15 de agosto de 2022

Why is Firefox Down? – TechCult

After Google Chrome, Safari, and Edge, one browser which is oddly popular enough is Mozilla Firefox. It is known for its open-source platform and security. Users that are concerned about their data and browsing activities use Firefox. In exchange for providing free service, Google Chrome and most of the other browsers collect a considerable amount of data for advertisements. However, in the case of Firefox, it collects some data to improve the browsing experience, which is optional and can be turned off but nothing in our world is perfect or error-free. It’s annoying when you can’t load a site on Firefox. If you are also dealing with the same problem and questioning why is Firefox down, you are at the right place. We bring you the perfect guide that will help you fix Mozilla Firefox problem loading page and error code SSL error weak server ephemeral dh key issues.

Why is Firefox Down

Why is Firefox Down? And, How to Fix Mozilla Firefox Problem Loading Page

Below listed are the reasons which lead to the following issue:

  • Cache do navegador
  • Conectividade de rede
  • Conflicting add-ons or extensions

We have listed all the possible troubleshooting methods to fix the issue below.

Método 1: reinicie o PC

This method is well known and practised by all. If we encounter a difficulty, we immediately restart the application or the system. So, restart your machine and see if the Mozilla Firefox problem loading page has been fixed. If not, let’s try another method.

select Restart option from the drop down menu and hit Enter key. How to Fix Mozilla Firefox Problem Loading Page

Método 2: atualizar o Firefox

It is recommended that you always keep the automatic update option enabled so that if there is a security mistake or bugs, the developers can quickly fix it and release a new update. To enable the automatic update feature, do the following:

1. Open Firefox, then click on the Ícone de hambúrguer or três linhas no canto superior direito.

2. Em seguida, vá para Configurações.

clique na opção Configurações

3. In the General tab, scroll down and go to the Atualizações do Firefox seção.

4. Em seguida, clique em Restart to Update Firefox e ative o Automatically install updates opção clicando sobre ela.

click on restart to update firefox and also turin on automatically install updates option by clicking on it. How to Fix Mozilla Firefox Problem Loading Page

Leia também: Corrigir nenhum som no Firefox no Windows 10

Método 3: atualize o Firefox

Like we refresh the webpage when we face any difficulty browsing it, or when the site freezes. Similarly, there is a refresh option too for the whole Firefox browser. The refresh option will reset all the Firefox settings back to their default state and can fix Mozilla Firefox problem loading page error.

Note: This method won’t affect your browsing history, bookmarks, cookies, or saved passwords. Themes and extensions, along with any customizations, will be erased. Before the refresh process, Firefox will gather all your old data and place it in a folder titled Dados antigos do Firefox.

1. Open Firefox, then click on the Ícone de hambúrguer or três linhas no canto superior direito.

2. Clique em Ajuda.

Clique no botão Abrir menu do aplicativo e clique na opção Ajuda na lista exibida

3. Em seguida, clique em Troubleshoot Mode.

Click on the Troubleshoot Mode… in the Firefox help window. How to Fix Mozilla Firefox Problem Loading Page

4. Agora, clique em Reiniciar.

clique em reiniciar

5. Em seguida, clique em Reiniciar Firefox como mostrado.

Clique no botão Atualizar Firefox na janela de confirmação Abrir o Firefox no modo de solução de problemas

6. In the prompt that appears click on Reiniciar Firefox mais uma vez.

click on refresh firefox again. Why is Firefox down

7. Por fim, clique no Acabamento botão no Importação concluída janela para atualizar o Firefox completamente.

Click on the Finish button on the Import Complete window

Leia também: Corrigir o Firefox já está em execução

Método 4: reinicie o Firefox no modo de solução de problemas

The troubleshooting mode has limited functionality and disables extensions, themes, and hardware acceleration, including a few other settings. If you see the error message error code SSL error weak server ephemeral DH key in troubleshooting mode, then the cause of the problem lies among one of the disabled items. To activate troubleshoot mode, follow these steps:

1. Open Firefox and click on the Hamburger icon ou ícone de três linhas no canto superior direito.

2. Clique em Ajuda.

Clique no botão Abrir menu do aplicativo e clique na opção Ajuda na lista exibida

3. Em seguida, clique em Troubleshoot Mode.

Click on the Troubleshoot Mode… in the Firefox help window. How to Fix Mozilla Firefox Problem Loading Page

4. Clique em Reiniciar.

clique em reiniciar

5. Em seguida, clique em Abra.

click on open. Why is Firefox down

Check if the error is occurring in the troubleshoot mode. If the error is not resolved move ahead to the next method. If the error is solved, it means that the error lies either in a theme, extension, or hardware acceleration. Follow the instructions listed below to disable theme, extension, and hardware acceleration.

6. Close the browser normally and launch the browser again.

7. Switch to the default theme by pressing Ctrl + Shift + A keys together, go to the Temas seção, selecione Tema do sistema, e clique em permitir.

enable system theme in firefox themes menu. How to Fix Mozilla Firefox Problem Loading Page

8. Mude para o Extensões section on the same page and desabiltar all the extensions by toggling off the highlighted switch.

on the same page go to extensions section and disable any doubtful extension

9. Lastly, go to Configurações E desmarque Use as configurações de desempenho recomendadas, then also uncheck the Use aceleração de hardware quando disponível opção.

uncheck the option of use recommeded performance settings and use hardware acceleration when available. How to Fix Mozilla Firefox Problem Loading Page

Method 5: Remove Browser & Cache

Cache and cookies are small bits of information stored on your device, which makes browsing easier by storing your preferences for faster data delivery and loading the website quickly. Clearing the cookies and cache could also help resolve the Mozilla Firefox loading page error. Follow these steps:

