the outdated OS with the updated version of OBS program can be a cause for this problem, so try to install a fresh update for your system with the help of our guide How to Download and Install Windows 10 Latest Update.

Windows Update

Leia também: Como redefinir as configurações de rede no Windows 10

Method 7: Allow OBS Through Firewall

The next method that is extremely useful when it comes to an application unable to connect to the server, similar to this case, is to check if the Firewall, a pre-installed security software of a system, is blocking the application. If it is a possibility in your case then you must allow OBS through Firewall in your system to resolve OBS not connecting to server. You can also check our guide Allow or Block Apps through the Windows Firewall to implement the method.

Allow OBS Through Firewall

Method 8: Lower MTU Size

Maximum Transmission Unit, also known as, MTU, is used by OBS to set the maximum size of the network packet. The streaming server used for OBS can drop the packets that are sent by a client that are actually much greater in size than the configured MTU. If this happens, OBS is failed to connect to server issue can arise. In such a situation, lowering the MTU can be of help. You can lower its size using the steps below:

1. No Barra de pesquisa do Windows, entrar Powershell, e clique em Executar como Administrador.

Click on Run as Administrator

2. Digite o seguinte comando e acertar o Tecla Enter.

netsh int ipv4 mostrar subinterface

Enter netsh int ipv4 show subinterface command. Fix OBS Error Failed to Connect to Server

3. Em seguida, verifique o nome da rede no interface column and execute the given comando.

netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface <subinterface name> mtu=1400 store=persistent

execute netsh interface ipv4 set command

4. Agora, execute o seguinte comando again to check if the Tamanho PESSOA mudou.

netsh int ipv4 mostrar subinterface

Enter netsh int ipv4 show subinterface

5. Finalmente, reinicialização o PC and check if the connection issue in OBS is now settled.

Leia também: Corrigir formato de recurso Twitch não suportado

Método 9: redefinir o roteador

If none of the above-mentioned methods have helped you till now, the last possible reason can be corrupt router settings resulting in OBS error failed to connect to server. In this case, reset the router to factory default settings. This can be done simply by pressing the reset button that is present at the backside of the router or through the web portal for which steps are given below:

Note: Resetting the router will reset all of the device settings.

1. Abra seu navegador e digite ou em sua barra de endereço.

2. Agora, digite seu Credenciais e clique em Entrar.

Click on Login. Fix OBS Error Failed to Connect to Server

3. Next in Configurações, selecione Limpar, e então abra Diagnóstico.

4. Agora, no Manutenção guia, clique em Restaurar definições originais.

Click on Restore Default Settings

Once the process is complete, the router will restart on its own.


We hope that this doc could help you to fix OBS error failed to connect to server with the 9 best methods possible. If you have any queries or suggestions then feel free to drop them in the comments section present below.