1. Open Firefox and click on the Ícone de hambúrguer or três linhas no canto superior direito.

2. Em seguida, clique em Configurações.

clique na opção Configurações

3. Vamos para Privacidade e Segurança aba.

4. Scroll down to Cookies and Site Data and click on Apagar os dados.

click on the Clear Data button in the Cookies and Site Data section

5. Click on the checkbox of both Cookies e dados do site e Conteúdo da Web em cache e clique em Limpar.

check the options of cookies and cached web content and click on clear

6. Finalmente, clique em Limpe Agora para confirmar.

click on clear now to delete the cookies and cache

Leia também: Corrigir erro de servidor não encontrado no Firefox

Method 6: Set Insecure Fallback Host Substitute

Using this method, we will navigate to Firefox’s hidden menu and set the security.tls.insecure fallback host to the specific site that cannot be loaded, while also displaying the error message of error code ssl error weak server ephemeral dh key.

Note: Methods No. 7 & 8 could be risky and usually not recommended by Firefox. This may downgrade your security/encryption level. Kindly set it to default after your work is done.

1. Open Firefox, type about: config in the address bar, and hit the Entrar chave.

type about config into the firefox address bar. Why is Firefox down

2. Clique no ícone Aceite o risco e continue botão.

click on accept the risk and continue. How to Fix Mozilla Firefox Problem Loading Page

3. Copy and paste the following texto in the search box and click on the Pencil icon.


type security.tls.insecure fallback host in firefox address bar

4. Then, paste the website link in the dialogue box in which you are facing the error, for example, Buzzfeed e clique no right-tick icon.

enter the website link into the dialog box and click on right tick icon. How to Fix Mozilla Firefox Problem Loading Page

5. Finalmente, reinicie o seu navegador.

Leia também: Corrija o erro de sua conexão não segura no Firefox

Method 7: Change SSL3 Settings

Follow the given steps to change SSL3 settings.

1. Open Mozilla Firefox, type about: config na barra de endereço e pressione o botão Entrar chave.

type about config into the firefox address bar. Why is Firefox down

2. Clique no ícone Aceite o risco e continue botão.

click on accept the risk and continue. How to Fix Mozilla Firefox Problem Loading Page

3. Copy and paste the following texto in the search box and click on the Toggle icon to change the value from verdade para falso.


paste security.ssl3.dhe rsa aes 128 sha in the search dialog box and click on toggle icon to change the value to false

4. Then paste the following texto into the search box and similarly change it to falso if set to true by clicking on the Toggle icon.


paste security.ssl3.dhe rsa aes 256 sha in the search dialog box and click on toggle icon to change the value to false

5. Finalmente, reinicie o navegador.

Método 8: reinstalar o Firefox

If you are still facing the error message of error code SSL error weak server ephemeral dh key, then try reinstalling Firefox with fresh settings.

1. aperte o Tecla do Windows, Tipo painel de controle e clique em Abra.

open Control Panel. How to Fix Mozilla Firefox Problem Loading Page

2. Definir Ver por > Categoriae, em seguida, clique no Desinstalar um programa opção no Programas seção.

click on the option Uninstall a program in the Programs category. How to Fix Mozilla Firefox Problem Loading Page

3. Selecione a Mozilla Firefox (x64 en-US) na lista, clique no Desinstalar botão na parte superior da barra e clique no botão Sim botão na janela do UAC.

Select the Mozilla Firefox and click on the Uninstall button

4. Em seguida, clique no Próximo botão no Desinstalar Mozilla Firefox assistente.

Click on the Next button in the Mozilla Firefox Uninstall window. How to Fix Mozilla Firefox Problem Loading Page

5. Em seguida, clique no Desinstalar botão na próxima janela.

Click on the Uninstall button on the next window. Why is Firefox down

6. Clique no ícone Acabamento botão na última janela para desinstalar completamente o aplicativo Firefox.

Click on the Finish button on the last window. How to Fix Mozilla Firefox Problem Loading Page

7. aperte o Janelas + E chaves juntos para abrir o Explorador de Arquivos e navegar até o Este PC > Disco Local (C:) > Arquivos de Programas > Mozilla Firefox pasta.

vá para o caminho de localização da pasta mozilla firefox

8. Clique com o botão direito do mouse no Mozilla Firefox pasta e clique no botão Apagar opção na lista para excluir os arquivos.

click on the Delete option. Why is Firefox down

9. agora reinicie o computador.

10. Em seguida, aperte o Tecla do Windows, Tipo Google Chrome e clique em Abra.

Observação: Você pode usar qualquer navegador da web para baixar o navegador Firefox em seu PC.

open Google Chrome. How to Fix Mozilla Firefox Problem Loading Page

11. Abra o site oficial do Navegador Mozilla Firefox no Google Chrome e clique no Baixe Firefox botão na janela.

click on the Download Firefox button on the window. How to Fix Mozilla Firefox Problem Loading Page

12. Clique duas vezes no arquivo executável baixado Instalador do Firefox.exe para executar o arquivo de instalação.

run the installation file. Why is Firefox down

13. Aguarde a conclusão do processo de instalação.

Aguarde a conclusão do processo de instalação na janela do Firefox Installer

14. Inicie o Firefox Aplicativo de navegador da Web em seu PC.

open Firefox. How to Fix Mozilla Firefox Problem Loading Page


We hope that this guide was helpful and that you were able to fix Mozilla Firefox problem loading page error & were able to figure out methods regarding why is Firefox down. Deixe-nos saber qual método funcionou melhor para você. Se você tiver alguma dúvida ou sugestão, sinta-se à vontade para deixá-la na seção de comentários abaixo.